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Page 18 |
Stronger Buildings.
Building Type A Medium and Factories A, B and C can take more bomb
hits. The stock dp is totally unrealistic. Have fun. By Bombardier.
5K |
Shadow Bases Update:
These are additional bases to the ones in the earlier CFS2 Shadow
Bases GSL Scenery and Missions download packet above. Follow the README
and insall as any GSL scenery. This adds 3 more bases in the Papua
New Guinea area. Morobe Is a PT boat Base, about halfway between Buna
and Lae with an airbase nearby and a ramp for seaplanes. Awar-Bogia
is a base complex, halfway between Alexishafen and Wewak. The airfield
in the flattened top of the island at 2900 ft elevation. A seaplane
base is located below on a coastal inlet. All Airstrips are lighted
and have NDB for navigation, refuel and loghted buoys for the seaplane
strips. Greg Baskin. 407K |
Arnhem 1940
This is an adaptation of the beautiful Ralf Triebel's Arnhem for cfs1.
Note that the airfield is not in correspondance of the real city of
Arnhem - this will be posted later. However i've included a little
dutch village made with the beautiful macros of Roelof Krijber, i
hope you enjoy it...Giuseppe Sisinni. 2.4MB |
Japan Mainland Airfields Scenery. :
93 new airfields and seaplane bases and some new infraestructure objects
in Japanese mainland, including Kuriles island and Kiska airfield
in the Aleutians. By Xavier Berdaguer. 7.9MB |
Scenery RCAF European Airbases From
1953 to 1967 the RCAF had an Air Division of 4 fighter wings in Europe
based at 2 airfields in France and 2 in Germany. This scenery recreates
these 4 airfields plus a supply base in England and a gunnery range
in Sardinia. by Kelvin (Canada_flyer0) Stonehouse stonhouse14@netscape.net
& Tony Pleasants. 4.1MB |
Mount Fuji Airfields & Lakes Scenery. This
add-on for Combat Flight Simulator 2 includes two fictional airbases:
one airfield (Fujiyoshida) and one seaplane base (Yamanaka-ko) and
a series of flattened lakes around the Fujiyama (Mount Fuji) mountain
in Japan. Airbases have been created by Xavier Berdaguer (aka xavierb)
with GSL techniques, which means the objects are destroyable. Flattened
areas for the lakes have been created by Wolfgang Faber (aka Wolfi):
his idea of building them and a suggestion by Bearcat241 at CFS2 forum
at Sim-outhouse led to the creation of this scenery. Wolfgang Faber
& Xavier Berdaguer. 313K |
Spanish Civil War Central Madrid.
This is an attempt to create a large, fictional airfield near Madrid
during the Civil War. i've intented it as an international airport,
temporarily used as military station for bellical purposes. this addon
doesn't interfere with the beautiful Xavier's airfields, depicting
the same period, so you can use them both together, i hope you enjoy...Giuseppe
Sisinni (gius). 1.4MB |
Arnhem Main Airfield.
Dear users, here is a depiction of the main airfield of Arnhem which
- i believe - is historically likely although fictional. It is dated
perhaps at 1944, the era of Market Garden operation, when the allied
raids were much intensive. I hope you enjoy... . by Giuseppe Sisinni(Gius)
3.3MB |
Eastern Canada Static Airplanes.
These static airplanes cover the Eastern Canada scenery that I released,
placing airplanes that would have been used by each particular base
at that base. This is an attempt to add a little more realism to the
bases and the game, and in turn making it more enjoyable to play.
Canada_flyer0. 15.6MB |
Western Front 1916-1918.
Contains ground texture and landclass files intended to recreate the
war torn landscape of Belgium and France. Created with DXTBmp by Martin
Wright, LWM viewer by Jim Kier and EZ landclass by Russel Dirks. By
Simon Underwood. 5.8MB |
Eastern Canada Scenery.
This is my second release of Canadian airports for CFS2.These airports
are in the eastern part of the country and cover the provinces Ontario,
Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland,
and Labrador. All of these airports were active in WW2. Kelvin (Canada_flyer0)
Stonehouse. 14.7MB
This is an update to my Eastern Canada and Eastern Canada Static
Airplanes scenery releases. This will fix the errors, missing buildings,
airplanes, etc, that were pointed out to me and the few that I found
on my own. Kelvin Stonehouse. 3.6MB |
Western Canada Scenery (Revised)
I have revised my Western Canada scenery, with the help of Tony Pleasants,
so that the airports are set up more like they were in real life.
These airports are in the western part of the country and cover the
provinces British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Kelvin
(Canada_flyer0) Stonehouse. 18.1MB |
New Grass Textures.
Translucent and Transparent Grass Textures for Steve McClelland's
Far East Scenery Package and Williamtown RAAF Scenery, but they can
be used in any scenery package by simply renaming the files appropriately.
These were created by Kelticheart for the purpose of 'blending' the
airfields in older non-GSL scenery into the parent scenery more effectively.
I am just doing the posting on these with Kelti's blessing. Tom Sanford.
431K |
AI Bell UH1-D Gunship helicopter.
This is a special AI ONLY version of the Bell UH1-D Gunship helicopter
of the 1st Air Cav created for CFS2 Vietnam War missions & campaigns.
Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo, Fox Four Design Group. 518K |
AI Bell UH1-C Gunship helicopter.
This is a special AI ONLY version of the Bell UH1-C Gunship helicopter
of the 1st Air Cav created for CFS2 Vietnam War missions & campaigns.
Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo, Fox Four Design Group. 416K |
SeaKing M48 - AI only.
This is a SeaKing AI for use in CFS2 MB for the Vietnam period.. To
install simply unzip the download file and place the SeaKing_AI folder
in your CFS2/Aircraft folder. The AI has a minimum speed of 60, should
be set to cruise at 65 and max speed is 70. Below 60 she will stallout.
This project was developed from the original source file by Frans
Vranken , textures by Jim Jacobson and flight dynamics on the original
concept by Doug Attrell. This is freeware and subject to all the normal
conditions. Tom Sanford, Tango_RomeoFox Four Design Group. 275K |
UH-1C AI Upgrade Pack For UH-1C AI
This upgrade pack for the UH-1C AI Huey removes the lower two of the
four MA-2 machineguns from the MDL file to facilitate the adding of
the wep-rocket_25 and wep_rocket_pod to the lower side of the pylons
via the new DP file. The result is the UH-1C AI with selectable payloads
of either GUNS ONLY or ROCKET PODS. These rocket pods enable the AI
to deliver multiple rockets to the target on a single pass, while
retaining two MA-2 machineguns. By Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo Tom Sanford,
Fox Four Design Group. 163K |
/ FS2002 RAF Marham Coldwar Era Scenery.
Post World War II the airfield was home to RAF units operating the
Boeing Washington aircraft, the Vickers Valiant and Handley Page Victor.
The station is also one of the few large enough for the operation
of the Boeing B-52 and a number of these aircraft visited on exercise
in the 1970s and 1980s. During 1977 24 Hardened Aircraft Shelters
were constructed to house future strike aircraft, which would eventually
see the arrival of the Panavia Tornado in 1982. No. 138 Expeditionary
Air Wing (EAW) formed at Marham on 1 April 2006 encompassing most
of the non-formed unit personnel on station. The EAW does not include
the flying units at the station. The current Station Commander is
dual-hatted; as the commander of the Wing and Station.By Mike Dews
RAF St Mawgan circ. 1978(ish) Scenery.
The scenery represents St Mawgan as it was around 1978 when 42 Sqn
were resident with their Nimrods and myself and family took our first
holiday at Trevarrian. A little license has had to be used as photos
and info about the base are virtually non-existent ( due to the US
presence no doubt), much came from my own photos. For instance the
Air Ambulance probably came a little later but I like it and the Nimrod
hangar is where I think it is but may not be exact. Most of the buildings
are MoD type but not necessarily to be found at St Mawgan. By Mike
CFS2 RNAS Yeovilton scenery.
HMS Heron is located near Yeovil, Somerset consisting of 1,000 acres
of airfield sites plus ranges and minor estates. Royal Naval Air Station
(RNAS It is home to Royal Navy (RN) Lynx Helicopters and RN Commando
Helicopter Force. RNAS Yeovilton operates over 100 aircraft in four
different categories and is manned by around 1675 service and 2000
civilian personnel including MoD employees and permanent contractors.
By Mike Dews for ALPHA SIMULATIONS. 1.7MB |
RAF Chivenor Scenery. - A Potted History. RAF chivenor is situated
4.5 miles west of Barnstaple, N.Devon, England. The station opened
in 1935 as a civil field. In 1940 it was aquired by the WD and was
used by Coastal Command during WW2 and after. In 1980 63 Squadron
No. 2 TWU with the Hawk T Mk 1a moved to Chivenor. Towards the end
of 1991 No. 2 TWU Hawks were repainted black before moving to RAF
Valley. Fixed wing flying ceased at Chivenor in 1994. As the Hawks
in this version are painted grey it places the date as pre-1991 but
no specific year. There must be an excersise in progress in the Western
Approaches as the resident Hawks have been joined by a few 'visitors'.
By Mike Dews for Alpha Simulations. 2.7MB |
'Ice Station Alpha' Antarctic Bases set scenery. Set scenery density
to at least 'normal' to get static aircraft to appear. With scenery
at 'very dense' you might be able to find an 'Easter Egg' ....To find
the scenery in your list, search for 'ice'. By Mike Dews for ALPHA
Simulations. By Mike Dews for Alpha Simulations. 500K |