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FS2004 > Panels > Page 28
FS2004 DC-3 SINGLE IFR PANEL COMMS PACK UPDATE 2.3 This package may appeal to those who fly the DC-3 or other aircraft in multiplayer using Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumont's IFR panel. The modification was initially designed for the very active virtual airline 'DC-3 Airways' ( It updates this panel to be able to change either preset 'Teamspeak' or 'Roger Wilco' frequencies from within the cockpit with no task switch, depending on which Comms software is in use at the time. That said, the new 'Roger Wilco' switch gauge included can be added to any panel, allowing switching of preconfigured 'Roger Wilco' frequencies with no requirement for additional software other than 'Roger Wilco' itself. Offered with choice of white or orange Bendix-style readout. To use the 'Teamspeak' gauge, which appears as a light on the COM2 panel and can be switched using dialed frequencies, 'Teamspeak' Client and 'FSTSTuner' software are required. Full details are in the README. By Mark Beaumont and Matt Kaprocki. File name: DC3_COMM.ZIP (original DC panels here)
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Custom F-14 Panel.
1.12Mb (4381 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Custom F-14 Panel. This Panel is designed for members of the Simviation Forums. It is based on actual photographs and includes mostly custom gauges, including the TCAS, HUD, and PFD. Zach Smith (Saratoga). 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Generic Fighter Panel
0.95Mb (3747 downloads)
FS2004 Generic Fighter Panel. Configured by Francisco Silva 975K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Enhanced Jabiru Panel,
3.39Mb (1906 downloads)
FS2004 Enhanced Jabiru Panel, updated from the previous panels that came with my last three Jabiru aircraft (here) . This panel utilizes photos for side views for realism. There is a diffrent improved radio stack, GPS, and icon buttons for calling up the added accessories. All extra guages are included. Panel by William Ortis, 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Boeing 727 Panel.
3.99Mb (9472 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 727 Panel. This Boeing 727 panel has been optimized for the FS9 Virtual Airline and Virtual Cargo pilot. Built around Mike Stone's excellent FS2002 model 727 but useful on any 727. Offers good forward visibility. Clear and legible gauges, fully functional with no junky eye candy. No panel-blocking windowed radio stack or throttle quadrant, everything save for GPS is right up front where it belongs. This panel is for those of you who must fly the 727 into live traffic and bad real-world weather. Individual engine start/stop controls, fuel computer, highly readable ILS glideslope, and traditional 727 type autopilot. Tested accurate on NAV1 ILS approach coupling. Includes config files for four different night illumination choices. Requires FS2002's Concorde gauge set (available here). This panel has been designed for 1280x1024 resolution and has been tested in FS9 ONLY. By Gary Smith. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  panel of Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat
0.28Mb (1677 downloads)
FS2004 panel of Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat for carrier operations. Use the bitmap image of Sergey "Araks" Golovachev ( and use package of Rob Barendregt and Doug Dawson. By Sonny* and Benoit M. Dube of Royale French Navy 285 KB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  FS2004 Enhanced 747 CARGO Panel.
1.92Mb (2419 downloads)
FS2004 FS2004 Enhanced 747 CARGO Panel. This is the cargo version of my 747 Panel, that is no cabin views. Requires my FS2004 Enhanced 747 Panel. ( & - here) by Chris Hutchings. 1.9 MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FS2004                   SGA McDonnell-Douglas DC10 Panel.
4.12Mb (18714 downloads)
FS2004 SGA McDonnell-Douglas DC10 Panel. · Original Panel: Staffan Ahlberg · Modifications and Bitmaps: Mike Baumann, Fraser Turner · Special thanks to Staffan Ahlberg for giving us permission to rework and re-release his wonderful panel! DC-10 Aircraft here. 4.2MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  F-14D Panel with integrated Aircraft Carrier catapult and Arresting
                  gear gauges
2.49Mb (18280 downloads)
FS2004 F-14D Panel with integrated Aircraft Carrier catapult and Arresting gear gauges developed and released as freeware by Rob Barendregt and Doug Dawson, with special input from Nick Needham. By Todd McKee. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Generic High View Old Twin Engine Prop Panel
0.17Mb (1111 downloads)
FS2004 Generic High View Old Twin Engine Prop Panel. Configured by Francisco Silva 173K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive