24.30Mb (872 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Handly Page Victors:
B2 white+camo, with and without Blue Steel,
K2(Hemp+Camo) and SR2. K2s are 11
individually numbered aircraft for my new
RAF retro Marham scenery that is available
in egym_1993_9_1.zip. K2 model included that
deploys hoses at 18,000 ft and above.
Separate pack in FSX native code is in:
JY_Victors_AI_FSX_1.zip. Paint kit included.
By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:34 by mike

33.79Mb (602 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Martin B-57 AI Canberras.
Features 18 aircraft of the 134th DSES,
Vermont ANG, circa 1981, one aircraft of the
Kansas ANG and one from the 13th TBS. AFCAD
for Burlington(KBTV)with flight line hangar
is included along with a circuit traffic file
for the 18 aircraft based there at the time.
A separate pack in FSX native code is in:
By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:12 by mike

2.34Mb (1393 downloads)
Tis scenery brings you the cruise ship Queen Mary 2 to Hamburg. The route goes from Hamburg-Finkenwerder to the cruise ship terminal. It is adapted to Aerosoft Scenery Germany 2 and my scenery Ship Traffic in Northern Germany. Model of Queen Mary 2 is included (Original by Mitsuya Hamaguchi). By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Oct 16, 2012 08:54 by Ingo Schwan
0.03Mb (572 downloads)
This file will bring you a great number of vessels all over the North Sea, Kiel Canal, Elbe and Weser in Northern Germany. This scenery will only work if you have installed the Object Placer Program RWY12 (rw12pg12.zip). The sceneries are adapted to Aerosoft Scenery Germany 2. By Ingo Schwan
Posted Oct 10, 2012 03:55 by Ingo Schwan

15.09Mb (2959 downloads)
I made this because I wasn't 100% happy with any one complete seat of water textures currently about.
So I collected all the water textures and water add-ons made since 2004 and mixed them together to create a real-world-look water effect that looks nice at a distance or close range.
Credit to anyone who's made a water effect and put it online... chances are if it's been posted, its been used in here somewhere.
Although it uses much computing power I highly recommend your water display settings in FS2004 are set to it's highest.
~Backup original textures!~
Posted Sep 6, 2012 03:03 by Spike

0.20Mb (526 downloads)
Spike's FS2004 Australia Taxiway Fixes Vol.2. Adds more taxiway fixes to another 97 airfields and some tweaks to airports in pack 1. This is best used with "Spike’s FS2004 Australia Taxiway fixes 1".
These airports have not been modified from their stock layout, only the taxiways have been fixed. Includes international and major airports in Australia
Posted Sep 4, 2012 01:23 by Spike

0.01Mb (1227 downloads)
This is as easy as it gets!
I have far, FAR too many FS mods and add-ons installed and do my best to keep track of them all especially when releasing an add-on. The truth of the matter is unless you have massive scenery and texture database it is quite possible you do not have all the matching files installed in FS to see the lighting FX correctly. This, 99.9% of the time, affects the airport lighting. (I haven’t come across the other 0.01% yet but it may be out there)
This is to address the “Square airport lights” issue that may appear with Spike’s FS2004 MOD’s. (YBSS, YSPK, YLIL, YHOT, YTWB)
If lighting is a problem for you it will be obvious, as the added airport lights will appear as large white squares resembling a digital FS poo rather than a light. This is simply due to the FX file referring to a texture file that, effectively, doesn’t exist.
So I’ve made this little add-on for the add-on for those who prefer a “lite” version of FS installed. It tells the FX files to call upon a different texture. This texture is standard with FS2004. (I’ve also added it to this pack). This texture is small and optimised so it’ll run fast without taking up precious resources.
Posted Aug 29, 2012 08:06 by Spike

14.98Mb (436 downloads)
The original FS2004 YXXX airfields had bugs in the taxiways. In fact 99% of FS taxiways have errors. For the sake of maintaining an acceptable level of virtual reality continuity I have gone through, individually fixed and checked 113 Australian airports. These airports have not been modified from their stock layout, only the taxiways have been fixed.
Posted Aug 21, 2012 22:39 by Spike

0.05Mb (1673 downloads)
Borgo Maggiore Int Heliport
San Marino, Italy.
Posted Aug 9, 2012 10:45 by Alberto Thomas - Costa Rica

0.01Mb (402 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery (FS2004 Only)
Africa - Tanzania - V-shaped trench correction
This is a self-contained scenery and it does not alter any of FS2004's native files.
At location lat -6.74 lon +34.05, in Tanzania, Africa, there is a huge V-shaped trench that is obviously not natural and couldn't possibly be real and be man-made. Each leg of
the V is over a hundred kilometres long and one thousand metres deep.
This scenery "anomaly" appears in FSX as well, but in FSX it is made in a different way. In FSX the trench is formed by a narrow, long, V-shaped airport grass background. In
FS2004 I removed by adding several flats.
For free distribution only.
By Fern Marques
Posted Aug 8, 2012 12:35 by Fern Marques