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'Pilotable' Type VII
0.47Mb (1828 downloads)
This is the pilotable version of my Type VII U Boat. The Type VII was the most numerous U Boat of WWII and was in production from 1938 through the end of the war. The Panel, DP, AIR and CFG files are by PSULLYKEYS. This version will is armed with an 88mm deck gun and 20mm AAA, as well as the MK10 Torpedo. Guns Only or Torpedoes are selectable payloads. The trigger fires the 88mm forward, and the cannon key fires both the 88mm and 20mm broadside in both directions. The torpedo loadout is 12. The vessel submerges/surfaces using the EXITS/Canopy command. When submerged only her periscope is visible above the surface unless you have aircraft shadows enabled, in which case the shadow will be visible from above. The VII Boat is equipped with a full panel. She has a compass, nav panel (must be in GPS mode to have knot meter function), rudder trim and a full GPS gauge. The VII Boat can be launched in missions from any water runway, but is most easily launched from one of my sub tenders (most notably the Invisible Tender), all of which are available here at SimV.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:58 by Tom Sanford
Frigates Serapis &  Acheron
0.65Mb (375 downloads)
This ZIP contains both of the new AI frigates, HMS Serapis and the French Acheron (AKA Archeron, meant to be opponents for the forthcoming Player version of the current US-flagged Sailing Frigate. DPs by PSULLYKEYS.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:51 by Tom Sanford
Old Ironsides
0.44Mb (445 downloads)
This is an original AI model of the USS Constitution. Her DP makes it possinle for her to fire on 'player/pilotable' ships. DP by PSULLYKEYS.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:46 by Tom Sanford
Sailing Frigates
Sailing Frigates
0.85Mb (600 downloads)
This folder contains two separate ship models, one of the frigate at anchor with no sails and one of her with full sails on a port tack. Each is in it's own ship folde, so you have two ships. This is an original model of an 1860s sailing frigate based on those of the US Navy, but she can be used in any navy of the world at that period, as all had similar ships in service.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:43 by Tom Sanford
Clipper Ships
0.67Mb (517 downloads)
This file contains two original AI ships for CFS2. Both are fast-sailing clippers that were developed from the original 'Baltimore Clipper' concept of a narrow beam, deep draft and a lot of canvas. They flourished in the period 1800 to 1855, making fast crossinga of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans on the tea route to China. Clippers came in many sizes, but generally ran from 200-300 feet in length. Some clippers remained in service up to and during WWII.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:40 by Tom Sanford
F4U-4B Catapult Version
4.48Mb (1152 downloads)
This is a conversion of Dbolt's F4U-4C to a Korean War vintage F4U-4B of VMF-214 that has been adapted to use the GreenGhost Gauge/FSUIPC catupult launch system from the USS Sicily, CVE118 - CATAPULT VERSION by Collin Glendinning. The textures are by Kelticheart.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:35 by Tom Sanford
F4U-4B Corsair
4.29Mb (2135 downloads)
This is a conversion of Dbolt's F4U-4C to a Korean War vintage F4U-4B of VMF-214 that operated from the USS Sicily and Pusan airfields in the early days of the Korean Conflict. The textures are by Kelticheart. The panel is the standard Corsair panel with the Korean GPS gauge added for navigation purposes. This gauge has a power switch and tuning knob that are mousable. Korean airfields are on channels 1-40. This gauge is attached to the standard Corsair throttle panel.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 22:30 by Tom Sanford
'Invisible' Tender
'Invisible' Tender
0.01Mb (738 downloads)
This is an invisible ship model that will appear to be an aircraft carrier in Mission Builder. You can place her anywhere in the water you wish and have your seaplane, flying boat or 'player' ship 'takeoff' or 'launch' from her. Your plane or ship will begin the mission in the water at the point you have placed the Invisible Tender. NOTE: She will not work for any seaplane that has landing gear. She totally eliminates the need for 'seabases'/'water runways'.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 12:36 by Tom Sanford
0.84Mb (1094 downloads)
This is a generic US Tender that can be used for seaplanes or submarines. She has a special DP and CFG that allow her to act as a 'Launch Carrier' for any player seaplane or ship such as the VN Gato. When a player aircraft or vessel is set to 'Takeoff' from the Tender, it will appear in the water on the starboard side ready to 'fly'. The Tender may be used as a moving ship or scenery object. When used as a ship to launch seaplanes or pilotable vessels, her speed can be set to 0kts, or she can be moving.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 12:26 by Tom Sanford
AI/Wingman Flight Tuning
AI/Wingman Flight Tuning
0.02Mb (1371 downloads)
This is a short tutorial in PDF format on tuning your aircraft for the best AI/wingman performance in Air2Air and Air2Surface roles.
Posted Jun 23, 2009 12:16 by Tom Sanford