FS Design > Page 61

4.47Mb (12617 downloads)
Panel Design. This browser-based,
Internet style, ten lesson tutorial on panel
and gauge design covers FS98 through FSX.
The only software tools required design panels
are the Windows accessory programs "Notepad"
and "Paint". The tutorial explains in detail
what's in an aircraft's panel configuration
file (PANEL.CFG), how to edit that file and
other Flight Simulator configuration files.
It explains the difference between GAU and
XML gauges, how to extract ,edit, and create
your own XML gauges, how to use Windows "Notepad"
to add, change, and reposition gauges on an
instrument panel, and how to use Windows "Paint"
to change the look, color, and size of instrument
panels. The tutorial lessons are linked to
hands on, step-by-step exercises. Screen captures
illustrate examples in the lessons and exercises.
Requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher,
or other equivalent XML-enhanced web browser.
For beginner through advanced intermediate
users. Ken Smith. Filename: PDToot.zip
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.31Mb (1188 downloads)
Radio Management Unit RM-85 FSC's for
use in Virtual Panels/Cockpits. Used in Primus
1000 Avionics Suite Learjet 45. FSDS FSC &
BMP format. By Pedro Caldeira. 314K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.57Mb (1637 downloads)
Corporation MFD Display FSC's
for use in Virtual Panels/Cockpits. The 4x4
" MFd is used in the F-16, Etc. The 6x6 "
is used in AH-64 Apache, but may be suitable
for many other projects. FDFS FSC & BMP
formats. . By Pedro Caldeira. 582K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.70Mb (3479 downloads)
Design Tutorial. The purpose of this
tutorial is to give people a BASIC idea on
how to design panels in Paint Shop Pro 7.You
must have Paint Shop Pro before starting to
read the tutorial and making panels. Download
a trial version at jasc.com. This tutorial
gives you a better undertanding of how panel
designing is done. It does not deal with the
addition of gauges, only design. (I plan to
make another tutorial specifically on Gauges)
Also included in the .zip is a 'template'
panel.cfg that must be modified depending
on the panel. The tutorial is in Rich text
format (Word). Tutorial by Havoc Wreaker (Zone).
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.03Mb (1708 downloads)
GAU! Version 1.0.0
by Bill Yiannakos,Copyright (c) 2002,ALL RIGHTS
searches MSFS panel.cfg files and finds which
gauges are mentioned in them and so, which
gauges are included in the linked panel. Very
useful for panel disigners. 35K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.02Mb (1047 downloads)
gauge lighting utility.(makepink11.zip)
FS2000 gauge lighting utility. Adds the soft
pink night lighting to FS98/CFS gauges. Version
1.1 works with more gauges, including the
large CFS "clustered" GAU files. A new option
adds FS98-style night lighting to unlit gauges.
An added utility changes the FS2000 GPS gauge
background lighting. Requires
Visual Basic 4.0 driver files. By Chuck
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.14Mb (1841 downloads)
A utility for FS98\2000 panel designers. This
program makes it easy to create scales for
round dial gauges for FS98/2000. The user
only has to enter six parameters into the
program for it to draw and display the scale
on screen. The scale can be saved as a bitmap
and edited using any paint program. FREEWARE
by Scott Macmillan. 150K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.06Mb (1506 downloads)
gauge hacking utility. Displays raw
numbers so that gauge designers may discover
new variables in the absence of a new SDK.
By Chuck Dome. 68K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.14Mb (3547 downloads)
GAU to BMP utility. Extracts bitmaps
from gauge files and reinserts them after
repainting. Requires Visual Basic 5.0 drivers
(SP3 version). By Chuck Dome. 145K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

2.81Mb (1321 downloads)
Gauges and Panel.cfg Uninstaller This
an application that allow you to delete a
"Panel.cfg" file with the gauges files used
by it. Will not delete gauges used by other
panels. This application was developed in
Visual Basic. It doesnt require any file.
By Manuel Ambulo . 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive