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All Files Aircraft Checklists/Manuals FS Aircraft Manuals
                  Manual/Checklist: Cessna Citation X
0.64Mb (3124 downloads)
FS2004 Manual/Checklist: Cessna Citation X by "Eaglesoft Development Group" (commercial package In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the Cessna Citation X by "Eaglesoft Development Group". Freeware by Werner Schott. 661K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
0.84Mb (1538 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Boeing 737-400 Checklist. This is a advance checklist for the 737-400. it’s a FS9 default aircraft, but works well in FSX so I designed it to be used in FSX, but you can use it in either SIM. It includes several items that cannot be done in the SIMS, they are on there just for fun and realism. I recommend printing this out and deleting it from your computer.863K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Airbus A330-300
0.50Mb (2515 downloads)
FSX Manual/Checklist Airbus A330-300. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Airbus A330-300" aircraft by Project OpenSky (POSKY) and panel by John J Schumacher. FS2002+FS2004 versions had more than 10'000 downloads Freeware by Werner Schott. 508K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Boeing 737 V Speeds Calculator 4.0.
0.34Mb (2053 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 737 V Speeds Calculator 4.0. New version includes takeoff and landing speed data for the entire 737 family. Installer included. By Nikola Jovanovic. Size 400KB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Douglas DC3 Flight Guide
1.34Mb (1749 downloads)
FS* Douglas DC3 Flight Guide. This PDF document covers flight operation of the DC-3. Compiled by J.R. Zubieta. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
47.84Mb (1864 downloads)
Simulated ATC Manual. Simulated online Air Traffic Control (ATC) service is one of the final frontiers for the flight simulation community. Nearing the age of 50 I have been involved with flight simulation since its inception and have enjoyed it immensely through the years but ATC simulation, although tried in many forms, has yet to be seen at its full potential in my humble opinion. Many of those that have artificially simulated ATC through programs such as Radar Contact by JDT LLC have brought us a much improved ATC system to flight simulator but primarily in the single player environment. The multiplayer environment is severely limited to only a few dedicated ATC services on the Internet. Although they have good software tools and provide very realistic environments for simulating flight they do not always provide a complete flight experience from departure to destination due to “holes” in the service from the lack of controllers and their ultra realistic environment tends to be very intimidating to those less skilled. The holes in their service are caused by the methodology applied to providing ATC service, one controller, and one position in a specific area. This manual covers every aspect of online ATC play using only a few software resources available today coupled with some innovative methods to provide the best flight experience possible suited for all ages and skills..By Iven L. Ellis. 49MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Howard 500
0.52Mb (778 downloads)
FSX Manual/Checklist Howard 500. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". Based on the "Howard 500" aircraft and panel by Milton Shupe, Joao Paz and Scott Thomas. FS2004 version had more than 4'000 downloads. By Werner Schott. 528K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Default Maule M7-260C Orion
0.47Mb (1436 downloads)
FSX Manual/Checklist Default Maule M7-260C Orion. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". By Werner Schott. 483K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
0.71Mb (447 downloads)
FS2004 Default King Air Manual in German. This manual tells FS Beginners to fly the Beechcraft King Air fom Microsoft with Visual Flight rules. It´s written in German, but I hope that there are a few users wich are able to understand it. A panel guide is also included. Patrick Taglinger. 729K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  Manual/Checklist Default Boeing 747-400.
1.30Mb (4801 downloads)
FSX Manual/Checklist Default Boeing 747-400. In PDF-format as a booklet. From "cold" - Pre Start - Startup - Before Taxi - Taxi - Before Takeoff - Takeoff - Climb Out - Cruise - Descent - Approach - Landing - Taxi To Ramp - Shutdown - Securing Aircraft - to "cold". FS2002+FS2004 versions had more than 13'000 downloads. By Werner Schott. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive