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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 36
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 4
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 4
16.64Mb (772 downloads)
Ukraine Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy UKHA-Akhtyrka, UKHB-Bliznyuki, UKHC-Chervonoye Pustogorod, UKHD-Kharkiv Sokolnyky North, UKHE-Kharkiv Lyubotin, UKHG-Kremenchug, UKHI-Izyum, UKHJ-Poltava, UKHK-Kremenchug Kakhnovka, UKHL-Lokhvitsya, UKHM-Velikaya Krucha, UKHN-Lebedin, UKHP-Poltava Suprunovka, UKHR-Kochubeyevka Artemivka, UKHT-Mirgorod, UKHU-Kupyansk Uzlovoy, UKHX-Khorol
Posted Aug 12, 2011 13:07 by Andrey anta
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 2
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 2
16.88Mb (685 downloads)
Ukraine Donetsk, Luhansk area UKCB-Bilenke, UKCD-Dmitrievka, UKCK-Kramatorsk, UKCM-Mariupol, UKCO-Mospyne, UKCP-Petrovskoye, UKCQ-Olhinka, UKCS-Sieverodonetsk, UKCT-Starobelsk, UKCV-Valeryanivka, UKCW-Luhansk, UKCY-Yenakiyeve
Posted Aug 12, 2011 12:56 by Andrey anta
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 1
Ukraine Scenery Package Part 1
18.00Mb (815 downloads)
Ukraine Kiev, Kirovohrad, Zhytomyr area UKBC-Kiev Belaya Tserkov, UKBK-Kamyanka, UKBM-Mala Vyska, UKBO-Popelnya, UKKB-Kiev Borodyanka, UKKC-Chоrnobil Pripyat Heliport, UKKD-Drabiv, UKKE-Cherkassy, UKKF-Kiev Hydropark, UKKH-Kiev Uzyn Chepelevka, UKKI-Ivangorod, UKKN-Kiev Mariinsky park helipad, UKKO-Ozernoe, UKKP-Palmira, UKKQ-Kirovograd Kanatovo, UKKR-Matusiv Rotmistrovka, UKKU-Uman, UKKV-Zhitomir, UKKW-Kiev Vasylkiv, UKKY-Aleksandriya North, UKKZ-Ovruch, XKKY-Aleksandriya
Posted Aug 12, 2011 12:46 by Andrey anta
Ukraine Scenery Package Krym
Ukraine Scenery Package Krym
15.64Mb (675 downloads)
Ukraine Krym UKFA-Kacha Air Base, UKFH-Krasnoperekopsk, UKFI-Saki Air Base, UKFJ-Armyansk Chernyi Chaban, UKFL-Veseloe Karankut Air Base, UKFN-Sevastopol Kruglaya Bukhta Heliport, UKFQ-Gora Klementyeva Airfield, UKFS-Sovyetskiy Air Base, UKFT-Kirovskoe Air Base, UKFU-Sevastopol Yuzhniy Airfield, UKFV-Abay-Kuchuk, UKFX-Chkalovskiy, UKFY-Djankoy, UKFZ-Sevastopol Yukharina Balka, XKFB-Bagerovo Air Base, XKFC-Chornomorske, XKFD-Donuzlav Myrne, XKFF-Foros Helipad, XKFN-Sevastopol Naval Institute Helipad, XKFP-Prymorskyy, XKFR-Respect Hall Helipad, XKFY-Yalta Heliport
Posted Aug 12, 2011 12:31 by Andrey anta
Animal World Scenery - Europe Animal and Bird Life
28.76Mb (2439 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Europe Animal and bird life. Contains 680 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the continent and coastlines of Europe. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 12, 2011 07:07 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - South America Animal, Reptile and Bird Life
Animal World Scenery - South America Animal, Reptile and Bird Life
14.03Mb (1314 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - South America Animal, reptile and bird life. Contains 318 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the continent, Rain Forests and coastlines of South America. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 12, 2011 07:06 by Ivar Danielsen
0.07Mb (171 downloads)
Aerodromo Murcielago MRMC Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Airport located at Hacienda Murcielago in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Posted Aug 9, 2011 09:27 by Alberto Thomas - Costa Rica
Animal World Scenery - Nth America Animal Scenery
Animal World Scenery - Nth America Animal Scenery
24.08Mb (2042 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Nth America. Contains 560 animals, reptiles, birds from the continent of North America. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 9, 2011 06:37 by Ivar Danielsen
Animal World Scenery - Atlantic Sea and Coast Life.
4.16Mb (1226 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Atlantic Sea and Coast life. Contains 104 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the sea and coast of the Atlantic Ocean. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 9, 2011 06:33 by Ivar Danielsen
Royal Naval Air Station 'Retro' Scenery Pack for FS2004
Royal Naval Air Station 'Retro' Scenery Pack for FS2004
3.47Mb (2167 downloads)
This scenery package represents seven UK Royal Naval Air Stations as they were in the 60's and 70's during the height of the Cold War. The stations included in this pack are: RNAS Yeovilton, Somerset RNAS Merryfield (Yeoviltion's Satelite airfield)RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall RNAS Predannack (Culdrose's Satelite airfield)RNAS Brawdy, Wales RNAS Portland, Dorset RNAS Lossiemouth, Scotland. During this time these shore bases were home to the Royal Navy's Rotary and fixed wing fleets that Included the Phantom FG.1, Blackburn Buccaneer and the Westland Wessex. By Ian Elliot and Justin Hook. Traffic Pack will follow soon
Posted Jun 29, 2011 19:30 by Justin Hook