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FSX > Utilities > Page 11
0.01Mb (996 downloads)
For B738 only. This is a calculator and checklist in one xls spreadsheet. Fuel, all velocities, times, weights, distances etc will be calculated with only a few required inputs.
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:19 by Michiel Odendaal
Flight Radar
4.98Mb (4258 downloads)
Flight Radar allows you to see what's happening on Mikedelta skies in real time.
Posted Jun 5, 2013 13:47 by Mario Dantas
Info for Passengers
Info for Passengers
7.27Mb (3338 downloads)
As a passenger you see sometimes a screen with basic information like plane altitude, speed and outside temp, then sudenly, you also see a map showing the flight position, this piece of software is intended to run on a second monitor, for your passengers of course. For individuals or cockpit builders put this piece of sofware into your FSX cockpit.
Posted May 5, 2013 01:25 by Mario Dantas
EditVoicepack X 4.0 ATC Editor
EditVoicepack X 4.0 ATC Editor
2.84Mb (8176 downloads)
EditVoicepack X offers a simple interface to edit the file containing the ATC communication used in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Allows editing the ATC communication in FSX. It is possible to change the phraseology as well as add airline callsigns, airports, and aircraft types. It already contains thousands of ready made entries; and is able to download new entries from a central server. It also allows you to accelerate the existing voices for a more realistic experience and better handling of traffic dense environments. By Lars Moellebjerg
Posted Mar 28, 2013 04:21 by up
FSX Aircraft Editor v1.0.2
1.28Mb (4619 downloads)
FSX Aircraft Editor v1.0.2 A program to allow users to calculate inertia and jet inlet values and save them to the aircrafts aircraft.cfg file by simply entering the aircrafts basic dimensions. This is the full program and has many bug fixes and improved instructions over original aircrafteditorv1.zip. By Mark Bradshaw.
Posted Jan 25, 2013 18:48 by uploader
FSX2BMAP Bing Maps Utility v1.5
0.67Mb (7064 downloads)
FSX2BMAP version 1.5 is FSX and FS2004 utility. This program shows a your aircraft position on BingMaps. And more flight plan and AI traffic (planes & ships(FSX only)) also is shown. LAN mode was added. You can show your plane and AI on another PC.
Posted Jan 11, 2013 07:06 by Koji Tsubakimoto
Saitek x52 Compound Button Code Generator FSUIPC
0.04Mb (3543 downloads)
If you own a Saitek x52 Joystick (it may work on the x52 Pro, but it is untested) and want to utilize the Mode Selector in FSUIPC without having to map every function in the SST software, this spreadsheet should create the lines of code necessary for the FSUIPC.cfg file. Instructions are on the first sheet and improvements are encouraged. Thanks for the idea from user Tregarth on the Mutley's hanger forums and this post http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/5371-saitek-x52-joystick-and-fsuipc/
Posted Jan 4, 2013 11:02 by Justin Browning
Prepar3D and FSX Simlauncher
6.17Mb (3576 downloads)
This application can be used as a launcher application for both FSX and Prepar3D. Flights can be loaded before launching the simulator or when the simulator is already running. New flight files can be created by selecting one of the installed aircraft, selecting the start location (runway or parking position), selecting the type of weather and the time of day.
Posted Dec 29, 2012 09:05 by uploader
FSXCFG Tool v1.05 For Flight Simulator X
2.06Mb (2885 downloads)
FSX Utility - FSXCFG Tool v1.05 For Flight Simulator X A utility to allow the editing your FSX.CFG file. Gives the user full editing suite with a full audit trial to allow the user to view and restore previous settings. Bulk import settings easily, options to remove old gauges and module references and to backup CFG. Full documentation included. By Mark Bradshaw
Posted Nov 21, 2012 15:33 by uploader
FS2004/FSX RealEngine v1.4 Aircraft Limitations
1.83Mb (2490 downloads)
RealEngine v1.4 fails systems and engines of piston aircraft if operating limitations are exceeded. Limitations modeled: MP / RPM / power, CHT, Oil Temp, Oil Press, Lean/Rich roughness, Spark Plug Fouling, Gear/Flaps Overspeed. Added vs v1.1/1.2: Easier configuration, realistic CHT Model, Mini Status Panel. Can be fully configured for individual aircraft. By Gunter Teson1.
Posted Oct 1, 2012 16:06 by Gunter teson1