17.25Mb (1080 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Down Under - Australia and New Zealand. Contains 320 animal, reptile, bird objects from Australia and New Zealand. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Wild and farmed animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 25, 2011 08:30 by Ivar Danielsen

0.00Mb (511 downloads)
A small grass landing strip just west of Dubuque Iowa. In this file I added lights to the default grass runway and a small parking area and some buildings.
Posted Aug 23, 2011 22:25 by zach gloss

22.79Mb (1296 downloads)
CFB North Star (version 7) fictional Canadian arctic military/commercial base for FS2004. Features triple runway configuration of the earlier versions, along with custom buildings and effects. Three alternate scenery configurations are provided for, including opened hangars, with unique library objects that may be used in other freeware scenery projects. Also includes flightplans and AI ship traffic (the icebreaker CCGS Louis St-Laurent). FREEWARE by Brian Sturton.
Posted Aug 14, 2011 15:26 by Brian Sturton

51.44Mb (2076 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Africa Animal, reptile and bird life. Contains over 600 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the continent of Africa For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 14, 2011 06:36 by Ivar Danielsen

1.58Mb (2086 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - South Pole (Antarctica) Animal, sea and bird life. Contains 318 animals, sea life, birds and mammals from the continent, Rain Forests and coastlines of the South Pole. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, sea life and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 14, 2011 05:59 by Ivar Danielsen

6.71Mb (1465 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - North Pole Animal, sea and bird life. Contains 125 animals, reptiles, birds and sea mammals from the continent and coastlines of the North Pole. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 14, 2011 05:58 by Ivar Danielsen

16.46Mb (1395 downloads)
Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia area UKDA-Mayske, UKDB-Berdyansk, UKDC-Zaporozhye Shiroke, UKDG-Bolshoy Tokmak, UKDH-Sinelnikovo, UKDI-Balabyne, UKDJ-Krivoy Rog Dolgincevo, UKDK-Kamyanka, UKDN-Novobogdanovka, UKDO-Orehovo, UKDP-Pidhorodne, UKDQ-Berdyansk Dmitrovka, UKDR-Krivoy Rog Lozovatka, UKDS-Krinichki, UKDT-Vasylivka Himik, UKDU-Mariupol Primorskoe, UKDV-Volodimirivka, UKDW-Vasylivka, UKDX-Zhovti Vody, UKDY-Zhovti Vody Rudnik Shavri, UKDZ-Sofievka
Posted Aug 12, 2011 16:50 by Andrey anta

25.09Mb (840 downloads)
Chernivtsi,Ivano-Frankivsk,Khmelnytskyi,Lviv,Rivne,Ternopil,Volyn and Zakarpattia area
UKBA-Andrushevka, UKBD-Dolina, UKBE-Brusilov, UKBG-Byshiv, UKBH-Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii, UKBN-Nalivaikovka Aeroprakt, UKL1-Volochysk, UKL2-Sudilkov, UKL3-Izyaslav, UKL4-Zborov, UKLA-Kosov, UKLB-Brody North, UKLC-Lutsk, UKLD-Dubno, UKLE-Cherlyany, UKLG-Gorodok Northwest, UKLH-Khmelnitskiy Ruzhichnaya, UKLJ-Luzhani, UKLK-Kamianets-Podilskyi, UKLM-Khmelnitskiy Davydkovcy, UKLN-Chernivtsi Northwest, UKLO-Kolomyia, UKLP-Stryi, UKLQ-Kalush Kopanki, UKLR-Rovno, UKLS-Starokonstaninov, UKLT-Ternopol, UKLU-Uzhgorod, UKLV-Voronov, UKLW-Povursk, UKLX-Polonne, UKLZ-Zhovtneve, XKLL-Lvov Lyubsha, XKLM-Mukachevo, XKLP-Chortkov, XKLS-Sambir, XKLT-Turiysk
Posted Aug 12, 2011 13:29 by Andrey anta

19.11Mb (667 downloads)
Ukraine the Chernihiv and Vinnytsia area
UKKL-Chernigov Kolychevka, UKRB-Borzna, UKRC-Chernigov Pevtsi, UKRD-Dobryanka, UKRG-Gorodnya, UKRH-Hibalovka, UKRK-Kulikovka, UKRO-Olyshivka Progress, UKRR-Chernigov Shestovitsa, UKRS-Starye Borovichi, UKRV-Verbychi, UKRW-Chernigov West, UKRZ-Bolshaya Zagorovka, UKWH-Khmilnyk, UKWK-Kalinivka, UKWO-Kozyatyn, UKWP-Pohrebyshche, UKWS-Sutysky, UKWV-Vinnytska ARZ, UKWW-Vinnitsa Gavrishovka, UKWZ-Zhmerynka
Posted Aug 12, 2011 13:16 by Andrey anta

18.85Mb (1295 downloads)
Ukraine the Nikolaev, Odessa and Kherson area
UKBP-Primorskoe, UKOA-Askaniya-Nova, UKOB-Blagoyevo, UKOC-Kherson Chernobayevka, UKOD-Ochakov, UKOE-Artsiz, UKOG-Genichesk, UKOH-Kherson, UKOI-Izmail, UKOJ-Kiliya, UKOK-Kakhovka, UKOL-Odessa Liman, UKOM-Limanske, UKOP-Raukhovka, UKOQ-Belhorod-Dnistrovskyy, UKOS-Skadovsk, UKOT-Odessa Dalnik, UKOU-Bolgrad Zhovtnevoe, UKOW-Voznesensk, UKOY-Chaplynka, UKOZ-Suvorovo
Posted Aug 12, 2011 13:12 by Andrey anta