0.79Mb (260 downloads)
Ted Cook's Hawker Fury II is a nice plane for FS2004. Shessi also made a nice CFS2 version. This is a replacement 2d panel.
More CFS2/FS2004 stuff at Google Drive:
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 2, 2021 17:42 by Morton

7.52Mb (174 downloads)
CFS2-panel for the FS9/FSX Martin B-10 updated by Michael Pook.
As Michael did a great job for making a panel with working gauges in 2D AND VC, I noticed that the plane did also flies great in CFS2, with WORKING GAUGES also. So I reworked his panel for it with as much standard gauges as possible, and put in some extra panels (2 bombsights and a turret-view) plus all the extra gauges you need. Just download the B-10 from SimV, replace the panel with mine, put all the gauges in the CFS2 main gauges folder also (not necessary to overwrite), throw away the CDP and go flying.
Posted Dec 29, 2019 12:38 by erik hertzberger

4.40Mb (659 downloads)
Widescreen options for the default CFS2 aircraft. Tested at 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Posted Mar 15, 2016 08:26 by mas

0.06Mb (193 downloads)
This gauge is for the airbases made by Xavier and MaskRider. An updated version is coming for the anticipated release of Achim's new version. Since no GPS gauge currently exists for Spain, I decided to use Chuck Dome's GPS100A program (thanks Chuck!) and create one mainly for the Spanish Civil War (SCW). I have also included an expanded list of airbases available for the SCW that you can use if you are a hard core fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy.
Posted Nov 19, 2011 07:38 by Ed Rufle

4.21Mb (492 downloads)
This is a modded panel from a download I had for years. I refined the bitmaps and rarranged the gauges to more acurately portray the FW190A-4 I've been working on.
Gauges are included from JWB,MAPE,and VW and stock. Watch for my FW190 on the payware downloads.
Posted Sep 3, 2011 00:54 by vincent farnham

0.24Mb (950 downloads)
CFS2 panel for the ME-262.
Posted Sep 7, 2010 11:11 by ckissling

0.13Mb (397 downloads)
Here are 4 versions of U.S. and British sights
used on aircraft. And a German Revi 16B sight
for german aircraft.These are for use in panel
Posted Sep 7, 2010 10:31 by ckissling

5.83Mb (824 downloads)
B26 Panel for CFS2. Can be added to any B26. By Peter Mercy.
Posted May 21, 2010 13:09 by Peter Mercy

12.54Mb (1361 downloads)
A panel update for stuart greens beautiful old sunderland with Bad Zwischenahn and Thomas Ferbers awesome sperry gyro pilot and R L Clarks very nice radio cd player. captmercy
Posted May 9, 2010 04:33 by Peter Mercy

0.04Mb (568 downloads)
This package contains the VN_GPS100A.GAU and a panel.cfg file for use in the TR_AD-6 and TR_A-1H. The gauge is programmed for McClelland's Far East Scenery airfields in Korea and Viet Nam (locations are the same in any scenery)...Channels 1-44 Korea, Channels 45 up for Viet Nam.
To install simply paste the VN_GPS100A.GAU file into your CFS2/GAUGES folder, and paste the panel.cfg file into the PANEL subfolder of your TR_AD-6 and TR_A-1H aircraft, allowing it to overwrite the original.
The gauge, of course, can be used in any panel.
Posted Jan 21, 2010 18:47 by Tom Sanford