FS Design > Page 66
0.59Mb (1732 downloads)
smoke & steam effects API's using
effecs in your FS9 effects folder. Various dates and instructions
included using Matthias Brückner's program with EOD. For
scenery designers only. Jimmy R Martin. 608K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

1.85Mb (2436 downloads)
2004 - Visual index and XML code for Airport Service Vehicles
by Microsoft A
Word 97/2000/XP compatible document - created with Open
Office.org 1.1.2 - that presents pictures and XML code (
which you can copy and paste ) for the use of vehicules
available in the Microsoft objects library in your scenery
designs. By Marc Renaud. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
1.52Mb (1608 downloads)
2004 - Visual index - surface types for runways, taxiways
aprons and helipads
- A simple pdf file presenting the 20 textures available
for use as surface for runways, taxiway aprons and helipads.
- Use for scenery design with AFCAD 2.x by Lee Swordy or
when programming in XML. By Marc Renaud. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.37Mb (1932 downloads)
2004 - Visual index and XML code for Ford Transit Macro
A Word 97/2000/XP compatible document and an Open Office.org
1.1.1 document that presents pictures and XML code for the
use of Stephen Legg "Ford Transit Collection" vehicules
in your scenery designs. By Marc Renaud. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.16Mb (2910 downloads)
MDL Converter Version beta75. A.What is MDLC? MDLC is
a program to convert scenery files for the Microsoft Flight
Simulator and Combat Flight Simulator. The letters "MDLC"
are the abbreviated form of MDL Converter. It is not allowed
to include MDLC in commercial products without a written
permission. B.File list MDLC.EXE - MDLC Converter Main program
MDLC.INI - MDLC Initialization file for MDLC.EXE RTM.EXE
- RTM loader for DPMI management FSDS.MD2 - CFS2 MDL file
template for FS2002 MDL file build with FSDS2 gmax.MD2 -
CFS2 MDL file template for FS2002 MDL file build with gmax
CFS2.MD2 - CFS2 MDL file template for FS2002 MDL file build
BGL Opcodes or later FS9_to_CFS2.BAT - Automatic MDLC batch
file for converting FS9 to CFS2. By Ivan Hsu. 166K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.05Mb (2037 downloads)
House Model with
lights. 54K
with GMax v 1.2 by Juan Lopez.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.13Mb (5728 downloads)
2004 - How-to Guide - Adding a helipad to an airport.
-This guide explains how to add one or more helipad(s) to
an airport. - Document in French and English. Formats :
HTML and PDF. By Marc Renaud. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.12Mb (2495 downloads)
Pre War USS Lexington Carrier.(CV-2).
This FSDSv2 project has a hardened deck suitable for take
offs and landings. It is located in Long Beach, Ca., close
to the Queen Mary. The .fsc file for the carrier and
XML file for the hardened deck are included so it can
be moved to other locations. By Paul Clawson. 128K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

2.19Mb (6301 downloads)
1-4) This tutorial is designed to introduce the beginner
to the world of scenery design. Chapter 1 defines the terminology
used in scenery design. Chapter 2 introduces AFCAD2 by Lee
Swordy Chapter 3 introduces FSSC by Derek Leung and shows
you how to manipulate thrid party macros and how to utilize
AFCAD with FSSC for better placement of macros. Chapter
4 introduces NOVA v1.6 by Rafael Garcia Sanchez for creating
your own macros for scenery design. Future chapters will
delve deeper into NOVA and explore other scenery design
programs, such as FSDS and EOD. Written by Todd Lucas. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

8.38Mb (5336 downloads)
Index for FS2004 Scenery Objects
This list of objects is designed to supply the FS2004 scenery
developer with an easy reference to view some of the objects
in the Microsoft FS2004 SDK, and particularly Roger Mole's
excellent scenery design package. Covers 197 basic objects.
Simply click on an object to view. Microsoft Excel required.
Kevin Ryan. 8.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive