FS2004 > Page 384

0.12Mb (866 downloads)
Repaint textures for Mike Stone's C7 depicting an aircraft used by the U.S. Marine Corps. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
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Posted Aug 2, 2010 12:40 by Don Brynelsen
0.00Mb (386 downloads)
San Carlos Aerodromo in Rio San Juan,
Posted Aug 1, 2010 22:28 by Alberto Thomas
0.00Mb (1657 downloads)
Cancun - Mexico, with the new airport runway.
Posted Aug 1, 2010 20:30 by Alberto Thomas

1.13Mb (1833 downloads)
A repaint of Mike Stone's excellent DeHavilland in the livery of an aircraft used to deploy smoke jumpers to fight massive forest fires.
Features a panel by John Rushby-Smith and Barry Magann, and improved flight dynamics by Jerry Allen that makes the model fly more like
an actual Caribou. Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 15:28 by Don Brynelsen

1.09Mb (2552 downloads)
A repaint of Mike Stone's excellent DeHavilland in the livery of a privatly owned aircraft based in the Carribean. Features a panel by John Rushby-Smith and Barry Magann, and improved flight dynamics by Jerry Allen that makes the model fly more like
an actual Caribou. Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 15:26 by Don Brynelsen

1.10Mb (2314 downloads)
A repaint of Mike Stone's excellent DeHavilland in the livery of an small air cargo operation.Features a panel by John Rushby-Smith and Barry Magann, and improved flight dynamics by Jerry Allen that makes the model fly more like
an actual Caribou. Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 15:23 by Don Brynelsen

1.14Mb (4263 downloads)
A repaint of Mike Stone's excellent DeHavilland in US Navy Grey. Features a panel by John Rushby-Smith and Barry Magann, and improved flight dynamics by Jerry Allen that makes the model fly more like
an actual Caribou. Repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 15:20 by Don Brynelsen

5.49Mb (3043 downloads)
FS2004 Qatar Boeing 787-8 V2. Versions 2 includes aircraft design improvements plus new animations.
This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS).
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 05:03 by CamSim

5.08Mb (1651 downloads)
FS2004 Lithuania. Includes Kaunas (EYKA), Kedainiai (EYKD), Klaipeda (EYKL), Oshmyan (EYKO), Kazly Ruda (EYKR), Kaunas S. Darius (EYKS), Nida (EYND), Paliepiai (EYPL), Pajuostis (EYPP), Siauliai (EYPS), Jonava Gaiziunai (EYRU), Barysiai (EYSB).
Posted Jul 29, 2010 04:59 by Andrey

5.09Mb (1808 downloads)
FS2004 Latvia. Includes Aizpute (EVAA), Adazi (EVAD), Daugavpils (EVBA), Cesis (EVCA), Lielvarde (EVDC), Modona (EVDM), Jelgava (EVEA), Vainode (EVFA), Limbazhi (EVHA), Durbe Ciravas (EVIA), Kuldiga (EVJA), Jekabpils (EVKA), Liepaja (EVLA), Liepas (EVLI), Zagare Tervete (EVMA), Malpils (EVMP), Rezekne (EVNA), Ikskile (EVPA), Riga Intl (EVRA), Riga Rumbula (EVRC), Daugavpils Lotsaki (EVRD), Rigas Salaspils (EVRR), Riga Spilve (EVRS), Tukums (EVTA), Talsi (EVTE).
Posted Jul 29, 2010 04:57 by Andrey