1.70Mb (7702 downloads)
F/A-18c Panel with integrated Aircraft Carrier catapult and
Arresting gear gauges
developed and released as freeware by Rob Barendregt and Doug
Dawson, with special input from Nick Needham. It is to be used
with the F-18 by K. Virtanen (FS9FA18C.zip - here).
By Todd McKee. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

8.06Mb (11631 downloads)
Airbus A320 or A330 Panel.
A simple, and intuitively easy to use panel that uses many
default gauges in conjunction with more advanced gauges available
as freeware. Redistributed here with permission of the original
authors. Original Panel Bitmaps: Andreas Jaros at FPDA.. By
Alex Christoff. 8.2MB
for my A320 Panel for FS9. Fixes the missing GPS, replaces
some missing lighting toggles in the overhead, resizes and
repositions the radio stack, and replaces and re-centers the
standy instruments. Sorry about the inconvenience. Alex Christoff.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

1.23Mb (8011 downloads)
Embraer ERJ-145 panel Version 1 This
panel was designed based on actual ERJ photos. All gauges were
costumized and specially created for this panel. Very close
to reality. By Hector Molina. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

2.37Mb (6756 downloads)
Wingview package.
This version includes 4 new wingviews! This wingviews can be
used for every aircraft. The 4 wingviews are designed for the:
Boeing 737, 767, BAE 146, and for the Airbus A330/340. By Frank
Elfert. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

1.01Mb (2167 downloads)
OV-10 A/E Bronco Panel.
Made from FS Panel Studio. Sqn.Ldr. Athayuth " Arthur " Khaosa-ard.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

update of Mark Beaumont's single IFR panel only for the DC-3.
Requires previous installation of DC3_PAN.ZIP and DC3_PAN2.ZIP
(above) but makes no changes to any of the twin panels. As additional
pop-ups, adds an improved Electrical Panel with essential gauges,
Bill Morad's ATC Control Panel, R.L. Clark's Radio CD player
and Robert K. Guy's Airspeed/Groundspeed readout as part of
the digital overlay. All simicons are now on a pop-up panel
also, leaving the basic panel clear and uncluttered for flying.
Optional PANEL.CFG files included for those who have previously
installed Beaumont and Bitzer's three and four tank modifications.
By Mark Beaumont. File name: DC3_PAN3.ZIP. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

5.07Mb (5413 downloads)
Airbus & Modern Passenger Jet Generic Panels;
Two generic panels that should work in any twin engine heavy.
Both are based on Ken Mitchell's 717 panel and made available
with Ken's permission. I use one of the panels for the airbus
and the second for whatever else needs a panel at the time.
To save space, panel2 contains the main and right front bmps
and panel cfg only. They both use the same gauges and side views.
You'll need to copy and paste the gauges and other views into
it and rename it "panel". Then just drop either into your aircraft.
Yes, gauges work from the panel folder. No need to mess up you're
main gauge folder. Enjoy! Richard. aka Bigshot. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

1.32Mb (8325 downloads)
Airbus A-320 Panel Version 1.
This A 320 panel was made based on photos of the actual cockpit
and has customized gauges specifically designed for it. By Hector
Molina. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

2.66Mb (5117 downloads)
CRJ Panels Intended
for Project Opensky CRJ Series Aircraft. Created by Mark Leegard.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
4.96Mb (18370 downloads)
F-14B Panel and FDE package ver 2.
This package upgrades Dino Cattaneo's F14B model for FS2004.
The panel features Heads Up, Heads Down and RIO views with catapult
& arrestor cables control. Uses a custom FSNavigator interface
for IFR, Tactical, and Aircraft Carrier Autoland. The package
Includes Fuel Computer, Apollo GPS, TCAS Radar, TCAS HUD, Meatball
HUD, Mini Panel, and GPWS pull-up Warnings. All HUD funtions
work togeather with collective intigration. The F-14B FDE is
refit from my previous F-14A FDE that was with Dino Cattaneo's
visual model for FS2002. The new FDE features real world F-14B
specifications, editable ordinance weights, and has all specifications
listed in the FS09 Kneeboard. The autopilot is updated for fighter
models with tighter turns, and minimal overshoot. The FDE also
includes the latest effects for the model. Credit is given to
many authors who have taken an interest in fighter aircraft.
By John J Schumacher / Schu Engineering. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive