13.34Mb (2161 downloads)
The classic Beech in U.S. Navy colors based upon similar aircraft seen on "Black Sheep Squadron" and other Hollywood movies and television programs. These aircraft were primarily transports for staff officers and VIP's around the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Original Aircraft model and panel by F. Giuli, repaint and improved sound package by Don Brynelsen.
Posted May 5, 2010 12:33 by Don Brynelsen

5.95Mb (9547 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Bell X-22A. The X-22A was designed and built to evaluate Bellfs patented dual tandem ducted-propeller configuration for a V/STOL transport. Later it was configured to serve as a testbed for STOL handling qualities using a variable stability control system. Four General Electric YT53-GE-8D turboshaft engines powered it. By Kazunori Ito
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:05 by Kazunori Ito

31.59Mb (3336 downloads)
I fixed the effect by making more side flares come out and i added sound when the flares come out.(you need to hold (i) to constantly hear sound go on).
Posted Apr 18, 2010 07:09 by Claudio Pizzirani

59.53Mb (3540 downloads)
AC-130 flare effect. It also includes the flares that go to the side. I included a video of the flares but its prety crap.You can use this with any aircraft. Will work in FSX.
Posted Apr 16, 2010 10:43 by Claudio Pizzirani

67.63Mb (8625 downloads)
C-46 Mashup Commando for FS2004
This package combines the
wonderfull C-46 by Libardo Guzman, Tom
Gibson and Greg Pepper, with the DC-3C
gauge set by Charles "Dutch" Owens. It
contains realistic failure code that will
cause both pilot induced and random system
failures and fires. This is a complete package
with aircraft, sound, VC and 5 panels.
Modifications By Terry Jones.
Posted Apr 2, 2010 17:18 by Terry Jones

18.60Mb (19187 downloads)
The C-124 Globemaster II was the standard USAF stategic transport during the 1950s and 60s, until it was replaced with the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter. The C-124A and C-124C are both included in this package. Features include virtual cockpit (VC). For FS2004 only, FSX users should download C124_V10X.zip instead. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Mar 30, 2010 04:19 by Jens B. Kristensen

27.48Mb (5569 downloads)
This is an all-new model of the HP67 Hastings, a British military transport that was the mainstay of RAF Transport Command from 1947 into the 1960s. The last Hastings transport was retired in 1968. Five variants are included: Hastings C.1, C.1A, Met.1, C.2 and C.4. For FS2004 only, FSX users should download Hastings_V10X.zip instead. By Jens B. Kristensen
Posted Mar 27, 2010 05:14 by Jens B. Kristensen

5.18Mb (2331 downloads)
Textures only for the freeware SIMSHED Tucano in the 2010 colours. THere are some mapping issues which mean the scheme cannot be copied exactly
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 26, 2010 13:50 by UKMIL

2.30Mb (10327 downloads)
RAF A380-800 for FS2004
RAF colours (grey livery) painted onto Robert Versluy's A380-800. The RAF (obviously) don't have any A380's amongst their fleet - maybe one day !!! Model by Robert Versluy, repaint by Steve Caine. Complete package with default 2d panel and sound.
Posted Mar 24, 2010 04:37 by admin

1.10Mb (2544 downloads)
Here is the Shadow R1 as used by the RAF. it is based on a Beechcraft Kingair, but has been adapted for Recon use.
Posted Mar 9, 2010 04:29 by UKMIL