7.62Mb (115 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas DC-6A (CB17 model) in Overseas National Airways - ONA 1959 colors. The freeware CalClassic DC-6A CB-17 model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson is needed for this repaint. ONA was originally formed in 1950 by George Tompkins to undertake overseas contracts on behalf of the USAF. In 1966 after a ruling by the CAB, ONA was granted permission to undertake inclusive tour charters, affinity group charters, and single entity charters to transatlantic and Caribbean markets. Over the next decade, the fleet expanded to include: L-188s, DC-8-61/63CFs, DC-8-20/30s, DC-9-30s, and the granddaddy of them all; the DC-10-30CF. During the winter of 1975/76 tragedy struck. Two ONA DC-10s were lost in accidents in the space of two months (November 1975 & January 1976). This, coupled with financial difficulties, led the the filing of its second bankruptcy on September 7, 1978. This repaint is on DC-6A N660NA, which joined the airline in 1958, and was sold to AAXICO in 1961. Textures are 32bit bmp. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE and should work on FSX, P3D v1-3, & FS2004.
Posted Jun 19, 2019 09:55 by Ted Giana

7.55Mb (281 downloads)
This is a repaint of the BAe 748-B2 in Air Virginia 1983 colors. Air Virginia purchased their first of 3 BAe 748-B2s in 1981. However, by 1985 all 3 BAe 748s were withdrawn from service in favor of an 18 unit Metroliner fleet.
This particular aircraft, N748AV, was delivered to Air Virginia in 1981. Textures are 32bit bmp. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX,P3D v1-3, & FS2004. The freeware Hawker Siddeley HS-748 by Rick Piper is needed for this repaint.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 25, 2019 01:57 by Ted Giana

2.02Mb (317 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Fairchild Metro II in Air Virginia 1982 colors. . Lynchburg based Air Virginia was formed by Rodney H. Jaeger in January 1979, and started operations with daily flights to Washington DC. By the mid-1980s they had a route system that stretched from Newark to North Carolina, and west to Ohio, and its fleet had grown to include several Swearingen Metroliners and 3 BAe 748s. Unfortunately the airline folded in 1988. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX, FS2004 & P3Dv1-3. The freeware Fairchild Metro III by Jon Murchison is needed for this repaint
Required files:
required file
Posted May 24, 2019 19:55 by Ted Giana

70.20Mb (1134 downloads)
Howard 350 Concept for FS9 Only
by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, William Ellis, and Sounds by Nigel Richards
Pkg incl a passenger model, custom panel and gauges, custom sounds, and one livery per the concept drawing.
This is a pressurized, Executive Class, P&W R-2800 propeller-driven, taildragger aircraft.
April 2019
Posted Apr 16, 2019 17:23 by Milton Shupe

1.75Mb (597 downloads)
ATR 42-500 Easyfly Colombia textures. This aircraft, registered HK-5071, is currently flying for Easyfly covering mostly smaller cities in the central and northern regions of Colombia. High definition textures only for the freeware VirtualCol ATR-42-500 model. By Rodolfo Estrella C.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 03:38 by uploader

1.83Mb (596 downloads)
ATR 42-600 Satena Colombia textures. This aircraft, registered HK-5129 and FAC-1193, is currently serving the military operated airline Satena covering their main regional routes. High definition textures only for the freeware VirtualCol ATR-42-600 model. By Rodolfo Estrella C.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 03:35 by uploader

2.39Mb (900 downloads)
Avianca Colombia textures for the VirtualCol ATR 72-600 released as freeware. This aircraft, registered HK-4954, is part of the Avianca Colombia ATR fleet, covering mostly domestic destinations where the pure jet big brothers can't operate. High definition textures only for the freeware VirtualCol ATR-72-600 model. By Rodolfo Estrella C.
Posted Apr 9, 2019 03:32 by uploader

71.90Mb (2318 downloads)
FS2004 ATR42 Series for FS2004
Full pack ATR42 Series including Models with virtual cockpit
Turbo prop Sound, Gauges functional, user manual, 4 models Series
-320 -320F (cargo) -500 y -600 and 37 repaints for models.
Development and donated as freeware By VIRTUALCOL FS SOFTWARE
Posted Apr 1, 2019 10:10 by uploader

85.07Mb (1731 downloads)
FS2004 ATR72 Series
Full pack ATR72 Series including Models with virtual cockpit
Turbo prop Sound, Gauges functional, user manual, 5 models Series
-200 -210 -210F(cargo) -500 y -600, ground service and 37 repaints for models.
Development and donated as freeware By VIRTUALCOL FS SOFTWARE
Posted Apr 1, 2019 09:44 by uploader

9.86Mb (334 downloads)
FS2004/FSX ATR-42 West Caribbean Colombia
Livery 1998
Posted Jan 17, 2019 12:31 by Jhonatan Enrique Rosy Amaya