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Flying Sub (From the movie 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea')
For CFS2,FS2002 PLEASE SEE README Has animations.Top hatch opens as
canopy, use folding wings to operate the two rear hatches,and tailhook
to operate the bottom hatch.I'm still improving on this as I learn
more,this a work in progress. Uses CFS2 gauges. Models and original
textures copyright(c)2003 by Ronnie Lee Pendergraft. 1MB |
New Aircraft Mid-Air Fire Effects -
5 totally Re-worked FX Files. 2. With this FX Set you'll see More
Varied Shape/Size/Event Transitions and Greater Spectrum of Colors.
Variations include - Spectacular Primary & Secondary Explosive Blasts;
Serpentine Flames which Coil Unpredictably about Fiery Smoke Plumes;
Flames that Tear away from Source; Flaming Fuel Leaks from Wings &
Fuselage; Intermittent Light & Dark Smoke Bursting Forth from Fire
Trails. Also suggest you see my NEW DOWNED AC FX Companion File -
FireDOWN.zip. LouieG. 76K |
New Aircraft Ground Impact , Crash-Fire Smoke Effects.
3 Totally Re-Worked FX Files. With this FX Set you'll get a greater
frequency of Ground Impact Concussion Shock Waves than with the default
files. You'll see, Previously Inaccessable or Non-Existent - Wider
Range of Colors; Better Shape/Size/Event Tansitions; Varying Light
& Thick Smoke Clouds; Hot Flash Fire Bursts; Bright & Dark Splashes;
Rising Smoke Plumes & Tongues of Flame. You'll also notice, most effects
will have a Much Longer Life, as is usually the case with downed aircraft.
Also, strongly recommend the Companion AC MidAir Fire FX - SkyAFIRE.zip.
LouieG. 98K |
Zephyr Trio.
A tribute to the works of Robert A Heinlein. Loosely based on descriptions
in the novel, The Puppet Masters. This model includes : Virtual Cockpit,
Dynamic Virtual and 2D panels, animations, water landings in CFS2,
Dp file. By R. C. Reddin. 3.1MB |
Armored vehicle "Ontos".
Armed with 6 106mm recoiless rifles and 1 50 cal machinegun.manualy
extract files and put in your CFS2 aircraft folder. Ontos and 106mm
projectile were made by me Gerald Goldsmith aka "JOCOOL'. 1.3MB |
Soviet 85mm self propelled gun
. Armed with 85mm gun and 1 50 cal machinegun.manualy extract SU85
and 85mm files and put in your CFS2 aircraft folder.Put fx_rcktexst_l
in your CFS2 Effects folder. Back up your original fx_rcktexst_l file.
SU85 and 85mm projectile were made by me Gerald Goldsmith. 1.1MB |
Ship USS Midway.
In celerbration of the USS Midway making it to her new home at the
San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum. By Bruce Baker and James Smith.
3.5MB |
AF=Midway Bomb Blast Pak Plus
- A solution to the problem of ground objects being so easy to destroy
in CFS2. A complete set of DP's and FX to cover stock, MR/LW, Wolfi
ground objects. Also included are some additional FX and a collection
of Layout Files for most of the Stock Airbases. These are to be used
with Martin Wrights GSLEdit program. See Read Me for Full Details.
Plus a few other goodies just because I felt like sharing them. By
the AF=Midway Team. 224K |