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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 28
Avro Vulcans and retro  scenery of RAF Waddington, UK
Avro Vulcans and retro  scenery of RAF Waddington, UK
51.92Mb (1122 downloads)
FS9 AI Aircraft. Avro Vulcans and retro scenery of RAF Waddington with 26 aircraft. 7-LOD models with 8 variations and a variety of textures, including the only flying Vulcan remaining in the world - XH558. Paint kit included. Separate pack in FSX native code is in By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Jan 25, 2013 19:50 by uploader
Russia Republic of Sakha
15.11Mb (1042 downloads)
Russia Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To include: HA7S-Bahynai, HA83-Bestyah, HAD3-Kystatyam, HAF5-Kutana, HAK2-Tyumyati, HAQ6-Mar-Kyuel', HAQ8-Perekatnyi, HB2E-Handyga, HB2K-Sasyr, HB47-Tommot, HB48-Topoliny, HB4G-Kulun-Elbyut, HB51-Utaya, UEAN-Malykay, UEAT-Tubelyh, UEBC-CRB(bolxnica p.Batagaj), UEBE-Tenkeli, UEBG-Haiyr, UEBH-Tabalah, UEBK-Kular, UEBL-Lazo, UEBO-Osohtoh, UEBQ-Nelemnoe, UEBR-Selenyah, UEBW-Verkhoyansk, UEBX-Cheryumcha,UEBY-Saidy, UECB-Burovaya 179093, UECD-Burovaya 363/2, UECK-Srednii Kordon, UECO-Burovaya 363/1, UEDN-Horula, UEEB-Borogontsy, UEED-Sebyan-Kuel, UEEG-Chagda (Uchur), UEEH-Berdigestyakh, UEEJ-Kobyai, UEEK-Yugarenok, UEEP-Pokrovsk Nemyugyuncy, UEER-Churapcha, UEES-Segen-Kyuel, UEEW-Amga, UEEX-Belkachi left, UEEY-Sanyyahtah, UEFN-Borogon, UEGN-Malzhegar, UEGT-Sobolokh, UEHN-Tuobuja, UEIB-Suordakh, UEIN-Marha (Hatyng-Sysy), UEIO-Daban, UEJN-Chukar, UEKO-Delgei, UELA-Algoma, UEMB-Torgo, UEMC-Hatynnah, UEMD-Chagda, UEME-Teya, UEMF-Nelkan (Sakha), UEMG-Kebergene, UEMI-Sitta, UEMK-Kokui, UEML-Ust'-Ynykchan (Solnechnyi), UEMP-Promyshlennyj, UEMQ-Atakh-Yuryakh, UEMR-Aryktah, UEMY-Teryuut, UEMZ-Syagannakh, UENC-Orget, UEND-Kyuletsky-2, UENE-El'gyai, UENH-Mastah, UENL-Ilbene, UENO-Chapaevo, UENQ-Vilyuchan, UENT-Kyuletsky-1, UENU-Mukuchi, UENX-Orto-Nahara, UENY-Kempendyaj, UEOA-Macha, UEOB-Bes-Kyel, UEOH-Olekminsk Marha, UEON-Kyrgyday, UEOT-Tokko, UEOU-Uritskoe, UEOY-Tyanya, UEPN-Zhemkontsy, UEQD-Dalyr, UEQK-Kyupcy, UEQL-Eldikan, UEQM-Ust'-Mil', UEQN-Allah-Yun', UEQY-Ytyk-Kjuel, UERB-Anabar, UERC-Dzhelinda, UERD-Tolon, UERE-Eik, UERF-Innyali, UERG-Uryung-Khaya, UERI-Yaroslavsky, UERK-Peleduy, UERM-Syuldyukar, UERN-Lekechen, UERQ-Billyah, UERU-Tas-Yuryakh, UERW-Chernyshevskj, UERX-Mayat, UERY-Balagachchy, UERZ-Hamra, UESA-Andrushkino, UESB-Bulun, UESC-Berezovka, UESD-Oyusardah, UESE-Hara-Ulah, UESF-Yukagir, UESH-Argakhtah, UESI-Byyagnyr, UESJ-Berelyah, UESL-Sylgy-Ytar, UESM-Kolymskoe, UESN-Olenegorsk, UESP-Russkoe Ust'e (Polyarnyi), UESQ-Ebyah, UESR-Tumat, UESV-Ostrov Zhohova, UESW-Svatai, UESX-Aleko-Kyuel', UESY-Abyj, UESZ-Kazach'e, UETT-Taimylyr, UEWB-Arylah, UEWD-Djargalah, UEWK-Kustur, UEWN-Haty, UEWO-Kudu-Kyuel, UEWS-Sartan Yunkyur, UEWU-Dulgalah, UEWY-Barylas, UEYB-Betyung, UEYC-Ezhantsy, UEYD-Dzhebariki-Khaya, UEYE-Meik, UEYH-Halbattsy, UEYK-Kyrykei, UEYL-Ugulet, UEYM-Magassy, UEYN-Botulа, UEYP-Hampa, UEYS-Kirovo Sogobut, UEYT-Tympy, UEYU-Surguluk, UEYY-Tylgyny, UEZN-Egoldzha, UHNC-Belkachi right, ZA2V-Mihalkino, ZAO3-Stolbovoy Island, ZAR3-Chekurovka, ZAR5-Tit-Ary, ZB2S-Bolshie Hatymi, ZC43-Saiyly, ZC61-Chay, ZC7P-Buor-Sysy, ZC7T-Keng-Kyuel', ZC8F-Orogdakit, ZC8G-Betenkes, ZC8L-Tiksi (North), ZCQ6-Zyryanka (West)
Posted Dec 24, 2012 04:00 by Andrey Anta
Berlin Schoenefeld Airport
4.95Mb (1620 downloads)
This is an update of my FS2004 freeware scenery for EDDB, BER (former Berlin Schoenefeld after its extension to Berlin Brandenburg Airport). Changes: - Updated taxiway and apron positions according to AIP docs I got in 2012 (thanks to Benjamin). - Updated ILS (has DME) and approach routes with official waypoints taken from this docs. - Remove of EDDT and EDDI (EDDI already closed, EDDT should be closed 2012/6/3). - Rebuild the old GAT area (the planned cargo area there isn't built yet), updated layout as everything is built by now. - New tower and SMR (Surface Movement Radar) towers. - Correctes small errors (taxi labels, lines, lights). - Parking spots at apron E. Gernot Zander
Posted Dec 10, 2012 10:54 by archive
Gerald's Park TRPG, Caribbean
2.42Mb (655 downloads)
"Gerald's Park (TRPG)".Scenery of the new Airport of Montserrat Island,locate no far from Antigua and Guadeloupe islands in the Carribeans.
Posted Dec 9, 2012 21:48 by Delblond Christian
Henry E-Rohlsen International, TISX, Caribbean
5.69Mb (1642 downloads)
Henry E-Rohlsen International ( TISX ) is the Scenery of the International Airport of Saint-Croix Island,locate in "US Virgins Islands" in the south of Porto-Rico not far from Saint-Thomas Island in the Caribbean.
Posted Nov 15, 2012 12:31 by Delblond Christian
Santorini LGSR Big Scenery 2012 (airport and full island scenery)
Santorini LGSR Big Scenery 2012 (airport and full island scenery)
35.43Mb (4636 downloads)
This FS2004 project is about the greek Santorini island (located in the Aegean Sea 200 km southeast from Greece's mainland) and contain two main scenery parts: 1) the "Santorini (Thira) International Airport" (Iata: JTR, Icao: LGSR) where you'll find all buldings (airport and close sourroundings buildings), hundred of custom made detailed objects, static and animated vehicles, animated scenery parts and various effects. 2)the Santorini island scenery where you'll find real hand-made landmarks (churches, factories, windmills,harbors and more), boats/ferries, completely redesigned landclasses with custom (seasonal+night) ground textures, coastlines, roads, main towns with custom greek textures, extreme autogen density and a lot of objects. Every scenery part (frame-rate friendly thanks to the low poly design) has photoreal textures and everything is placed in the right position (wich was found at spring 2012) and in according to the satellite image.English extendet handbook is included. Watch the screenshot and the demo video on the Albysim youtube chanel and enjoy all scenery features (in this free/demo edition some features are limited). Developed by AlbySim Scenery Design (Alberto Di Bolzano)
Posted Nov 4, 2012 07:45 by AlbySim Scenery Design (Alberto Di Bolzano)
M61 Edward F. Johnson Airport
0.20Mb (173 downloads)
M61 Edward F. Johnson Airport AFCAD for default FS2004 scenery. I've added taxiways and a parking area to M61 to more closely resemble the real life airport. Based on information from, aerial photos from bing maps, and from a personal visit to the airport. This truely is a back-woods airport. In excellent deer-country and fishing any where you look, among trails that go on for miles and cabin rentals within a 1/4 mile walk of the airport.
Posted Nov 4, 2012 04:05 by Stephen J. Zastrow
F-111F and EF-111A Raven models  AI Models
32.35Mb (1135 downloads)
FS9 AI Aircraft. General Dynamics F-111E F-111F and EF-111A Raven models for AI scenery. Features 4 load-outs and 8 paint schemes. 7-LOD models with full animation. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 23, 2012 19:13 by mike
FS2004 AI Aircraft. English Electric  Canberra's
33.13Mb (814 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. English Electric Canberra's B2, PR3, T17A, TT18 and PR9. PR9's comprise 5 individually numbered aircraft for my retro RAF Marham scenery available in Paint kit included. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:51 by mike
AI Aircraft. NASA Martin WB-57F
2.16Mb (430 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. NASA Martin WB-57F AI Canberra's. Features the two aircraft operating from Ellington Field Houston Texas, plus the earlier paint scheme. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:49 by mike