FS2004 > Helicopters > Page 69
0.46Mb (1666 downloads)
Aerospatiale/Eurocopter AS365N3 Dauphin Presidential F.A.D Domincian
Repubic Textures only.
. Note: This file is missing the aircraft.cfg edits so these
will need to be done by anyone installing these textures! By
Robert Serrata. Requires Antti Pankkone's original model (dauph2k2.zip)
here. 472K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.15Mb (1636 downloads)
Polish Navy SH-2G Seasprite No.28 Squadron - 163544 Textures
Texture of a Polish Naval Aviation SH-2G Seasprite of No.28
Squadron circa 2007 based at Gdynia-Babie Doly NAS, Poland for
the excellent freeware SH-2G from Nigel Booth (above). Repaint
textures by Jason Sparkes of UKMIL/USMIL . 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
35.34Mb (3062 downloads)
Bell 412 Japan Coast Guard Complete Package.
In this file, there are all Bell 412 that the Japan Coast Guard
has now. It is composed of 3 models and 8 repaints. Based on
the Hovercontrol original. Repaints by Nobup Poi. 36.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
1.19Mb (1511 downloads)
RNZAF/NAVY SH-2G(NZ) Seasprite No.6 Squadron Textures Only
Texture of a Royal New Zealand Air Force/Naval Division SH-2G(NZ)
Seasprite of No.6 Squadron circa 2007 based at Whenuapai AB,
New Zealand for the excellent freeware SH-2G from Nigel Booth
(above). Repaint textures by Jason Sparkes of UKMIL/USMIL. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
30.41Mb (3868 downloads)
Westland Scout HA1 package.
Welcome to the new Westland Scout for FSX. Thius gmax aircraft
was designed by UKMIL. this pack includes 4 different models,
and 6 textures aswell as a layered painkit in PSP and Photoshop
formats. Many thanks to everyone who helped on this project
inc Pete Clayson for his work on the Flight Dynamics. Much appreciated.
The Aircraft is the work of UKMIL. 31.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
15.06Mb (4387 downloads)
Westland Wasp HAS1 package.
welcome to the new Westland Wasp for FS9. Thius gmax aircraft
was designed by UKMIL. this pack includes 4 different models,
and 11 textures aswell as a layered painkit in PSP and Photoshop
formats. Many thanks to everyone who helped on this project
inc Pete Clayson for his work on the Flight Dynamics. Much appreciated.
the Aircraft is the work of UKMIL. 15.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
23.16Mb (7473 downloads)
Sikorsky R-4B Package.
Floats and Wheel versions with multiple variations. Note: In
FSX this machine takes a minute to warm up. Give it time! Flies
beautifully once warm. Superb flight dynamics! This package
contains two basic models, one wheeled and one fitted with floats,
and each of these has one version with hoist and one without,
making four in all. There are six liveries included for each
model - 1 x Royal Air Force, 1 x Fleet Air Arm (Royal Navy),
2 x United States Coast Guard and 2 x United States Army Air
Force. Three of these are currently on display at museums in
the US and UK, while the other three all played a key role in
the development of SAR and military helicopter operations. Sadly,
none of the 140 R-4B's and variants built are airworthy today.
By Shawn Lund Pete Clayson. 23.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
13.35Mb (9212 downloads)
RNZN Kaman SH-2G Seasprite Package v1.1
The first flight of the SH-2G(NZ) was made on the 2nd of August
2000. Five are in service and used for a number of roles. Employed
for the decks of New Zealands navy frigates the Seasprite 'G'
has completed over 4000 hours since inception. Features 2D &
VC panels, Sounds, Effects, animations, lighting etc. Model,
panel, & effects by Nigel Booth. Excellent sound package
by Adrian Brausch. Dedicated to Dave Morgan (RNZN). 13.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
16.25Mb (3421 downloads)
RotorWay Exec 162F
by Munch Brothers. Aircraft features detailed exterior, detailed
Virtual Cockpit, frame rate friendly. Custom gauges and sounds.
Realistic overhead panel & startup sequence. And just a
whole lot of fun to fly. FADEC gauge. Monitors engine and flight
data. Terrific flight model. Three versions. Pilot passenger
with doors. Pilot with doors Single pilot with out doors. by
Munch Brothers Aviaton. Donald Elliott Jim Whisman, M. Allen
Richards if missing compase check panel.cfg.fix in the panel
folder. Donald R. Elliott. 16.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
2.15Mb (2074 downloads)
Mil Mi-24V Hind-E Hungarian Air Force Kecskemet Air Show 2007
Scheme Textures Only
Repaint of the Tim Conrad Mil Mi-24V Hind-E (required here)
of the Hungarian Air Force Kecskemet Air Show 2007 Scheme. Repaint
textures by Jason Sparkes of UKMIL/USMIL. 2.2MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive