FS Design > Page 23

2.09Mb (1234 downloads)
This is the Cessna L19 Brid Dog for FSX to be used as a static plane in your scenery. The model comes in one texture (US ARMY). In the file you will find one model, a library of the Cessna L19 and the texture. You can put the plane anywhere in FSX with any object placement tool. The plane was made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Jul 7, 2010 15:26 by Guy Diotte

27.73Mb (1405 downloads)
All the files for my FS2004 MiG-31 Firefox. Was planning on doing a FSX upgrade at some point. Not going to happen. Hopefully someone will adopt it and make it fly again. Designed w/ FSDSv2. Good luck!
Posted May 28, 2010 18:28 by Owen

10.57Mb (2794 downloads)
this template is for use with the Fs2004 Boeing 777-300 and makes it easier to paint with out messing up some of the
details template is already organized and ready for paint.
Posted May 20, 2010 19:11 by Thomas Mendoza Jr

0.59Mb (6871 downloads)
This is a collection of lighting objects for FS9. It includes ramp lights, street lights, and smaller lights for mounting on the outsides of buildings. Version 2+ adds specific compatibility with RWY12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are NOT using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V2+. V2+ also includes the updated textures from SS_Textures_update_3.zip. Installing V2+ version should not affect any scenery made using objects from V2.
Posted Apr 30, 2010 02:07 by archive
1.12Mb (987 downloads)
This is the FSX Static F15 Eagle to be placed by any object placement tool in your scenery. The plane comes in a library and as a model (MDL). It comes in only one model: USA Grey. The plane is made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Apr 9, 2010 20:08 by Guy Diotte

1.91Mb (3384 downloads)
GA Hangers SS Volume 2 Version 1 scenery objects.
I decided to learn to use Google Sketchup, so you get some more hangers. :)
These GA hangers are of the long narrow variety that I've not made before. Some are detailed, some are very plain for those situations where you need to place large numbers of hangers. This is a standard FS9 object library compatible with EZ-Scenery and Instant Scenery. I have also included thumbnails and other files to make it easier to use these objects with RWY12, Luis Sá's Sbuilder and Jon "Scruffyduck" Masterson's Airport Design Editor 9x. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Feb 12, 2010 03:49 by Uploader

1.03Mb (931 downloads)
This is the F111A static plane for FSX to be placed anywhere in a scenery by any object placement tool. The aircraft comes in 2 models: US and Australia. The plane was made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Feb 3, 2010 15:08 by Guy Diotte

5.49Mb (2658 downloads)
EZ-Vintage Hangers SS V3+ scenery object library.
I love old stuff, so here's some vintage (or maybe just plain old) hangers in a variety of sizes and styles. Some have animated doors. All have night lighting and most use multiple LOD (Levels Of Detail) to be more frame-rate friendly.
Posted Feb 2, 2010 06:19 by Sidney Schwartz

2.03Mb (2009 downloads)
EZ-Fuel Tanks V1+ scenery object library.
A collection of fuel tanks of various sizes, styles and colors, from a little propane tank for your outdoor cabin to the giant industrial tanks. V1+ adds specific compatibility with RWY12, ADE9X, and Sbuilder 2.05. If you have already installed the previous version of this library and are NOT using one of these programs to place scenery objects, you do not need to download and install V1+. V1+ also includes the updated textures from SS_Textures_update_3.zip. Installing V1+ should not affect any scenery made using objects from V1. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Jan 25, 2010 07:44 by Uploader

1.76Mb (1432 downloads)
This is an update for the F104 Starfighter file from Guy Diotte. This file fixes the texture problem with the old file. This file ia a new one with 3 libraries and 3 models (mdl): Canadian CF104, Italian F104 and US F104. Those planes can be put anywhere in your scenery in FSX by any object placement tool. This plane was made in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Jan 22, 2010 22:25 by Guy Diotte