FS Design > Page 19

9.09Mb (845 downloads)
Included here are all three Tiger Class Cruisers for FSX, two of which are helicopter landable. They are provided in both static and AI form. Please see the installation instruction in the relevant folder for information on how to use them in FSX.
They were produced using FSDS 3.5.1, and compiled using the FSX Acceleration/SP2 SDK. They have been tested using FSX with Acceleration/SP2 only, and Windows XP Home edition.
The three ships are:-
HMS Lion (C34) –Shown as originally produced with two twin 6in. Turrets and three twin 3in turrets. No helicopters and no missile armament.
HMS Tiger (C20) –Shown as converted with the aft 6in. turret replaced by a helicopter deck and hanger, and the two aft 3in. turrets replaced with Sea Cat Launchers. The Type 960 radar on the aft mast replaced with a single Type 965 AKE-1.
HMS Blake (C99) –Shown as converted with the aft 6in. turret replaced by a helicopter deck and hanger, and the two aft 3in. turrets replaced with Sea Cat Launchers. The Type 960 radar on the aft mast replaced with a single Type 965 AKE-1.
All vessels come in two versions, one with wake effect and one without. You can choose whichever you prefer. They also have navigation lights which only show at dawn, night and dusk. These are the standard aircraft navigation fx effects, and as such cannot be seen from the distances prescribed in the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea (IRPCS). I tried with larger effects, but the bloom and reflection was too great, and they could clearly be seen from a horizontal angle at which they should not! I therefore reverted to the aircraft lights.
Posted Sep 21, 2011 05:53 by Mike Hudson

0.56Mb (1053 downloads)
Yiannis Stone Wall Library for Scenery Builders
Three Different styles of Round and Strait stone walls with Photo Real textures.
They are intended to use for scenery building with instant scenery or other object placement tools.
This is tested in FSX since the textures are DXT5.
Complete Freeware package
By :Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Sep 5, 2011 08:19 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
26.33Mb (4125 downloads)
This is the first significant upgrade of ADE since version 1.47 almost two years ago and contains a number of new and improved features and fixes for old problems.
New and updated features include
- ProKey features include Custom Hiding objects, ADE responds to key presses in FS, Load last saved project and improvements to the Move Airport Feature
- List third party libraries used. This is currently a basic feature to list the libraries for objects used in your project
- Beacons and Effects can now be placed
- New List for helper shapes and many lists now support multiple selection and delete
- Improved multiple selection in the main display including 'rubber band'
- Most objects can now be copied and pasted
- Undo/Redo extended to support actions with vertices
- Select and drag a taxi link rather than dragging its end nodes
Fixes include
- Improvements to the handling of background images that should help the performance issues found in the past
- Stopping the display drift that can be exhibited when ADE is connected to FSX and the display Locked to the user aircraft
- Problem of dialog buttons being lost where users used dpi settings greated than 96. Jon Masterson, ScruffyDuck Software
Posted Sep 3, 2011 14:18 by archive

11.37Mb (1623 downloads)
Design Tutorial for Sloping Runway Scenery
"The one aspect that has always bothered me
is all the ingredients for sloping runways
already exist in FSX."- Wally-Bob. So why are
there no sloping runways?" Can you apply
texture to a surface, make a sloping flatten
polygon and locate it accurately within the
FSX world? If you say yes, all you need is
how to turn that polygon into a hardened
surface. It's simple. By Walter Roberts
Posted Aug 10, 2011 18:21 by michael litze (uploader)

2.04Mb (1153 downloads)
If You are not much of the race type (like me) and want to have wind waving animated
National Flag in your country's airports then you download this file and the rest is easy.
This will turn your 3 default Secret Race Pylon race flags into any (or three)Animated National flags.
There are 23 folders each containing 3 National Flags 69 in Total . All Europe Australia most of the Asian Nations North and South America and part of Africa is covered in this .
For European countries look for the ECU Flag to place in your set. There is also a paint kit in case you want to create your own air clubs flag or a combination of race flags.
The bitmaps are in simple 16 bit mode to work in both FSX and 2004. You must have a
scenery placement tool (Instant Scenery, RW12 e.t.c.) to place the national flags in the correct place around your airports. Package by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
Posted Jul 20, 2011 21:11 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

1.72Mb (1633 downloads)
If you downloaded my Europian Traffic signs V1 from simviation misc page this
is the second needed file for road scenery building.
The Traffic Lights come with standard octagonal post in Red, Green and Yellow modes with or without ped walk light. There are also Left and Right Green Arrow Lights and single WALK and DONT WALK ped Lights.
This library is intended to be used with Instant Scenery or any other scenery building program.
The files are in DDS 5 format and they are tested in FSX only. Thers is an extra bmp dx1 file for 2004 but no promises.
This is a complete Freeware package by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS.
Posted Jul 16, 2011 13:27 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

1.91Mb (1470 downloads)
JK Euroroad signs Library
This is valuable extra for Scenery Builders
Stop, No Left, No Right turns, Do not Enter, Rotary,No parking e.t.c.
The sighns are intended to use for scenery building with instand scenery or other tools.
There are 13 diferent types of signs in single double and triple mode in 23 variations with standard gray octagonal post.
This is tested in FSX only but i believe they work in 2004 as well because the texts are DX3
This is a complete package Freeware
By :Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas. Support email: jktsetsas@hotmail.com
Posted Jul 15, 2011 19:33 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

4.48Mb (1103 downloads)
Complete rework of the default FSX airport.
Custom buildings, textures and new animated
jetways. (Source Files only!)
By Thomas Ruth
This pack is not required for those who just want the scenery.
Posted Jul 8, 2011 16:21 by Thomas Ruth

11.77Mb (715 downloads)
This is my Star Wars Episode 2 LAAT/I or better known as the Republic Gunship.
I believe it is a first ever to, I don't know of any other one for fsx ever made until now.
It's not anything amazing no panel no vc. It's just something I threw together using model converter x, google sketchup, and gmax. Enjoy. I will be releasing the final sometime in the future. Feel free to tweak and edit it.
Posted May 27, 2011 13:55 by Skyler H.

1.65Mb (776 downloads)
This is the Static FSX Russian Myasishchev 'Bison' to be place in any scenery by an object placement tool. The plane comes in a library and also as a model (MDL). The Bison was made in Gmax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted May 16, 2011 11:04 by Guy Diotte