1.78Mb (2195 downloads)
Lhasa Gongkar Airport.
Changdu International Airport.
Tibet - China
Scenery FS2004
With runways and buildings.
Posted Aug 5, 2009 10:21 by Alberto Thomas

1.67Mb (888 downloads)
Welcome to West Melton, a General Aviation Airfield owned and operated by the Canterbury Aeroclub.
The airfield is located 6 nautical miles West of Christchurch International Airport (NZCH), in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand.
Requires multiple further downloads from external sites - see Readme.
Posted Aug 5, 2009 00:36 by Lawrie Roache

1.67Mb (866 downloads)
Welcome to Forest Field, a privately owned airfield located 10 nautical miles North-West of Christchurch International Airport (NZCH), in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand.
Requires multiple further downloads from external sites - see Readme.
Posted Aug 5, 2009 00:21 by Lawrie Roache

53.05Mb (2872 downloads)
Scenery of the former United States Air Force “Twin” bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge as they were in their operational state before closure in 1993. Built with the help of the Bentwaters Cold War Museum, the scenery contains nearly every building on both airfields
yet retains a high frame rate.
AI package of A-10, F-16 and C-130 aircraft included with custom repaints for sqn's from that time. By Ian, John and Stevo at The Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Aug 3, 2009 06:01 by Stephen Legg

0.88Mb (1407 downloads)
Dominican Republic AZS MDCY Samana for FS2004. An upgrade to the default scenery for this airport.
Posted Jul 31, 2009 15:54 by Kelvin R. Perez

0.25Mb (772 downloads)
Afcad scenery of the small airport
of Seppe, located near the city of
Breda in the Netherlands.
Posted Jul 30, 2009 09:19 by Robin Corné

2.20Mb (1190 downloads)
FS2004 scenery "edov-04" --of Borstel airport
EDOV near Stendal in Sachsen Anhalt Germany.
Originally a WWII paratroops base, later a
base of soviet jet fighters and helicopters,
and now in civilian use. By Thomas Erthner.
Posted Jul 25, 2009 04:57 by Thomas Erthner

8.17Mb (2123 downloads)
Washington State Backwoods Part II.
This is the continuation of my Washington State Backwoods Scenery project. In the first part of the Washington State Backwoods Scenery project there were six airfields in Washington scattered through out the State. Let me thank you for downloading my scenery. I hope you will enjoy these small backwoods airfields as much as I enjoyed creating them.
Posted Jul 25, 2009 01:20 by Kenny Fox

48.27Mb (3320 downloads)
I have enjoyed many flights in the back country of Washington State. There are some grate payware scenery packages out there for Washington State,
but not everyone can afford them. So I've set out to creat a scenery project for the Washington State's Backwoods airport, that all flight Simmers
can enjoy. This is a large project that will cover most if not all of the small Backwoods airport of Washington State. I would like to thank MoCat for helping me to get started in gmax and all of the help
that he has given to me.
Kenny Fox
Posted Jul 25, 2009 01:15 by Kenny Fox

0.46Mb (1349 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Budapest FS9. Requires Budapest Lago scenery.
Posted Jul 22, 2009 06:54 by Yves Sy Dsg