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FSX > Vintage > Page 99
Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 Package V2
Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 Package V2
22.58Mb (6419 downloads)
FSX Douglas C-117D, Super DC-3 V.2 This revised model features a modern VC, a realistic slow radial engine start, a fuel and payload manager, built-in failure conditions, improved engine textures and new engine-focused cameraviews. Sound is aliased to the default DC-3. Three C-117D Expansion Packs will be available separately from Sim-Outhouse: a custom sound set by Ted "Tufun" Wolfgang, and a paintkit and two alternate VC texture sets by Gordon "Gman" Madison. Historical research by John Detrick, models by Manfred Jahn, flight dynamics by Alexander M. Metzger, gauges, animations, and failure conditions by Hansjoerg Naegele. Startup smoke effect by Ted Wolfgang. DX10 fix included.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 04:06 by uploader
Racing floatplanes from the Virtual Schneider Project updated for FSX
Racing floatplanes from the Virtual Schneider Project updated for FSX
65.57Mb (1699 downloads)
10 Racing floatplanes which should have or actually took part in the Schneider Trophy back in 1929. Originally made for FS2004 as part of a freeware project called Virtual Schneider Project by Transglobal. Since the project, makers and models seem to have disappeared from the internet, I decided to not let their work be lost and forgotten. I updated them to make them usable in FSX. They all have a reasonable virtual cockpit. Installation is a simple copy-paste operation. These racers are different beasts to fly: Some need speeds of more than 100 knots to rotate. Most are unstable below 150 knots and require high speed and effective use of the trim to stabilize. Top speeds are surprising for floatplanes and high-g turns, a couple of feet above the water, are what they were made for. All credits go to the original makers of the Virtual Schneider Project. Have fun!
Posted Dec 5, 2013 05:03 by Raoul de Miranda
FSX/FSX Acceleration Bristol Beaufort
FSX/FSX Acceleration Bristol Beaufort
13.14Mb (2067 downloads)
FSX/FSX Acceleration Bristol Beaufort The Bristol Beaufort was a British twin-engined torpedo bomber designed by the Bristol Aeroplane Company. Developed as a successor to the Blenheim light bomber, the Beauforts served the Coastal Command well. They laid hundreds of mines and were involved in the attacks on the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau as well as numerous attacks on smaller shipping. Beauforts first saw service with Royal Air Force Coastal Command and then the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm from 1940. They were used as torpedo bombers, conventional bombers and mine-layers until 1942, when they were removed from active service. They were used as trainer aircraft until being declared obsolete in 1945. Alphasim freeware upgraded to FSX. A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 28, 2013 10:53 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss Hawk 2
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss Hawk 2
2.10Mb (1026 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Curtiss Hawk 2 The Curtiss Hawk II was essentially an export version of the XF11C-2 with a Wright R-1820F-3 Cyclone rated at 710hp. Hawk IIs saw combat between Peru & Colombia, Bolivia & Paraguay (in the Gran Chaco War), China & Japan, Siamese/Thai Hawks fought against the French in Indochina, and for one day against the Japanese prior to a cease-fire being agreed. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSX Acceleration. Original CFS2 mdl by Thicko, upgrade by A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 28, 2013 10:35 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Dornier Do-24K Flying Boat
FSX Dornier Do-24K Flying Boat
2.91Mb (2150 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration Dornier Do-24K flying boat, used for reconnaisance, surveillance and later for SAR duties. This is a complete airplane, converted from Fs2004 to FSX and now with a new 2D panel and a very basic VC. The seaplane comes with two texture sets: One in the maritime colours of the Dutch East Indies by W. Regeer and one in photorealistic colours of the spanish SAR taskforce, made by Antonio Diaz. FSX cameras and weapon effects are included. Original FS2004-model by W. Regeer. FSX/VC-conversion with panel, camera- and weapon configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 28, 2013 00:08 by Erwin Welker
Loire Nieuport LN411 Updated Package
Loire Nieuport LN411 Updated Package
21.55Mb (1165 downloads)
The Loire Nieuport was a French dive bomber operated by the French Navy in 1940 and had a significant role in a couple of battles against the German invasion in 1940. This FSX package features a completely re-modelled and enhanced VC and and 2D panel as well as additional gauges in the 2D panel. Model by Patrice Grange, new panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 05:00 by Michael Pook
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon
16.37Mb (1982 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 19 Super Bidon The TF SuperBidons variants of the Breguet 19 were especially developed for long-range flights. The last and most advanced long-distance variant, Breguet XIX Super Bidon 'Point d'Interrogation' was built in 1929, and designed for transatlantic flight.In this unique aircraft, Costes and Bellonte flew 3,852 miles (6200 km)from Le Bourget airport to New York in 37 hours and 18 minutes on September 2nd 1930. making the first non-stop east-west crossing of the north Atlantic.The Cuatro Vientos was flown 4548 miles (7320 km) from Spain to Cuba on 11 June 1933. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 23, 2013 13:40 by A.F.Scrub
Westland Wapiti with Updated Panel
Westland Wapiti with Updated Panel
7.56Mb (865 downloads)
Westland Wapiti with updated panel. The package features a completely re-modelled VC and suitable gauges for both panels. By A. F. Scrub, new panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 21, 2013 11:14 by Michael Pook
FSX Acceleration Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair Revised Package
FSX Acceleration Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair Revised Package
30.04Mb (13731 downloads)
Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair package for FSX Acceleration (should work ok in basic FSX) Liveries include US Marines, Blacksheep, VMA, VMF, French Navy, Royal Navy. ALPHA BLEU CIEL French Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair repackaged for FSX Acceleration (should also work in basic FSX). Includes fixes for window, take off. Find aircraft under Vought in FSX select aircraft menu. Credits to ALPHA BLEU CIEL for the wonderful payware quality model, Danny Garnier for FSX panel mods. Chuck Page and Tim Scott for window fix. Others for gauges and additional textures. See zip file preview for full size images. This is almost certainly the best freeware fully working F4U7 Corsair for FSX Acceleration on the planet. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 20, 2013 07:35 by Chris Evans
Spitfire Mk.IX clipped BAF
Spitfire Mk.IX clipped BAF
7.82Mb (951 downloads)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX with clipped wings of the Royal Belgian Air Force. Another great CFS2/FS2002 model, now flyable in FSX Acceleration/SP2. All credits are for the original designer(s) and (re)painters! Working 2D and VC-panel, all necessary gauges included. Gun-effects for fun. Enjoy!
Posted Nov 19, 2013 11:33 by erik hertzberger