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FSX > Vintage > Page 107
North American Harvard Mk.4 GAF (Bundeswehr)
North American Harvard Mk.4 GAF (Bundeswehr)
11.08Mb (2223 downloads)
North American Harvard Mk.4 German Air Force (Bundeswehr), now flyable in FSX Acceleration. All credits are for the original authors. Acceptable 2D-panel & VC (all gauges included). Original sounds. Enjoy!
Posted Jun 6, 2013 17:05 by erik hertzberger
Boeing B-47E Stratofortress
Boeing B-47E Stratofortress
83.19Mb (5110 downloads)
FS2002 Boeing B-47E Stratofortress, now flyable in FSX Acceleration. All credits are for the original authors. Full working 2D-panel (all gauges included), an illusion of a VC. Three liveries: USAF-SAC, NASA-Weather and Royal Canadian Air Force. Enjoy!
Posted Jun 6, 2013 15:32 by erik hertzberger
FSX Dambuster 70th Anniversary PA474 Flypast
FSX Dambuster 70th Anniversary PA474 Flypast
58.90Mb (1889 downloads)
This PART3 of the Project was originally prepared for uploading with Part2 but we were unsure of what paint scheme might be used for the real BBMF Lancaster flypast. Koos van Menen of the Netherlands has produced the "Thumper Mk.III" paint scheme and thus it makes it possible to upload this Part. Three paints are provided for the Plane-Design BBMF PA474 Mk 1 Lancaster fitted with Merlin 24's and covering the years 2000-2013. The 2000 paint is by PD and the 2007 paint by UKMIL. As with the other two parts they are fully converted/flyable FS9 to FSX PD Lancasters by Ross McLennan. A version is also supplied for just the VC/BA view. Full aircraft are provided to fly in WVA. This is not a Dambuster aircraft and only needs to be flown at an altitude of 1000 ft over the Derwent Dams. A new scenery package is provided to ensure PA474 lands at Scampton and parks with the 5 Dambuster Ai Lancasters that survived the raid. PARTS 1 & 2 MUST BE INSTALLED and active for the two additional saved flights to work (just search "dambuster" in all FSX files). Koos has provided the paint in a form that makes it suitable for use with the payware FS9 aircraft. FS9 payware simmers should just follow the instructions in the readme_FIRST.txt file to activate PA474 as Thumper Mk.III and FLY. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 5, 2013 21:14 by Ross McLennan
Lockheed L-1049 Intercontinental Textures
3.91Mb (486 downloads)
FS9/FSX Lockheed L-1049E Intercontinental Airlines textures for the L1049 Constellation by Manfred Jahn. Textures by Gary Harper.
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required file
Posted Jun 2, 2013 23:38 by Gary Harper
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil updated package
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil updated package
56.73Mb (2970 downloads)
I updated the JS-Design Do-335 A2 and Kazunori Ito's Dornier Do-335 A12/Night Fighter by adding Jacques Alluchon's Panel for the Do-335, Aaron R. Swindle's Improved P-51 sound set, and texture thumbnails. I also included the Tom Wood/Simtech Do-335 V13 with Aaron R. Swindle's Improved P-51 sound set, and texture thumbnail. The A2 has no VC, the A12 has a non-working VC, and the V13 has a working VC.
Posted May 27, 2013 23:18 by Michael E. Roberts
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Texas ANG Textures
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Texas ANG Textures
3.38Mb (774 downloads)
Textures only for A.F. Scrub's Mustang P-51H. Aircraft not included; requires the Mustang-P51H.ZIP file. This is painted as an H-model flown by the Texas Air National Guard in the late 1940's. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 27, 2013 20:48 by R.E. Wyman
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Louisiana Heatwave Textures
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Louisiana Heatwave Textures
3.41Mb (542 downloads)
Textures only for A.F. Scrub's Mustang P-51H. Aircraft not included; requires the Mustang-P51H.ZIP file. This is painted as an H-model flown by Captain Claude Crenshaw in the late 1940's. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 27, 2013 20:46 by R.E. Wyman
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Bolling Field Textures
FS2004/FSX Mustang P-51H Bolling Field Textures
3.36Mb (699 downloads)
Textures only for A.F. Scrub's Mustang P-51H. Aircraft not included; requires the Mustang-P51H.ZIP file. This is painted as an H-model based at Bolling Field, Washington DC in the late 1940's. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 27, 2013 20:43 by R.E. Wyman
Polikarpov U-2(Po-2) Late Series
Polikarpov U-2(Po-2) Late Series
40.26Mb (5493 downloads)
Polikarpov U-2(Po-2) late series package. The Polikarpov Po-2 served as a general-purpose Soviet biplane, nicknamed Kukuruznik, NATO reporting name "Mule". It was popular for flight training. Comes with VC. High rpm and max.rpm external sounds based on files from Po-2 by Igor Goncharov & Alexander Belov with autor's permission. Model & textures by SWingman.
Posted May 27, 2013 20:34 by uploader
Pitcairn PCA-2 Autogiro
Pitcairn PCA-2 Autogiro
22.47Mb (2474 downloads)
Pitcairn PCA-2 Autogiro, now updated for FSX Acceleration. 2 Models & 10 liveries. Full working VC, all necessary gauges included. All credits are for David Wooster for his great model. Enjoy!
Posted May 27, 2013 16:19 by erik hertzberger