1.15Mb (450 downloads)
Invader Panel for CFS2 only Based on an original by Gerry Schmidt,is
built to give a real WW2 feeling:provides also ADF and reprogrammable-preset
GPS with all CFS2 stock airfield. By Paolo Kromberg. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.42Mb (747 downloads)
1&2 Spitfire Panel.
Finaly a decent Spitfire panel. This is my version of an excellent
one done by John McGuigan. For CFS1 & 2. by Dan Griffin. 428K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.73Mb (637 downloads)
P38 panel This panel for the P-38 Lightning is an alternative
to the stock one. The steering wheel can be disactivated and the gunsight
can be activated or removed..It uses as most stck gauges as they are
good and reduce zip size By: Michael Vader Pegasus Aviation Design.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.28Mb (545 downloads)
Here is a panel done for the Ki-61 Tony, namely Andrew Wai's. Part
of it was modified from a panel by Kerry Livgren. 1024 res for CFS2
only. Enjoy. by Dan Griffin. 286K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

2.07Mb (727 downloads)
and CFS2 B25j Panel Discription: Mitchel B25j panel with moving
yoke and rudder pedels. By: Ickie Berleim. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.62Mb (310 downloads)
Kingfisher_panel This panel for the Kingfisher has been done by
putting together the modified cockpit frame of the Hellcat and a photo
of a Kingfisher restaured by the NASM. Apart the artificial horizont
and a plate all gauges are stock cfs2 By: Michael Vader, Pegasus Aviation
Design. 640K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.03Mb (1018 downloads)
Mitchell Panel for CFS2. Buuilt to give a real WW2 feeling,uses
mainly stock CFS2 gauges:provides also ADF and preset GPS with all
CFS2 airfield. By Paolo Kromberg . 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

0.65Mb (967 downloads)
Hellcat panel worthy of the plane! This is my tweak of an already
fabulous pice of artwork by Airbudha. For both versions of CFS. Believe
me, you'll want to download this. by Dan Griffin. 663K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.04Mb (657 downloads)
P-51D Mustang Panel Set,
based on the CFS2 Native Mustang, but re-configured for CFS2 to give
a distortion-free centralised gunsight reticle, and a more authentic
arrangement of instruments. It features a split-screen instrument
overlay, with practical embedded pop-ups for frame-rate friendliness,
and includes Chuck Dome's GPS programmed with Korean Airfields for
the FOX-FOUR Korean War Project. It is designed and tested for 1024x768
CFS2 only, although it may also work in FS2000/2002. Created by Mike
Eustace. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive

1.27Mb (567 downloads)
F-8 Meteor Panel Set,
adapted from photographs taken of the Cockpit Display at the Midlands
Air Museum, UK. It features an optional split-screen lookdown instrument
overlay, and Chuck Dome's GPS programmed with Korean Airfields for
the FOX-FOUR Korean War Project. It is designed and tested for 1024x768
CFS2 only, although it may also work in FS2000/2002. Photographed
and created by Mike Eustace. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive