FS2004 > Helicopters > Page 72

6.47Mb (1823 downloads)
Saro Skeeter.
Welcome to the UKMIL Saro Skeeter. this helo is given to you
by the UKMIL Team. Modelled by 'the Gaffer' It depicts the smaller
Saro Skeeter. 6.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

9.82Mb (2433 downloads)
Kamov Ka58 Hokum.
Several liveries included. Model by François Reitz/ Pierre
Marchadier Texture François ReitzGmax Academy. 10.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

4.10Mb (2111 downloads)
Eurocopter As555 Fennec.
The Fennec is a single-engined, light-weight, multipurpose helicopter
manufactured by Eurocopter. Based on the Eurocopter Ecureuil
series, it is named after the Fennec, a small fox found in the
Sahara Desert of North Africa which has distinctive oversized
ears. The armed version can be fitted with coaxial weapons,
and a small number of rockets. By GMax Academy. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

10.39Mb (6354 downloads)
Kamov Ka50 Hokum Package.
. The Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark (NATO reporting name: "Hokum
A") is a single-seat Russian attack helicopter with the
distinctive coaxial rotor system of the Kamov design bureau.
It was designed in the 1980s and adopted for service in the
Russian army in 1995. Works in FSX without VC. Gmax Academy
Modèle Pierre Marchadier Texture François Reitz.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
30.43Mb (11813 downloads)
USCG AS 365 Dolphin USCG Package.
78 HH-65C Variants from numorous USCG Airstations around the
USA. The units included are from Sitka, Barbers Point, Port
Angeles, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Humboldt Bay, Detroit,
Kodak, Atlantic City, New Orleans, Houston, Mobile, Miami, Corpus
Christi, Borinquen, Savannah, Traverse City, Elizabeth City,
and a lone MH-65C Dauphin from Jacksonville, Florida (The MH-65
will replace the MH-68 Stingray HITRON helicopters in the future.)
If you do the math, that's about 92% of the ENTIRE United States
Coast Guard HH-65 Fleet. Also, some helicopters have been moved
around to other stations since the last package, so this should
bring you up to date with everything. Oncemore--This package
is dedicated to the brave men and women of the United States
Coast Guard--especially those at CGAS New Orleans. Many of the
crewmembers saved more people during Hurricane Katrina than
many veteran pilots have and will save during their entire career!The
visual model is designed entirely in GMAX. It has most of the
standard FS2004 features: lights, virtual cockpit, specular
lighting and animations.Paints in -THIS- package by Brandon
D. Henry. Original Dauphin model by Antti Pankkonen. Remodeled
into the Dolphin by John Devins and Keith Devins. textures by
John Devins. Photorealistic Panel and VC textures by Fabien
Venries. 31MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
19.96Mb (3833 downloads)
Photoreal SA-330 "French Pumas" Textures pack.
Description : Photoreal Textures Pack For Brian Franklin's
AS-330 Puma (here).
This package includes several photoreal livreries of the differents
SA-330 Pumas used by french armed forces.by Jonathan Hilaire.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
4.65Mb (3817 downloads)
X-49A Speedhawk U.S. Army Experimental.
Original Aircraft Designed by Jordan Moore. Additiona Virtual
Cockpit Modeling and Texturing by Deane Baunton Transparent
Rotor Textures by Brian McIntyre Shawn Lund. 4.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
9.69Mb (8033 downloads)
Hughes MD500 Package.
One of the world's most successful and useful light turbine
helicopters, the Hughes/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing 500 series
began life in response to a US Army requirement for a light
observation helicopter. Hughes won the US Army observation helicopter
contest. They then announced they were developing a civil version,
to be marketed as the Hughes 500 (Hughes Model 369). It was
offered in basic five and seven seat configurations. The 500D,
was an improved version with a more powerful engine, a Ttail,
and new five blade main and optional four blade tail rotors.
The D was followed by the 500E from 1982 with recontoured nose
and various interior improvements including greater head and
leg room. The 530F is a more powerful version optimised for
hot and high work. McDonnell Douglas acquired Hughes Helicopters
in January 1984, and from August 1985 the 500E and 530F were
built as the MD500E and MD 530F Lifter. Contains VC & a
variety of textures. By Alpha Simulations. 9.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
3.11Mb (4319 downloads)
Ecureuil AS 350BA Photorealistical Textures Pack .
This Package Includes Four new variations For the AS 350BA by
FsPainter above. Includes several French Gendarmerie Nationale
and Héli-Sécurité Photorealistical livreries,
by Jonathan Hilaire. Original aircraft by Florian Laroye (required
above), repaints by Jonathan Hilaire . 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
30.56Mb (10467 downloads)
Aerospatiale AS 350BA Ecureuil Package v1.2.1
. Comprehensive highly designed package including fully interactive
& working VC (virtual cockpit). Sound by FSpainter and Roger
Grauby Model, Gauges, Panel and Texture by FSpainter Florian
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive