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Australian SOPWITH CAMEL February 2003 A.F.Scrub This is the Sopwith Camel D1929 flown by Arthur Cobby during June of 1918. Cobby claimed 12 victories in D1929 comprising two in May and ten in June of 1918. Cobbys 13th victory was of Uffz Max Mertens on June 19th. The Camel was First flown on May 17, 1917, and was the Allies premier fighter in WWI. The "Camel" demonstrated good handling and its armament of two 7.62 mm Maxim or two Vickers 0.030 machine guns was formidable. The name "Camel" was derived from the hump-shaped cover over the machine guns. 273K
Replacement pack of He111 textures and a He111 raid on London. Improved textures for default He111 and its' flyable relatives. Featuring a realistic glazed cockpit nose. Versions are day and night bombers, Russian winter, summer, desert and an improved default version. Also includes details on various flyable He111s available and an air-raid mission on London. Arno Brooks. 145K
Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero flown by Saburo Sakai of the Tainan Naval Air Corps, Imperial japanese Navy Air Force; Lae, New Guinea, July 1942. Saburo Sakai achieved 60 aerial victories while flying the A6M2, before being severely wounded in the Guadalcanal campaign and giving up operational flying for many months. After the war, Sakai was the only one surviving Japanese ace, and wrote his experiences on the known book "Samurai", a masterpiece of aeronautical literature. Original designer: Terry Hill Flight model: Bruno Duffort Original Panel: Mike Colclough (Zero A6M5) New textures, guns profile, modified panel: Edmundo Abad. 317K
Messerschmitt BF 109 G-14 of the Italian ANR for CFS1. This is a reworking of the textures of the Bf109G-14 for CFS1 by Pentti Kurkinen. The plane now represents the "Black 7" flown by Cap. Ugo Drago, CO of 4a Sq., II° Gr.Caccia, ANR, Northern Italy, in Winter 1944/Spring 1945. Cap. Drago is an Italian ace with at least 17 confirmed air kills, still living. 560KB. By: Corrado Sandri. 434K
CFS Aircraft Kawanishi E7K2 (Type 94-2) "ALF" for Combat Flight Simulator 1. By Edmundo Abad. Original FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel, damage profile and textures. Kawanishi E7K2 ALF Imperial Japanese Navy 'Kawanishi E7K2, Type 94-2' reconnaissance seaplane since 1938. Original Designer: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma/1997. 90K
CFS Aircraft Kawanishi N1K2 Shiden-Kai of "Lt. Naoshi Kanno" for Combat Flight Simulator 1. Original FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel and repainted textures as Lt. Naoshi Kanno's plane. By Edmundo Abad. 166K
CFS Aircraft Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu for Combat Flight Simulator 1. By Edmundo Abad. Original FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel and repainted textures as 2nd Chutai (Squadron or company) 4th Sentai (flight regiment) plane, Japanese Army Air Force. The 4th Sentai was credited with 150 american bombers shot down, reaching the best score with the KI-45. Original design for FS98: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Repainted textures, modified damage profile, and air file: Edmundo Abad. 73K
CFS Aircraft Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero "Takeo Taminitzu" for Combat Flight Simulator 1. © Edmundo Abad, May 2003 Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero flown by Naval Air Pilot Takeo Tanimizu of the 203rd Fighter Group, Kagoshima, June 1945, Imperial japanese Navy Air Force (featuring his stylistic B-29 kills on the rear fuselage). Original Designer: Bruno Duffort (Zero A6M5a). Original Panel: Mike Colclough (Zero A6M5a). Conversion with new panel, new gunstations (4x12.7mm + 2x20mm), damage profile and textures by Edmundo Abad. 549K
CFS Aircraft Mitsubishi A6M2n Rufe for Combat Flight Simulator 1. © Edmundo Abad. Nakajima A6M2n Rufe. Original FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel and repainted textures as 5th Air Fleet plane, Aug-Nov 1942, Kiska Island, The Aleutians. 318K
CFS Bf109e Werner Molders livery. Original aircraft by Tom Piglet. Repaint by Tait Aune. 1.1MB
CFS Aircraft Mitsubishi Ki46-III_KAI for Combat Flight Simulator 1. FS95 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel, gunstations and repainted textures. The Mitsubishi Ki46 Dinah, fighter version, called "Hyakushiki Shitei III-Kai (Dinah)" was a development of the Ki-46-III Reconnaisance Aircraft, with cameras deleted, though it reverted to a more conventional cockpit canopy arrangement, as the nose had to be fitted with twin Ho-5 20 mm. cannon with 200 rounds per gun. An Ho-203 37 mm. cannon with 200 rounds capacity was placed in a fixed mounting on the top of the aircraft to fire upward and forward at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal, similar to "Schrage Musik" weapons in German night fighters. Original Designer for FS95: Herve Devred/1996. Panel: I used the panel of BF110 made by Jody 'Psiico' O'Brien/1999 (included). Repainted textures, modified damage profile, and air file: Edmundo Abad. 231K