FS Design > Page 18

1.17Mb (771 downloads)
This is the FSX B25 Static Plane. The plane comes in one model and also in a Library. You can place the plane in any scenery by any object placement tool. The B25 was modelled in GMax by Guy Diotte and the Texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Nov 13, 2011 23:24 by Guy Diotte

2.26Mb (1505 downloads)
This is the FSX E-3 Sentry Static Plane. There are 3 models of the Sentry: US, Britain and France. The Sentry can be placed in any scenery by any object placement tool. It comes also as MDL files. The Sentry comes from the GMax site as a free plane but was remodelled in GMax by Guy Diotte. The textures are also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Nov 6, 2011 23:11 by Guy Diotte

1.44Mb (688 downloads)
FSDS 3.5.1 Source File for KC-30A , Airbus A330-200 MRTT.
This zip contains a head start for any would be freeware developer with an interest in this military version of the Airbus KC-30 aircraft.
Have Fun!
Posted Nov 1, 2011 10:46 by M Griggs

1.58Mb (1228 downloads)
This is the B17 Static plane for FSX. You can put this plane in any scenery with any object placement tool. The B17 was modeled in GMax by Guy Diotte. Texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 31, 2011 20:54 by Guy Diotte

0.00Mb (12108 downloads)
Have you ever wanted to explode your plane in mid-air? Or for it to burst into a firey inferno when it hits the ground? This brief tutorial tells you how.
Posted Oct 28, 2011 12:44 by Austin

0.43Mb (1670 downloads)
This is the F22 Raptor for FSX as a static plane to be put anywhere in a scenery by any object placement tool. The plane comes in a library. The F22 was modelled in GMax and textured by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 24, 2011 23:00 by Guy Diotte

0.72Mb (540 downloads)
Blend mask images created by "Gunnar Daehling". I have uploaded them to help you guys blend your photoreal scenerys |
to the default surrounding land class, the one thing left out by most photoreal developers! The resalt is well
worth it, and it is a simple thing to do. Resized to match your mask images(ONLY THE ONES THAT BOARDER WITH THE
DEFAULT TERRIAN), copy the resized blend mask and past it as a new layer to your mask images(not the visable images
you are using as your photoreal).
I think if you know how to make photoreal scenery you should know what to do with these images!
Posted Oct 24, 2011 13:37 by T. Marson

1.49Mb (2128 downloads)
This is the CF 18 and the F18 static plane for FSX that you can put in any scenery by any object placement tool. The planes come in 4 models (Canada and US) The plane was modelled in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture by Guy Diotte.
Posted Oct 18, 2011 17:24 by Guy Diotte

0.08Mb (90 downloads)
Here is the missing alpha channel that goes with the "D" texture in my recently uploaded Cherokee paintkit. By Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 10, 2011 12:17 by Don Brynelsen

1.62Mb (397 downloads)
Now you can custom paint the default PA28 in the sim using these blank textures. Contains all you need including a Crash Damage PDF file. Paintkit created by Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 6, 2011 11:11 by Don Brynelsen