FS2004 > Page 359

5.47Mb (1137 downloads)
FS2004 Japan Airlines new colors (Return of the red-crown crane) Boeing 787-8 V2. Versions 2 includes aircraft design improvements plus new animations. No VC.
This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS).
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jan 28, 2011 12:31 by Camil Valiquette

4.64Mb (376 downloads)
FS9 Air Spain EC-BFJ Textures for the Bristol Britannia by Jens Kristensen. Requires 1Britannia.zip for FS9 aircraft.
Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 26, 2011 19:11 by Gary Harper

2.15Mb (463 downloads)
FS2004 Handley Page Hermes of Bahamas Airways.
Bahamas Airmays was, for a time, owned by Skyways of London, and used three of their Hermes airliners for flights from the Bahamas to Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. Textures only, you must download and install the Hermes version 2 model for FS2004 (look for Hermes_V20.zip) to use these files.
By Jens B. Kristensen
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 26, 2011 15:50 by Jens B. Kristensen

8.71Mb (1728 downloads)
Virtual Cockpit Textures improvement for Manfred Jahn & team's
Lockheed L-1049G/H Super Constellation.
This new texture-set completely modifies the night environnement of the cockpit,
and add some improvements/details to the day textures.
Based on Jan Visser's texture-set. Many thanks to him.
Posted Jan 26, 2011 08:30 by Quentin B

67.82Mb (2815 downloads)
Grumman F7F-3 Tanker WIP Version for FS2004
by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Paul Beaudoin, Richard Murray, Scott Thomas, Mike Wagner (WEP Gauge), and Tanker72 and members of SOH with Sounds made especially for this F7F by Gary Jones.
Functional VC model included; Accurate Flight Model by Tom Falley. Functional Wing Fold. SOH Support Forum and contact info in documentation. Tested in FSX as a portover. FSX specific FM.
Posted Jan 25, 2011 19:28 by Milton Shupe
0.10Mb (625 downloads)
Lockheed T-33A T-Bird Package Panel Fix. Fixes both FSX and FS2004 models for a gauge problem.
Posted Jan 24, 2011 13:50 by Massimo Taccoli

72.88Mb (668 downloads)
Painkit for the Beechcraft AT-11 Kansan
A multilayered set of PSD files to paint Milton Shupe AT-11 Kansan; brief instructions inside. By Damian Radice.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 16:42 by Milton Shupe

78.10Mb (8220 downloads)
The Beechcraft AT-11 for MSFS2004/FS9 ACoF - VERSION 1.1
Models by Milton Shupe, panel and gauges by Scott Thomas, textures by Damian Radice, and Sounds by Gary Jones. Four models and five textures included. Damian's Paint kit and five additional international textures available.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 10:36 by Milton Shupe

35.33Mb (644 downloads)
Damian Radice Five Extra International Paints for the Beech AT-11 KANSAN by Milton Shupe
All textures are copyright owned by Damian Radice, Milton Shupe, or others as noted in the AT-11 Release Readme.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 10:35 by Milton Shupe

20.93Mb (685 downloads)
AT-11 KANSAN DXT3 Texture Set WITH NO MIP MAPS Uploaded by Milton Shupe
These 10 folders replace the original 5 distributed with the package, and the 5 extra International texture sets available by Damian Radice.
The aircraft.cfg distributed in the original download or the AT-11 was setup for all 10 sets.
The folders in this set each are 44MB smaller than the original folders for a savings of 440MB.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 09:58 by Milton Shupe