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FS Design > Page 62
So                                       You Want to Build a Dynamic Virtual Cockpit!                                       A tutorial for Abacus FS Design Studio Pro                                       by J.P. Amodea
1.59Mb (547 downloads)
So You Want to Build a Dynamic Virtual Cockpit! A tutorial for Abacus FS Design Studio Pro by J.P. Amodea A step-by-step tutorial aimed at the experienced 3D modeller and wouldbe modeller alike. Anyone who has built a virtual aircraft with DS Pro may add a spectacular active instruments 3D cockpit with a little extra effort. No arcane knowledge required. Enjoy! Joe Amodea. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
Gauge                                     Copier - lite version v2.0
0.02Mb (1295 downloads)
Gauge Copier - lite version v2.0 By request a version without the VB runtime files - VB 4 runtime files available here . Extracts all gauges for a given panel to a directory of your choice. Remembers all previous paths. Now tested working with FS98 and FS2000. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design. 24K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.04Mb (1747 downloads)
Gauge Copier 5 for CFS 1&2, FS98 and FS2000 & FS2002 Extracts all gauges for a given panel to a directory of your choice. Remembers all previous paths and allows selection and deletion of individual gauges. This version corrects misleading error messages and a path creation bug. Executable file only so you must already have VB4 32-bit runtime files on your PC. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design 40K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.63Mb (2453 downloads)
CfgEdit. WSYISYG panel editor for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000, 98 and Combat Flight Simulator with many unique features. Latest fully functional Beta version 1.0 posted by kind permission of the author, Ed Struzynski. Visit his site for online help & future upgrades: 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.41Mb (1438 downloads)
'Trees' Object Libraries for FS2000/CFS SDK Module The SDK for the new 'Trees' series of static object libraries for creating trees in FS2000 scenery. Contains documentation and 24 macros in API format for use with Airport 2.60 and similar scenery design programs. Also requires Module 0, the basic object library containing a set of generic tree types (see TREES_0.ZIP). By Gerrish Gray. 424K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.71Mb (6240 downloads)
Flight Simulator Scenery Creator 1.2.7 Upgrade FS Scenery Creator is a freeware scenery designing program. Features include an intuitive user interface, support for all versions of Flight Simulator and ability to read most standard macros. The program is available in English and seven other languages. Requires a prior installation (version 1.2.5/6) (above). This upgrade fixes the autosave bug. By Derek Leung. 733K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
Flight                         Simulator Scenery Creator 1.2.5 FSSC is a freeware scenery                         designing program.
3.49Mb (11250 downloads)
Flight Simulator Scenery Creator 1.2.5 FSSC is a freeware scenery designing program. This new major release includes even more support for FS2000/CFS features, better macro handling, AFD and Area16N support, detailed tutorials, Autosave, and an intuitive user interface. SCASM, by permission of Manfred Moldenhauer, is also included. The program is available in English and six other languages. No prior intallation needed. By Derek Leung. 3.6MB - see below
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.32Mb (415 downloads)
FSUIPC Developer's Kit, . This is the first release of the Developer's Kit for FSUIPC. You will need FSUIPC.ZIP as well, with at least FSUIPC Version 2.1. The current version is 2.2. Network users will need WideFS version 4.01 or later(all here). The current version is 4.2. Peter Dowson, with thanks to Pelle Liljendal and Chris Brett. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.75Mb (245 downloads)
SDL Editor for use with FSDS and FS2000 Now you can add several pre-compiled aircraft and scenery variable macros together to make one SDL for your FSDS project.Build your own custom timers included. Written in Visual Basic 6.0 All files included.No knowledge of Scasm needed. It does it all for you. By Mike Crosthwaite. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
FS2000                         Extended-Bitmap Editing Utility Bmp2000
0.51Mb (4531 downloads)
FS2000 Extended-Bitmap Editing Utility Bmp2000 - Utility to allow the editing of the Extended-Format Bitmaps supplied with Combat Flight Simulator and FS2000. Edit Images and Sub-Images in your favourite Paint Program. Create Extended-Format Bitmaps from ordinary Images (most formats). Supports all FS2000 bitmap types - 8/16/32 bit. Added features for creating problem-free replacement Ground textures, for the batch-conversion of multiple images, subimage smoothing, enhanced transparency editing and more. By Martin Wright. 537K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive