3.67Mb (782 downloads)
Mirage 50EV FAV 4058 of Venezuela Air Force. Model by Eduardo Fadul, Texture by Jose Armando Yanez
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required file
Posted Apr 27, 2012 11:14 by Jose Armando Yanez

4.01Mb (563 downloads)
Mirage 5V FAV 1225 of Venezuela Air Force, Model By Eduardo Fadul, Texturas por Jose Armando Yanez
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required file
Posted Apr 27, 2012 10:40 by Jose Armando Yanez

1.28Mb (482 downloads)
Mirage IIIEV FAV 0624 Textures only for the Mirage III by J.E.Narcizo. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez, Mirage IIIEV FAV 0624, BAEL-Venezuela
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 26, 2012 13:16 by Jose Armando Yanez

22.66Mb (8315 downloads)
This is the freeware Alphasim F-111 aircraft updated with new 2D and Virtual Cockpit panels. A right seat WSO panel has been added. There are new Gauges, Afterburner effects and Fuel Dump and burn effects. All the textures have been redone and a Pre-production FB-111A gray & white texture has been added. There are basic functioning radar and threat warning gauges. A basic terrain following radar is included. Enjoy!
Posted Apr 24, 2012 14:41 by Steve Hess

35.92Mb (12034 downloads)
B1B Lancer Package. Features fully animated swing wing with leading edge slats (flap key)
animated spoilerons and elevons (automatic, on stick left/right)
animated wing spoilers (will 'pop-up' if keypress-activated, a sim limitation when spoilerons are employed. A slider control will however restore the smooth spoiler animation)
opening cockpit hatch (shift-e)
main dorsal speed brake (/-key)
opening bomb bays (2nd Exit (shift-e, then 2)
togglable crew figures (ctrl-W). Also includes advanced folder for more discerning users. Ex paywrae from Alphasim/Virtuavia.
Posted Apr 9, 2012 04:09 by alphasim

4.71Mb (3836 downloads)
Heavylift IL-76 Version 2.
An Ilyushin Il-76TD in Heavylift Cargo livery, registration RA-76401.
Model by Sergey Varnavskiy.
Textures by lotfi ABDELGHANI.

1.74Mb (2343 downloads)
Repaint of Kazunori Ito's F-104J single seat version. This update replaces my previous texture for the Lockheed prototype of the F-104 Starfighter. The repaint uses Eric Cantu's aluminum texture utility to give the F-104 a more realistic appearance. Requires the original model by Kazunori Ito but is usable with many of the model updates made by others here. Although it is a FS2002/FS2004 model I have been able to use it in FSX as well. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 9, 2012 01:11 by R.E. Wyman

11.16Mb (1902 downloads)
Shorts 360-100 Aviacion Militar Bolivariana. Model by Mike Stone. Textures by Jerry Capote.
Posted Mar 4, 2012 20:07 by Jerry capote

65.94Mb (4943 downloads)
The Grumman "Seven" Projects for MSFS2004/FS9 ACof - VERSION 1.0 (C-1A COD)
by Milton Shupe, Tom Fliger, Nigel Richards, Marcel Ritzema, John Humphries, and Jan Visser with help from SOH members.
Functional VC model included; Pkg incl one Aircraft with three textures, a great flight model, authentic radial custom sounds, and features custom panels with aircraft specific gauges, easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits, and beautifully crafted exterior textures.
This aircraft release is one of 7 aircraft in a series release.
Posted Feb 27, 2012 11:58 by Milton Shupe

69.67Mb (5297 downloads)
by Milton Shupe, Tom Fliger, Nigel Richards, Steve Bryant, Todd Disrud, Marcel Ritzema, John Humphries, Jeremy U., Lazerbeak, and Jan Visser with help from SOH members.
Functional VC model included; Pkg incl one Aircraft with one or more textures, a great flight model, authentic radial custom sounds, and features custom panels with aircraft specific gauges, easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits, and beautifully crafted exterior textures.
This aircraft release is one of 7 aircraft in a series that will be released.
Posted Feb 27, 2012 11:35 by Milton Shupe