1.03Mb (457 downloads)
VB Helldiver Panel for CFS2. This panel adds the Gryphon Nav panels.
It also allows messages to appear inside the canopy frame. The pop-ups
are controlled by toggles or icons. Includes optional SDB2C_notes
with Pacific data. It uses the SB2C gauges , defaults, and adds. You
must have the VB SB2C gauges installed. By GZR_Sactargets. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.74Mb (521 downloads)
panel for CFS2. Based on a previous work by Bruno Duffort.Simple
and frame-rate friendly. By Paolo Kromberg,a.k.a. Strawberry5. 754K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.65Mb (615 downloads)
panel for CFS2. Should be a good compromise between photorealism
and hand-drawn panel, uses mainly stock gauges. By Paolo Kromberg,a.k.a.
Strawberry5. 664K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

2.58Mb (442 downloads)
PANEL--JU 52 IRON ANNIE This is a total redo of Thamas Ferbers'
JU52 panel. There was no panel for the Ju52 for CFS2 so I made one.
Didn't turn out to bad for my first panel. By Marvin Carter. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

2.74Mb (868 downloads)
PBY Catalina Panel Panel for use with any Pby Catalina. Edited
Scan of PBY Panel. Uses mostly default gauges. By Ron Erke. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.19Mb (297 downloads)
Pt-17 panel for CFS2 This panel for the Boeing-Stearman PT-17
Kaydet primary trainer is for cfs2 only by switch can be selected
a classic panel or a version with adf radio. Nice for training puposes.
Just for sightseeing and fun flying in cfs2 By: Michael Vader PEGASUS
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.48Mb (680 downloads)
panel for Bristol Blenheim (CFS2) Panel graphic by Kerry Livgren
- based on a Blenheim cockpit photo. gauges are stock Place bmp's
and cfg file in appropriate aircraft panel folder This panel is pretty
accurate and should give you a good feel for what it was like to sit
in a Blenheim The gauge layout is somewhat different to accomidate
CFS2 Kerry Livgren. 492K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.76Mb (359 downloads)
Here is my version of a P38 panel based on a pic I found on the
net. Configs for both CFS1 & 2 included. by Dan Griffin. 798K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.23Mb (762 downloads)
bomber panel for CFS2 only. Simple panel with most needed gauges
on the one panel. Uses mostly default gauges, but comes with ammo
counter and simple autopilot gauge. Useful for the B-25/PBJ aircraft.
By Steve "Humbug" Baugh. 237K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.72Mb (2512 downloads)
B-24D Liberator panel This is my 2nd version of the B-24D panel.
It is as accurate as I could get using the available instruments I
had to hand. Panel was based on a poor photograph of the real thing
and some "just for the hell of it" gauges. Park brakes and engine
controls are not mouseable, use Shift+B for park brake. By Mel Mutter.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive