CFS2 > Page 5

24.17Mb (76 downloads)
Features :
Sliding canopy - shift c
Gun panel + ladder - shift w
Visual model: Jerry Lindell and acwai
Airfile and DP file: acwai
2D cockpit panel: Phanis, acwai and rince33.
Gauges: Please see the readme file in the gauges folder.
Texture file: Painted by Phanis with modifications by acwai
The sound files are not included, you can download it from
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done
to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 18, 2022 06:59 by Andrew

19.61Mb (75 downloads)
Features :
Sliding canopy - shift c
Gun panel + ladder - shift w
Visual model: Jerry Lindell and acwai
Airfile and DP file: acwai
2D cockpit panel: Phanis, acwai and rince33.
Gauges: Please see the readme file in the gauges folder.
Texture file: Painted by Phanis with modifications by acwai
The sound files are not included, you can download it from
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done
to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 18, 2022 06:55 by Andrew

16.26Mb (113 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: Original paint scheme by unknown author (Gumpy). It was modified by me to fit this aircraft.
I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 18, 2022 00:22 by Andrew

13.11Mb (73 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: Original paint scheme by unknown author (Gumpy). It was modified by me to fit this aircraft. I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 18, 2022 00:20 by Andrew

11.03Mb (95 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: Original paint scheme by unknown author (Gumpy). It was modified by me to fit this aircraft.
I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 18, 2022 00:17 by Andrew

13.13Mb (52 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: Original paint scheme by unknown author (RAF_Loke and Planebutser). It was modified by me to fit this aircraft.
I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 17, 2022 13:28 by Andrew

8.18Mb (53 downloads)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: Original paint by unknown author (Shooter). It was modified by me to fit this aircraft. I also
included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: The cockpit panel was originally painted by Morton, with permission to modify it.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge. See readme.txt in the
Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 17, 2022 10:35 by Andrew

15.36Mb (72 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: UncleTgt
I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 17, 2022 10:33 by Andrew

15.20Mb (55 downloads)
VERSION 1.1 June 2022 (new propeller animation)
Visual model : acwai
Textures: UncleTgt
I also included some VC bitmap from a X-plane Hurricane aircraft (unknown author).
Damage profiles: acwai
Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode.
You can use any Hurricane airfiles.
2D panel: acwai, see readme.txt in the Panel folder for the authors of the other gauges.
Special thanks to Martin (Klein) for making the RAF_voltmeter gauge.
Sound files: Not provided, please download it from sim-outhouse.
Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer.
This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post
this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of
any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind
of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package.
Have fun!
Posted Jul 17, 2022 10:31 by Andrew

36.18Mb (99 downloads)
VERSION 3.10 JULY 2022 (new animated propeller) New features: 6 sets of texture files and 4 different models Glass effect (optional topper.bmp, remove this file if you like the semi opaque glass) Visual model : acwai Textures: modified by me by using texture files from a CFS3 Spitfire painted by Nigel Dickinson. I used some of the original art work by Alessandro Biagi and Phanis. I have included some textures files from the Seafire_MKIII (A.F.Scrub). Damage profiles: acwai Airfile by: acwai, it was tuned to fight against the stock CFS2 Zero aircraft in the multi-player mode. You can use any Spitfire airfiles. 2D panel: screen captured from the VC Sound files: Frédéric BOURMAUT DISCLAIMER Use this program at you own risks, the author is not responsible for any damages done to your computer. This is a copyrighted freeware program. FREE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. You may upload or post this unmodified aircraft to any web sites. This program can not be posted where a fee of any kind is required or even nagged for. This includes disk distribution or any other kind of fees. It can not be included in a commercial package. Have fun! Andrew
Posted Jul 17, 2022 00:16 by Andrew