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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 32
Aeropuerto de Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala
Aeropuerto de Puerto San José, Escuintla, Guatemala
0.19Mb (301 downloads)
Puerto San José is a city on Guatemala's Pacific Ocean coast, in the department of Escuintla. It contains about 20,000 people, making it the largest place along the Pacific coast of Guatemala. It was the Pacific port for Guatemala, but this was superseded in the 20th century by Puerto Quetzal, a few kilometers to the east of the town. The Puerto Quetzal complex is the major employer in the town. The local tourist industry caters largely for weekenders from Guatemala City. San José Airport has been refurbished lately and is now the official alternate airport for Guatemala City.
Posted Mar 22, 2012 19:25 by Alberto Thomas
Project Real Aleppo Airport , Syria, High Detail Scenery
Project Real Aleppo Airport , Syria, High Detail Scenery
178.59Mb (1533 downloads)
Aleppo International Airport Aleppo Airport ALP is located in Syria The airport capacity is 1.7 million passengers a year. This scenery took many months in the making. Uses Google Earth references for ground textures. Trees by Mat Tompkins and grass and foliage by Kobbe Farwick. Made Produced by SyriaAcexProdoction
Posted Mar 17, 2012 17:15 by Christian Dib Sarah
St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago
0.52Mb (407 downloads)
For FS9. The St. Peter-and-St. Paul Archipelago is made of a few rocks that poke above the surface in the Atlantic Ocean, just nort of the equator. The rocks ("penedos"), are Brazilian territory, permanently occupied by scientific research groups of several Brazilian universities. The local facilities are powered by solar energy. There is no fresh water available, so there is a very small de-salination plant. There is almost no vegetation at all, but there are lots of bird poop, and the solar panels must be washed constantly. The Archipelago is located approximately 960 km from the city of Touros, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte, in direction of 46 degrees True. You'll have to find the rocks yourself. There are no airports. The islands were used by the Portuguese aviators Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho as a waypoint when they crossed the South Atlantic by aeroplane (Fairey F3D) for the first time in 1922. I made the rocks because my friend Rob decided to re-enact the crossing and the rocks are missing in FS9. Done by Fern Marques. For free distribution only, in whole or in part. To be uploaded only to sites that have a legitimate free downloading process.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 16:31 by Fern Marques
Sailboats and Yachts around Rio de Janeiro
0.93Mb (1513 downloads)
This scenery will place many sailboats and yachts all over Rio de Janeiro. Program RWY12 (FS9 Port and Sea) required. This version is adapted to the Rio de Janeiro version 9.0 scenery from Fern Marques and Newton Drumond. By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Mar 8, 2012 02:53 by Ingo Schwan
EDTG Bremgarten, Germany
EDTG Bremgarten, Germany
15.09Mb (2429 downloads)
EDTG Bremgarten former AG51"Immelmann" Reccon AirBase in South Germany with AFCAD traffic included.
Posted Feb 25, 2012 03:21 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder
42.48Mb (417 downloads)
Potronia is a country that I made in Flight Simulator X ever since then I switched to Flight Simulator 2004 and I decided to make a version of the country for Flight Simulator 2004 users. This is the 3rd update of the Flight Simulator 2004 version. Many things have changed for example I made a brand new terminal and a new Highway/Main road has been builder named the K-156 Highway/Main Road, and many other things have been changed. I hope you guys like it.
Posted Dec 26, 2011 14:34 by Orlandy Perez
FS2004 Water Works: Water Recolor and Reflection
29.03Mb (1279 downloads)
This Upload is two-fold... One) It is a stand alone install to recoloring and more realistic light reflecting global waters. Two) It is an Update to WaterWrkx5.1 (adding light-glints to water surfaces, and a wee darkening)
Posted Dec 23, 2011 23:22 by Lou McNeil
Iceland Scenery Update
1.94Mb (1066 downloads)
Iceland scenery update. Patch where some advice are given so that you can obtain the maximum yield of the recently published Iceland scenery. This patch doesn't alter the scenario. It only allows to guide you so that you discover interesting corners of the island. Happy Flying Toni Agramont
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 18, 2011 12:09 by Toni Agramont
Real Sim's Norman's Cay, Bahamas
Real Sim's Norman's Cay, Bahamas
42.22Mb (494 downloads)
This Scenery is made to enhance the Norman's Cay Airport, in the Exumas Islands located in the Bahamas. Scenery Made By Real Sim Company.
Posted Dec 16, 2011 11:13 by archive
FS2004 WaterWrkx5.1 Water Enhancements
63.78Mb (1896 downloads)
Complete Re-Vamp of FS9 Waters..from colour seperation of inland lakes versus ocean to new reflections all around. New Waves, New Depth, New Reflections, Photo-realistic.
Posted Dec 14, 2011 22:35 by Blou Scyyz