FS2004 > Page 382

3.14Mb (793 downloads)
Paint scheme for the default DC-3. SkyBorne is a fictional airline created for a college business simulation. DC-3 Repaint by R.E. Wyman using the Mark Beaumont repaint template. Textures only.
Posted Aug 14, 2010 01:09 by R.E. Wyman

6.58Mb (5938 downloads)
Britten-Norman BN2A Mk lll-2 Trislander. The Trislander is a rugged 3 engine, 18 seater, STOL commuter/island opper/utility aircraft built originally in the 1970's and 1980's. The demand for refurbished Trislanders is such that B-N are now considering re-opening the production line for new aircraft. This model features full moving parts, custom panel and VC, pleasant and accurate flight dynamics, panel documentation, and FS kneeboard check and ref lists. Three liveries included in the package,
Aurigny (UK), LyddAir (UK) and Great Barrier Airlines (New Zealand). More liveries and paint kit available on the PAD web site. Full package for FS2004. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Aug 12, 2010 20:22 by bob.may@premaircraft.com

8.21Mb (4555 downloads)
FSX/FS9 Boeing 2707-SST Nuclear powered bomber
Original model by Kazunori Ito. No VC. Textures
By Claudio Pizzirani
Posted Aug 12, 2010 05:57 by Claudio Pizzirani

14.56Mb (1640 downloads)
The venerable twin Beech in two liveries: World War Two Air Corps green, and a privately owned aircraft.
Model,panel, animations, VC cockpit
engines by F.Giuli. Gauges by L. Clark and
other different authors, Repaints by Don Brynelsen, Sound by Chuck Dome and other authors
Posted Aug 11, 2010 12:41 by Don Brynelsen

5.81Mb (1841 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004-IMAM RO 43 II Series - SEAPLANE
Ro 43 was a reconnaissance seaplane designed
to meet requirement of Regia Marina for a
catapult launched reconnaissance aircraft
for the Maritime Reconnaissance Squadrons
operating from the ships.This model, without
folding wings, served with the Maritime
Reconnaissance training unit in the Lagoon
of Orbetello. Model,texture by F.Giuli, panel
by Alphasim ; Gauges by different authors
Posted Aug 10, 2010 06:09 by FRANCESCO GIULI

14.50Mb (476 downloads)
Varig and Vasp textures for the payware Legendary 727 V1.5 Professional.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 11:28 by Michel O. Florindo

10.72Mb (4009 downloads)
FS2004 Air New Zealand 777-319ER. A repaint for the Project Open Sky B777-300ER v2. Painted with the Air New Zealand livery. By Xudeva Irribarra.
Posted Aug 9, 2010 07:30 by Xudeva Irribarra

2.16Mb (5905 downloads)
IHS-Cebu based helicopter charter services. Philippines. One of its fleet: Eurocopter Gazelle 341AH The Gazelle 341 AH was the first helicopter to carry a fenestron or fantail, which gives considerable noise reduction. It features a fully enclosed fuselage structure and a rigid modified Bolkow type main rotor. For flying controls, it consists of a cyclic stick, a collective lever and a pair of yaw pedals to control tail rotor pitch.Duplicate controls can be fitted at the left seat. The controls operate hydraulic servo units through connecting rods and cables. If the hydraulic system fails, the servos lock and the aircraft ca be controlled manually. This helicopter has less noise and vibration. Maneuverability is its middle name, speed is its first name. This helicopter is deemed as the Ferrari of the sky because of its speed and maneuverability. This is essential for tours. It has a capacity of five (5) passengers including pilot. FS aircraft is very maneuverable and realistically simulated flight dynamics. Can hover and make a spot landing.w/ VC. Specification: Engine: 1 x Turbomeca Astazon IIIA (590 hp) Max Airspeed: 167.4 kts Range: 362 Nm Gross Weight: 3.970 lbs Rate of climb: 1770 ft/min Seating Capacity: 5 (4 pax + 1 pilot) GMAX Aircraft by: Cyril Pioffet Repainted by: Gerard G. 0lvis
Posted Aug 8, 2010 14:06 by Gerard G. Olvis

5.14Mb (677 downloads)
Northeast Airlines textures for DC-6B aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson available at Calclassic.com.
Textures by Gary Harper.
here (external link)
Posted Aug 7, 2010 13:30 by Gary Harper

0.00Mb (629 downloads)
Pitcairn Island
water runway. Pitcairn Island is part of a small group of islands in the southern Pacific ocean.
Posted Aug 6, 2010 14:57 by Alberto Thomas