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Malta and Gozo .
Malta and Gozo for CFS2v.1.1. Complete scenery package for the islands
of Malta and Gozo, including an interpolated LOD9 mesh made with
Srtm to Bgl v1.04, coastlines, shorelines, roads and streams made
with Ground2K v4.0. Additional textures included.This upload fixes
the problems caused by a missing bmp in the original package. By
Giorgio aka Largo. 627KB
Simple fix for texture visualization problems reported by some users
of Malta and Gozov.1.1. Just follow the tip here described. By Giorgio
aka Largo.1K
Joint Operations Pacific Training Base.
A three runway airfield located on San Cristobal Island in the Solomons.Complete
ILS,gunnery range, refuel area,crash detect hangers,pylon course,
landable aircraft carrier,emergency airstrip and American and Japanese
fleets.Also includes a dirt runway mountain airfield and canyon racing
gates. Built with Airport 2.60 By David Sumners aka Ddave. 2.9MB |
Nadzab GSL scenery CFS2
FDG scenery, revised using Martin Wright's gsl tools. Now featuring
damageable, exploding buildings, aircraft , and vehicles just like
the stock airfields. By Kevin Bacon. 370K |
Milne Bay GSL Scenery Pack.
Early and Full versions. Early version, 1942, compliments Guy Boullenger's
Milne Bay Campaign Pack. Full version (1943 and beyond) portrays area
with more buildings, taxiways and dispersal areas. Versions easily
swapped. Scenery objects destroyable! LW Library Objects Pack by Lindsay
"Leroy10" Watt is included and installed automatically; Nothing additonal
required. Self installer by Martin Wright; By Chris "MaskRider" Westervelt.
4.5MB |
Fireman's Slot AB.Created
using FSSC. A fictional base cut into Mount Bahli in the Solomons.
Strictly for fun and challenging your flying skills. Frame rate friendly
as I used simple textures and stock CFS2 objects in this creation.
Easy installation. 84kbs Created by 526th_Fireman. 128K |
DD's Dump Scenery.
This scenery was a continuation of Fireman's Slot scenery. MUCH more
complex airfield with four approaches, three of which will test your
flying skills to the ultimate! Strictly a fictional base located appx.
due north of Tsili Tsili or NW of Lae. Created with FSSC. Simple install
instructions included. No special files required. Size 257 kbs. M.
Frank aka 526th_Fireman. 286K |
Eastern Asia Runways release. 3. 60
New runways for CFS2 in the CBI-Pacific theatre (Manchukuo, Nomonhan-Mongolia,
USSR and Western China). Includes information for using in Mission
Builder. By Xavier Berdaguer. 153K
This patch will fix the somewhat sunken display bug of the objects
put using Mission Builder and/or GSL layers. It also fixes the "fading"
effect of this objects when your plane is at only 2000-4000 ft from
them. By Xavier Berdaguer. 131K