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FSX > Vintage > Page 36
Panel Update for the P-61 Northrop Black Widwow
Panel Update for the P-61 Northrop Black Widwow
5.34Mb (1025 downloads)
This is a panel update for the Northrop P-61 Black Widow by Dean Crawford. It features a completely new instrument configuration with all new gauges including a new radar and better popup windows. It also features a photoreal 2D panel by Erwin welker. The new outstanding repaints by Andre Ludick have been my motivation for designing this panel update. Required files...... Easy installation. All panel updates by Michael Pook.
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Posted Sep 9, 2018 13:17 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D Northrop P-61C Black Widow 8 Textures set
FSX/P3D Northrop P-61C Black Widow 8 Textures set
35.66Mb (747 downloads)
These are extra texture sets, including a single replacement texture for the P-61 Black Widow offering from Dean Crawford. Stencilling applications/corrections where also made where necessary. Moonlight Serenade's textures were improved in total and must be replaced as such. The rest are all new texture sets. Please refer to all Read Me files for appropriate credits given.
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Posted Sep 8, 2018 04:33 by Andre Ludick
FSX Bristol Beaufighter MkX, RAF Coastal Command Textures
FSX Bristol Beaufighter MkX, RAF Coastal Command Textures
2.85Mb (463 downloads)
This is textures for the Dave Garwood Bristol Beaufighter MkX # NE764 of 144 Squadron, RAF Costal Command, 1944-45. Please refer to all Read Me files for appropriate credits given.
Download here (external link - please report if broken)
Posted Sep 8, 2018 04:28 by Andre Ludick
FSX/P3D C-47 U. S. Army Golden Knights textures
FSX/P3D C-47 U. S. Army Golden Knights textures
42.17Mb (341 downloads)
FSX/P3D U.S. Army Golden Knights C-47 textures. Golden Knights textures by Gary Harper for C-47 v.3 by Manfred Jahn and team.
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Posted Sep 1, 2018 02:44 by Gary Harper
FSX/P3D (V.3) Rogozarski IK-3 updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Rogozarski IK-3 updated
11.32Mb (864 downloads)
The Rogozarski K-3 was a 1930s Yugoslav monoplane single-seat WWII fighter. Unlike the famous P51, Me-109 or Spitfire this plane is pretty much unknown nowadays. Nevertheless, this update should be looked upon as a tribute to the K-3. The package features new and more realistic panels and gauges, although the gauges are not authentic Yugoslav as there are none available for the simulator. Also, the flight dynamics have been improved considerably. This was originally a CFS2 model, made flyable for FSX by Erik Hertzberger, original CFS2 model by William Dickens and his team, added camera views by Erwin Welker. New panels and FDE improvements as well as smoke and nav lights by Michael Pook. FSX/P3D up to v3 (not v4)
Posted Aug 29, 2018 10:18 by Michael Pook
DC Designs Paintkit for RF-61C and P-61C
DC Designs Paintkit for RF-61C and P-61C
44.25Mb (474 downloads)
Paint kit for the Northrop P-61C Black Widow and Northrop RF-61C Reporter by DC Designs. Instructions included. Files saved in .xcf format ( GIMP ) but easy to convert to .PSD files if required.
Posted Aug 18, 2018 13:55 by Dean Crawford
FSX/P3D Malaysia Singapore Airlines DC-3 Circa 1967
FSX/P3D Malaysia Singapore Airlines DC-3 Circa 1967
7.41Mb (275 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-3 in Malaysia Singapore Airlines (MSA) colors. The freeware DC-3/C-47 v3 by Manfred Jahn is needed for this repaint. MSA came into being in November 1967 when the governments of Malaysia and Singapore decided to combine operations. Over the years their network expanded greatly with flights to many countries worldwide. However, there were differences in philosophy. This led to the dissolution of MSA and the eventual birth of two new airlines; Malaysian Airline System (MAS), and Singapore Airlines which were both formally launched on October 1 1972. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE and should work on FSX & P3D v1-4 This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-v4.
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Posted Aug 14, 2018 22:22 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D DC-3 Pan American textures
FSX/P3D DC-3 Pan American textures
86.42Mb (645 downloads)
FSX/P3D Pan American DC-3 Clipper "Undaunted" textures. Textures only for the Douglas C-47 package for FSX by Manfred Jahn and colleagues. Pan American World Airways textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 13, 2018 18:57 by Gary Harper
DC Designs Northrop P-61C Black Widow for FSX and P3D
DC Designs Northrop P-61C Black Widow for FSX and P3D
70.64Mb (4079 downloads)
The Northrop P-61C Black Widow was the turbo-supercharged cousin to the P-61B, and the fastest night fighter in the U.S. inventory in World War Two. With a crew of three, eight guns and an on-board radar, she was capable of hunting in complete darkness and earned a formidable reputation in the conflict. Powerful enough to dog fight with aircraft half her size, the Widow was one of the most successful airplanes ever built. This is a comprehensive and detailed model with fully functioning Virtual Cockpit, dedicated flight dynamics, full animation and an instruction manual. FSX native model works in FSX and all P3D versions. Model by Dean Crawford, DC Designs. FDE by Pam Brooker. Fuel truck and engine effects by Mark Schimmer.
Posted Aug 7, 2018 14:03 by Dean Crawford
FSX/P3D (V.3) Focke Wulf Stieglitz Updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Focke Wulf Stieglitz Updated
17.28Mb (1434 downloads)
The Focke-Wulf Fw 44 is a 1930s German two-seat biplane known as the Stieglitz ("Goldfinch"). It was produced by the Focke-Wulf company as a pilot training and sport flying aircraft. It was also eventually built under license in several other countries. This is an update for A.F. Scrub's model, now with entirely new VC and 2D panel. It features eight outstanding new repaints designed by Andre Ludick as well as the original livery enhanced by Andre Ludick also. Thanks to A.F. Scrub for the original model and particularly to Andre Ludick for these beautiful repaints. New panel designs and gauge configuration by Michael Pook. Works in FSX/P3D up to V.3 (not v4)
Posted Aug 5, 2018 03:09 by Michael Pook