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All Files Aircraft Checklists/Manuals FS Aircraft Manuals
                  Beaufighter Pilot's Notes.
2.24Mb (1167 downloads)
Bristol Beaufighter Pilot's Notes. I found a set of notes to the Beaufighter on an Australian website, but in .gif format. Having been off work sick recently, I had the time to transcribe these into more user friendly .DOC and .PDF formats. Compileed by Chris Cosgrove. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist De Havilland DH-104 Dove
1.05Mb (1216 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist De Havilland DH-104 Dove. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "De Havilland DH-104 Dove" aircraft by Derek Palmer, Rick Piper, Brian Withers, Brian Gibbs, Dave Booker, Tom Everitt, Garry Russell, Dave Eckert and panel by Saverrio Maurri. Freeware by Werner Schott. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Fokker F27 Mk200
0.54Mb (1773 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist Fokker F27 Mk200. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Fokker F27 Mk200" aircraft. Original by Mike Stone, FS2004 upgrade by Tony Madge, Mark Cranston and Brian Horsey. Panel by Fraser A. McKay. Freeware by Werner Schott. 555K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Fairchild F-27 & FH-227.
0.57Mb (1352 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist Fairchild F-27 & FH-227. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Fairchild F-27 & FH-227" aircraft. Original by Mike Stone, FS2004 upgrade by Tony Madge, Mark Cranston and Brian Horsey. Panel by Fraser A. McKay. Freeware by Werner Schott. 527K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Douglas R4D-6 NATS.
0.49Mb (942 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist Douglas R4D-6 NATS. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the payware(!) aircraft and panel by the team Bill Rambow, Jan Visser, Fred Banting, Rob Young, Bill Womack and Howard Sodja. Freeware by Werner Schott. 499K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist BAC 1-11 500
0.57Mb (1480 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist BAC 1-11 500. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "BAC 1-11 500" aircraft and panel by David Maltby. Freeware by Werner Schott. 583K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Boeing 737-200.
0.68Mb (3179 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist Boeing 737-200. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Boeing 737-200" aircraft by Erick Cantu, Mike Baumann and Henry William and panel by Ken Mitchell. FS2002 version had more than 5000 downloads. Freeware by Werner Schott. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
0.01Mb (1529 downloads)
Standard Operation Checklist. Black checklist suitable for all aircraft. MS Word Format. 7K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  TBM-3E Avenger Operating Procedures
0.07Mb (836 downloads)
FS2004 TBM-3E Avenger Operating Procedures - File includes all checklists as well as reference tables. Taken from Hank Avery's TBM-3E BuNO. 85650, located at Silver Creek Airport(NC52) in Morganton, North Carolina. By Dalton Walters. 74K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Dassault Falcon 50 CAEA.
2.04Mb (1548 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist Dassault Falcon 50 CAEA. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Dassault Falcon 50 CAEA" aircraft and panel by Yannick Lavigne, Fred Banting, Rob Young and Eric Dantes. FS2002 version had more than 2500 downloads. Freeware by Werner Schott. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive