CFS2 > Page 73

2.97Mb (468 downloads)
CFS2/Grumman Avenger I 382-X RAF BPF 848 Squadron HMS Formidable, 1945. Textures only.
Complete with gunner's hatch.
Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger.
All Texture and Damage files included.
Repaint by:
Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2008 05:39 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

2.33Mb (461 downloads)
CFS2/Grumman Avenger II 371/P JZ483 RAF BPF HMS Victorious, 1945. Flown by LT CDR A.J. Textures only.
Complete with gunner's hatch.Griffith.
Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger.
All Texture and Damage files included.
Repaint by:
Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2008 05:37 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

3.08Mb (766 downloads)
CFS2/Grumman Avenger II 386/W JZ386 RAF BPF, 857 Squadron.
Complete with gunner's hatch. Textures only.
Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger.
All Texture and Damage files included.
Repaint by:
Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2008 05:36 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

2.34Mb (692 downloads)
CFS2/Grumman Avenger II 387/S JZ434 RAF BPF, HMS Indefatigable, 1945. Textures only
Complete with gunner's hatch.
Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger.
All Texture and Damage files included.
Repaint by:
Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2008 05:34 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

2.31Mb (704 downloads)
CFS2 Grumman TBF-1C Tarpon I 1AW JZ594 857 Squadron - RAF Fleet Air Arm, HMS Indomitable, 1944.
Complete with gunner's hatch.
Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger OH Model.
All texture and damage files are contained in this Texture Folder.
Author: Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2008 05:32 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

5.65Mb (1786 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002 Boeing F4B-2 biplane fighter.
The Boeing F4B biplane served as the primary carrier based fighter aircraft for the US Navy in the early 1930s, remaining in service in various support and training roles until the early 1940s. It was the last wooden-winged, biplane fighter produced by Boeing and used by the US Navy.This model is made for CFS2 and FS2002.
GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Sep 8, 2008 04:19 by A.F.Scrub

3.60Mb (855 downloads)
These are additional files for the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 by thickosehaskel. These represent the initial prototypes Serial No 01 and 03 for this Aircraft.
You will need to have the original download of this plane as these files are missing some folders for a full aircraft.
Posted Sep 5, 2008 19:15 by Craig Bielat

1.62Mb (889 downloads)
CFS2 Grumman TBF-1C Avenger II P1X JZ-525 849 NAS, 1944 - RAF Fleet Air Arm. UPDATE. Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger OH Model.
This update corrects the sequence of the Code painted on the starboard side.
The 849th Naval Air Squadron was--of which P1X was attached--was founded on August 1, 1943, and was disbanded on October 31, 1945 (see 849th history file).
All texture and damage files are contained in this Texture Folder.
Author: Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 5, 2008 03:55 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

3.52Mb (1743 downloads)
The MiG-1 was the beginning design of a VVS (Soviet Air Force) requirement for a high-altitude interceptor issued in 1938.
It was very powerful, some 1350 hp at take-off, but much heavier than any foreign equivalent.
This dictated much of the design as the designers were forced to compensate in every way possible for the heavy engine.
The first prototype flew on 30 March 1940 and was quite likely the fastest fighter in the world at the time with a speed of 405 mph (651 kph).
100 Mig-1's were completed before the change to the Mig-3 in Dec 1940.Model file, airfile, DP, and textures by Thicko. Panel by Morten. Prop texture by Kelticheart.
Posted Aug 25, 2008 20:22 by Craig Bielat

This is a step forward for CFS2. Although CFS2 coding does not permit homing missiles. This SAM "aircraft" will simulate one. This SAM tracks targets and has mocked up "sensors". It will explode if it detects an enemy aircraft. The SAM is great for missions and adds a whole lot of atmosphere. I know this read is probably making you skeptical, but go download it and check it out. You do not need to use Triggers or Events! There is a very informative README included. This is also a work in progress.
Posted Jul 15, 2008 08:20 by archive