0.00Mb (1114 downloads)
Fictional runway between Italy and Sicily. Updated I set an heliport and width the runway, fix the lights of the runway, tower view, departure and arrive set also...
The idea is an elevated runway and taxiway, so the ships and boat can go under the runway and taxiway.
Have fun!!!
Posted Sep 6, 2009 19:26 by Alberto Thomas / Costa Rica

0.00Mb (1501 downloads)
Isla de Aves in the caribbean of Venezuela.
This island is totally cover by water in the high tide, in the low tide, is full of live, plants and birds.
Fictional runway.
Water runway.
Posted Sep 4, 2009 19:19 by Alberto Thomas

0.00Mb (1315 downloads)
Heliport of Ceuta
Ceuta is an autonomous city of Spain located on the North African side of the Strait of Gibraltar, on the Mediterranean
The runway was made with correct length. Short runway for light aircraft and helicopters.
Posted Aug 29, 2009 13:28 by Alberto Thomas / Costa Rica
0.00Mb (450 downloads)
Since FS9 was released, taxiways at KOXC where added and the runway extended, this AFCAD file contains the taxiways missing from KOXC and extends the runway.
Posted Aug 25, 2009 15:55 by Brendan Samson
0.00Mb (1143 downloads)
Andorra Heliport, in Andorra La Vella
Posted Aug 25, 2009 14:38 by Alberto Thomas / Costa Rica
0.00Mb (862 downloads)
Liechtenstein / Balzers Heliport
Posted Aug 25, 2009 14:04 by Alberto Thomas / Costa Rica
0.00Mb (618 downloads)
Likoma Airport, Likoma Island, Malawi, Africa
Posted Aug 20, 2009 19:58 by Alberto Thomas

8.63Mb (7470 downloads)
Real scenery taken by google earth.Afcad file and paint by repaintings masw.It may work in FSX and in FS2002
Posted Aug 9, 2009 19:31 by REPAINTINGS MASW

1.76Mb (1452 downloads)
Welcome to Rangiora, owned and operated by the Waimakariri District Council.
The airfield is located 3 nautical miles West-North-West of the town of Rangiora, in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand.
Also contained is a small bonus scenery of NZSW Swannanoa Airfield.
Requires some EZ Scenery Object Sets ( see INSTALL instructions for details).
Posted Aug 6, 2009 19:39 by Lawrie Roache
4.14Mb (2003 downloads)
Welcome to Tauranga, a regional domestic airport serving the City of Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, and the Bay of Plenty Region.
It is home to many aviation related businesses and clubs, including SunAir Aviation, the Classic Flyers Museum,
Bay Flight International, and the Tauranga Aero Club, and is the fifth busiest airport in New Zealand.
Tauranga is situated in the Bay of Plenty region, on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand approximately 200 kilometers south-east of Auckland City.
Scenery contains some custom items ( textures included), Requires multiple further downloads from external sites - see Readme.
Posted Aug 6, 2009 00:28 by Lawrie Roache