FS Design > Page 20
9.67Mb (159 downloads)
PSP layered paintkit for Rob Richardson's
Gloster Meteor F Mk 8
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 14:04 by Robert Richardson

1.78Mb (3025 downloads)
Inspired by the superior work of Michael Carr I have developed a small library of Ground Service Equipment. These objects are mostly painted in the standard olive drab you find at many military bases. As with all my work the emphasis is on Frame-Rates and not microscopic reality so squint a little and pretend. Some of these objects have been included in my earlier scenery releases (most notably Seymour Johnson AFB) and I now present the complete collection as a library for use with scenery object placement programs like EZ_ Scenery from Abacus. John Stinstrom
Posted Mar 29, 2011 11:03 by John Stinstrom

1.92Mb (3237 downloads)
Inspired by the superior work of Michael Carr I have developed a small library of Ground Service Equipment. These objects are mostly painted in the standard yellow drab you find at many military bases. As with all my work the emphasis is on Frame-Rates and not microscopic reality so squint a little and pretend. Some of these objects have been included in my earlier scenery releases and I now present the complete collection as a library for use with XML base scenery object placement programs like Runway12 and EZ_ Scenery from Abacus. John Stinstrom
Posted Mar 29, 2011 11:00 by John Stinstrom

1.32Mb (702 downloads)
This is the Russian Tupolev TU16 Static plane to be put in any scenery by any object placement tool. The plane comes in a library and also as a model (mdl). The Tupolev TU16 was made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Mar 27, 2011 21:16 by Guy Diotte

0.77Mb (827 downloads)
This is the FSX A4 Skyhawk static Plane. The plane can be put in any scenery by any object placement tool. The plane comes in a library and also as a Model (MDL) in US Marine Grey markings. The A4 was made by Guy Diotte in Gmax and also the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Mar 5, 2011 18:02 by Guy Diotte

0.96Mb (903 downloads)
This is the FSX Static S-3 Viking in US grey. The plane comes in US colors in a library and also as a Model (MDL). It can be placed in any scenery by any object placement tool. The plane was made in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Mar 1, 2011 23:56 by Guy Diotte

2.36Mb (1304 downloads)
This is the AH1 Cobra for FSX as a static model. The model comes in one marking: US Marines Grey. The model was made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte. The model comes in a library and as a model (MDL).It can be placed in any scenery by any object placement tool.
Posted Mar 1, 2011 22:47 by Guy Diotte

4.13Mb (2974 downloads)
This is the Static Apache Helicopter in US markings. This plane can be put in any scenery by any object placement tool. The plane comes in a library and also as a model (MDL). The Apache was made in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte
Posted Feb 15, 2011 22:42 by Guy Diotte

1.53Mb (3127 downloads)
This is the CH47 Chinook Static Helicopter for FSX. The Helicopter comes in one version the US ARMY. The static plane can be put in any scenery with any object placement tool. The file also includes the MDL model. The Chinook was made in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Feb 14, 2011 15:06 by Guy Diotte

1.78Mb (1534 downloads)
FS2002 / FS2004 / FSX Military Scenery Objects v2
Inspired by the superior work of Michael Carr I have developed a small library of Ground Service Equipment. These objects are mostly painted in the standard olive drab you find at many military bases. As with all my work the emphasis is on Frame-Rates and not microscopic reality so squint a little and pretend. Some of these objects have been included in my earlier scenery releases (most notably Seymour Johnson AFB) and I now present the complete collection as a library for use with scenery object placement programs like EZ_ Scenery from Abacus. John Stinstrom
Posted Feb 14, 2011 03:38 by John Stinstrom