FS Design > Page 24

8.21Mb (594 downloads)
You are free to use these textures in the creation fo your own repaints but please give the author credit for his hard work. You are not allowed to use these textures for payware aircraft or addons. The kit does not include any other files except the textures for each aircraft. By Claudio Pizzirani for FS9 & FSX.
Posted Jan 17, 2010 03:29 by Claudio Pizzirani

0.90Mb (2152 downloads)
This file replaces the older file ''A10 Tunderbolt II by Guy Diotte''. This is the all new A-10 file which replaces the older one with texture problems. The plane is painted in US Grey. This is a static plane to be put in your scenery by any Object Placement Tool. The plane comes in a library and as a model (mdl).
Posted Jan 13, 2010 22:45 by Guy Diotte

6.99Mb (1495 downloads)
FS2004 EZ-Vintage Hangers SS V3+. Here are some vintage (or maybe just plain old) hangars in a variety of sizes and styles. Some have animated doors. All have night lighting and most use multiple LOD (Levels Of Detail) to be more frame-rate friendly. Version 3+ adds specific compatibility with Rwy12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are not using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V3+. V3+ also includes the updated textures from SS_TEXTURES_UPDATE_1.ZIP. Installing V2+ should not affect any scenery made using objects from V2. By Sidney Schwartz.
Posted Dec 10, 2009 13:00 by Sidney Schwartz

5.01Mb (3169 downloads)
Large Hangers and Airfield Buildings SS V2+ scenery object library.
A collection of large hanger scenery objects for FS9. Also includes a large and small terminal building, a small hanger with a corner office, an FBO, and a small airmail depot. Each hanger comes in three variations: door fixed open, door fixed closed, and door animated.
Version 2+ adds specific compatibility with RWY12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are NOT using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V2+. V2+ also includes the updated textures from SS_Textures_update_1.zip. Installing V2+ should not affect any scenery made using objects from V2. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Dec 4, 2009 03:01 by Uploader

6.07Mb (2567 downloads)
FS9 Custom Buildings 2 V2 scenery object library
Version 2 adds specific compatibility with RWY12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are NOT using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V2. Installing V2 should not affect any scenery made using objects from V1.
FS9 custom buildings are scattered throughout various object libraries that are associated with specific cities. (For example Scenery/Namw/scenery/seattl.bgl.) These are most of the custom objects I could find in the Eure, Eurw and Asia scenery files.
Almost all the objects in this library are either airport buildings (mostly hangers) or city buildings (offices, hotels, etc.) I labeled them AB and CB, respectively. A few of the buildings are specifically identified, including a fire station, two Martinair buildings and one Air France building. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Nov 28, 2009 05:21 by Uploader

4.51Mb (1934 downloads)
FS9 Custom Objects 1 V2 scenery object library.
Version 2 adds specific compatibility with RWY12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are NOT using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V2. Installing V2 should not affect any scenery made using objects from V1.
FS9 custom objects are scattered throughout various object libraries that are associated with specific cities. (For example Scenery/Namw/scenery/seattl.bgl.) These are most of the custom objects I could in the Namw, Name, Namc, Eure, Eurw and Asia scenery files. Want a ferris wheel? Tents? Water towers? Toll booth? You'll find them here. Compiled by Sidney Schwartz
Posted Nov 25, 2009 03:23 by Uploader

1.52Mb (1887 downloads)
This is the Boeing Stearman as static plane to be put anywhere in FSX by any object placement tool. The plane comes in a library or as single models USA(mdl). The Stearman was modelled in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture is by Guy Diotte.
Posted Nov 3, 2009 20:57 by Guy Diotte

0.84Mb (1766 downloads)
This is the Antonov AN-2 static airplane to be put by an object placement tool in any scenery in FSX. The plane comes in a library (Russian green)or as a model (mdl). The Antonov AN2 was modelled in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 30, 2009 17:08 by Guy Diotte

1.04Mb (1032 downloads)
This is the Mikoyan Mig 3 Static Plane to be put anywhere in a scenery in FSX. It comes in a library and as models that can be put by any object placement tool. There are 2 models of the Mig 3: Russia camouflage and Russia Winter camouflage. The Mig 3 was modelled in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 27, 2009 20:12 by Guy Diotte

0.72Mb (1620 downloads)
This is the De Haviland Tigermoth static airplane to be put in any scenery in FSX by an object placement tool. The plane comes in a library or as separate models (Canada and UK). The Tigermoth is modeled by Guy Diotte and the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 22, 2009 23:00 by Guy Diotte