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EETO Portsmouth Defence HH 030 Final
4.44Mb (449 downloads)
You will receive Several of O1 Drivers unreleased items with this set.. ( and the latest effects file) British Destroyer Signal Package (included) RAF Dye Marker (included) 01-driver_modified_MTB (Included) Cloud Facility/ Fog (included) g_wirbelwind_AA_SD (included) Follow the read me's for each item, and all should be well for all.. Specail Thanks to O1-Driver for The wonderful New effects for ETO. These are dedicated to O1-Driver I hope all will enjoy this Mission package.. HouseHobbit
Posted Mar 27, 2011 14:18 by HouseHobbit
MAW P-38 North Africa set Historical HH 060
0.04Mb (628 downloads)
P-38 North Africa set Historical: Hauptmann Werner Schroer, Staffelkapitan 8./JG 27, Rhodes, 1943 *There are two sets of missions included* A standard set for faster, newer computers.. And a Lite set for the older machines, Less objects and aircraft involved. You have been moved to the Mediterranean, we are holding against Many Allied groups.. The Americans have moved in and are making life hard for the Luftwaffe.. You Must stem this tide.. Each mission is different for the other.. No two missions will fly the same, each time. The random factors built into the CFS3 game engine, allow for dynamic outcomes.. These are dedicated to Major Magee Thanks for your kind support and wonderful Aircraft.. I Hope all will enjoy these missions. HouseHobbit
Posted Mar 27, 2011 13:55 by HouseHobbit
MAW Tuskegee missions HH 100
25.37Mb (748 downloads)
Yuo Receive (7) New Standalone Aircraft with this package (6) P-40 Warhawks and (1) B-25 for MAW. These missions are meant to represent the Tuskegee Men in 1943 North Africa and Italy.. They are of the type of missions the Tuskegee Airmen were engaged in during this period of time.. The airbases are loaded to the approximate places in MAW for this to be correct.. ***These missions are dedicated to Foo Fighter, Thank You for the wonderful Skins used on 5 of the Tuskegee aircraft loaded for this mission Package*** As always, I do hope you enjoy these missions.. HouseHobbit
Posted Mar 27, 2011 13:42 by HouseHobbit
Nakajima Ki-27b
Nakajima Ki-27b
6.86Mb (3119 downloads)
Nakajima Ki-27b Japanese Army fighter aircraft. 3D Model by Stephan Seybolt. Textures by John Whelan. Mos file by Rob Stevenson. Air and xdp files by Ted Kaniuka
Posted Mar 26, 2011 23:01 by Stephan Seybolt
MAW Operation Exporter (Fixed)
0.11Mb (577 downloads)
Operation Exporter, the Syrian-Lebanon campaign. 8 missions are included in this mission pack for MAW. Missions types: anti ship, recon, escort, sweep, strafing, CAP, armed recon, scramble. Aircrafts: Blenheim MkI, MS406, D520, Hurricane, Tomahawk, LeO451, Gladiator. 1st upload had problems. Apologies.
Posted Jan 30, 2011 15:19 by Led Zeppelin
MAW_Tank Busters
0.02Mb (473 downloads)
Player aircrafts: Hurricane MKIID and Henschel Hs129 This small pack of 2 missions for MAW are 'what if' based on historical context (locations and dates are historically accurate)
Posted Jan 25, 2011 15:39 by Led Zeppelin
MAW_Mission Pack 1
0.01Mb (555 downloads)
These 3 missions for MAW are 'what if' based on historical context (locations and dates are historically accurate but thay have not been build from real missions acounts). They all occur during the battle of El Alamein.
Posted Jan 1, 2011 15:28 by Led Zeppelin
MAW_7./JG26 Mission Pack - Part I: Malta
MAW_7./JG26 Mission Pack - Part I: Malta
0.10Mb (652 downloads)
This is a mission pack or Mediterranean Air War depicting yellow nosed 7./JG26 109s over Matla in 1941. Commanded by Oberleutnant Joachim Müncheberg, the staffel stayed in Sicily from February 2nd 1941 to April 25th 1941. There are 2 free flights and 25 combat missions. Note that the action take place in the MTO in 1941, not over the Normandy in 1944 so don't expect hundreds of aircrafts all around. 7./JG26 never had more than 10 aircrafts available at a time and it was the only German single seat fighter unit in Siciliy during this period. All these missions are based on historical facts and/or have historical context. I've build these missions after the reading of an article in the French magasin AeroJournal.
Posted Dec 16, 2010 12:05 by Led Zeppelin
ETO_Ramrod 50: Morlaix
0.34Mb (413 downloads)
For ETO V1.40 or higher. These missions are based on real events. They depict a typicall RAF Ramrod mission over occupied territories in Europe. Player will fly as RAF (Boston and Spitfire) and as Luftwaffe (FW190) Ramrod n°50 occured on january 29th 1943. Bostons of 226 squadron, escorted by Spitfires of 310 squadron from Exeter wing, bombed the the rail viaduc of Morlaix in northern Brittany. They have been engaged by JG 2 FW190's and especially those from 8 staffel from Vannes-Meucon who claimed several victories.
Posted Dec 13, 2010 14:33 by Led Zeppelin
MAW_Fezzan Campaigns
0.05Mb (428 downloads)
This serie of 4 missions for Mediterranean Air war has been build with the few historical informations I've collected about the two campaigns in the Fezzan. Aircraft flown: Lysander, Cr42, Ca311
Posted Dec 11, 2010 14:18 by Led Zeppelin
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