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FSX > Vintage > Page 48
FSX Airco DH4 Upgrade package
FSX Airco DH4 Upgrade package
39.07Mb (1293 downloads)
FSXA Airco DH4 complete upgrade package of Edwrad Cook's model.I decided to make two diferent photoreal VC and 2D panels on this one to cover all the alternative vintage instruments Arco has installed on these aircraft.Allmost all of the gauges of course had to be made from scratch all from museum photos so they look even better than real ones.The exterior details have followed and exaust smoke effects and new camera views were also added.This is a complete package with historical photos and info included.Royal Hellenic Naval Air Service had 5 DH4's and used very succefuly as rec/bombers during the Minor Asia campain in 1918.I hope you will enjoy this after all the time spent to fix it for FSX.By Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2017.
Posted Nov 24, 2017 02:03 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Upgrade For Kazunori Ito's BV-155
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Upgrade For Kazunori Ito's BV-155
8.06Mb (1365 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Upgrade For Kazunori Ito's FS2002 / FS2004 high altitude interceptor Blohm&Voss BV-155. The modified model has now a VC and a 2D panel regarding very rare photographs from the year 1945. The only change on the exterior model are the rocket pods and improved wheels and FSX prop discs. Kazunori Ito is my idol for almost twenty years. It is a pity that he was forced to stop to continiue with his great hobby in building an incredible high amount of aircrafts. Honouring his work but beeing afraid that this very rare and special aircraft of the last days of WWII will be lost for actual or newer simulators like Acceleration or P3D I allowed myself to upgrade this BV-155. Original model by Kazunori Ito, 2D panel and VC by Erwin Welker
Posted Nov 16, 2017 04:43 by Erwin Welker
FSX Dornier Merkur
FSX Dornier Merkur
28.93Mb (1785 downloads)
The Dornier Merkur was an early German Propliner, based upon the Dornier Komet III. Its maiden flight took place in February 1925. The aircraft had two pilots in an open cockpit and could carry up to six passengers. This is Ralf Kreibich's model, previously updated for FSX by Erik Hertzberger. The package includes three models and five great liveries. It now features a 2D panel and some corrections and enhancements for the VC as well. Smoke effect and Ju-52 sound added. All credits go to Ralf Kreibich for the original model and to Erik Hertzberger for his FSX update, new 2D panel and VC corrections by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 15, 2017 07:14 by Michael Pook
FSX Airco DH6 Upgrade package
FSX Airco DH6 Upgrade package
23.23Mb (767 downloads)
FSXA Airco DH6 twin liverie complete upgrade package of Edwrad Cook's model. The VC and 2D panels needed new Gaugees so i made custom ones to look as realistic as possible.All of the Interior textures panel and V.C. where redone as well.Exaust smoke effects and new camera views were also added.This is a complete package with historical photos and info included.Royal Hellenic Naval Air Service had just this one Aircraft donated by the British RNAS and operated under British markings, used it as a trainer for about only a year. By Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas 2017.
Posted Nov 10, 2017 12:25 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
FSX Curtiss P-40Q Warhawk Racer Updated
FSX Curtiss P-40Q Warhawk Racer Updated
4.47Mb (500 downloads)
Updated textures for the P40Q Warhawk recently uploaded ny Michael Pook. This is Tim Conrad's model with revised and enhanced panels compliant for FSX/ P3D.3. Smoke added. Original model by Tim Conrad, new panels with new gauges as well as new smoke configuration by Michael Pook. Textures update by Andre Ludick
Posted Nov 9, 2017 12:46 by Andre Ludick
FSX Northrop P61B Black Widow
FSX Northrop P61B Black Widow
6.28Mb (828 downloads)
The P61B was a night fighter introduced in 1944. Original design by Kazunori Ito. FSX adaptation, panels for wide and standard screen (static VC), gauges including GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Nov 7, 2017 02:51 by Philippe wallaert
FSX Curtiss P-40Q Updated
FSX Curtiss P-40Q Updated
25.07Mb (1256 downloads)
The Curtiss P-40Q was an experimental project which attempted to produce a really modern fighter out of the existing P-40. The modifications were in fact so drastic that there was very little in common with earlier P-40 versions. The most prominent XP-40Q feature was the cutting down of the rear fuselage and the addition of a bubble canopy as on the "XP-40N". The result was an aircraft which bore almost no resemblance whatsoever to its parent P-40 line. The V-1710-121 engine was fitted with water injection, resulting in a power of 1425 hp. Speed increased to 422 mph at 20,500 feet, making it the fastest of all the P-40s. This is Tim Conrad's model with revised and enhanced panels compliant for FSX/ P3D.3. Smoke added. Original model by Tim Conrad, new panels with new gauges as well as new smoke configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 5, 2017 05:11 by Michael Pook
Douglas A20G Havoc - Green Hornet  Textures Updated
11.47Mb (481 downloads)
Many years back when I was still very much new to the model building hobby, I had the Matchbox, 1:72nd scale Douglas A-20 Havoc/Boston model. I can remember being quite fond of my Havoc - I went with the 'Green Hornet' decal option. For quite some time I’ve wished that someone would make a great freeware of the A-20, and the recently made available package was a dream come true. Herewith then a revised texture set to depict the Green Hornet # 43-9407. Revised set by A. Ludick
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Posted Nov 3, 2017 13:41 by Andre Ludick
Douglas A-20C Boston - SAAF - Texture Updates
6.95Mb (483 downloads)
These are just texture updates for the recently uploaded SAAF Douglas A-20C Boston by Milton Shupe and the USAF Douglas A-20G Havoc 'Green Hornet' by myself. Just drop the respective textures into the respective aircraft's texture folder, taken you've downloaded the required offerings. Reload FSX and there you go.
Required files:
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Posted Nov 3, 2017 13:35 by Andre Ludick
FSXA PZL P.24 Upgrade Package
FSXA PZL P.24 Upgrade Package
18.26Mb (847 downloads)
FSXA PZL P.24 triple liverie complete upgrade of Elias Korompilis FS2004 model. The panels needed new gauges so I made custom ones to look as realistic as possible. I Flaten further the camo model transparencies so they look as they are supposed to. The Interior textures panel and V.C. where redone from scratch.This is a complete package with historical photos and info included.Royal Hellenic Air Force had 36 aircraft of type 24F & G that all took part in the Greek-Italian war in 1940. By Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Posted Nov 1, 2017 10:50 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS