FS Concept Aircraft > FS Concept Aircraft > Page 5
6.40Mb (12089 downloads)
Falcon Twin Turbine Concept Helicopter.
Ultra high end biz helo designed for the executive market. Have
you ever wondered what a business helo would look like years
from now, and what features it would incorporate? This is a
concept I have been working on for some time now. In theory,
it is designed with a double rotor mounting system to negate
rotor 'hop'. Also featured is the incorporation of furniture
within the cabin including two walls for seperate meeting rooms
as well as the cockpit in front. This is designed to be the
Lear Jet of Helo's, the best you could buy, a jet you can land
on a building and have the creature comforts of a top of the
line biz-jet. This model features opening doors, dynamic shine
and reflection textures in 3 colors, retracting landing gear.
When you open the doors, the inner doors open also. Modeled
in Gmax by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations. 6.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
7.85Mb (7507 downloads)
Seruphum Delta Wing 4 Engined Concept Jet. Four engined
version of the Seruphum delta wing concept jet, number 3 in
the series of platforms. This is a very radical design that
features a blended lifing body with delta wings for low speed
approaches. The interior has been revamped to the Ultra Luxury
package sporting details like a sofa, tables, back room, laptops,
coffee mugs, etc. The turbines have been upgraded and tuned
to military specifications giving this jet speeds of 1.4 Mach
plus at high altitude. This model features retracting landing
gear, steering nose gear, dynamic/reflective shine, working
elevons, spoilerons and airbrakes, retracting skystair, retracting
rear ramp, working suspension, a custom panel and a virtual
cockpit. The panel features a window in the lower front nose
area for high angle STOL approaches. This thing is wild....
Modeled in Gmax and features 7 textures including red, blue,
and camouflage. By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
6.59Mb (18866 downloads)
Seruphum Delta Wing Concept Jet.
This is a very radical creation that features a blended lifing
body with delta wings for low speed approaches. If you like
new and diffrent things, this is it. This model features retracting
landing gear, steering nose gear, dynamic/reflective shine,
working elevons, spoilerons and airbrakes, retracting skystair,
retracting rear loading ramp, working suspension, custom panel
and a virtual cockpit. The panel features a window in the lower
front nose area for high angle STOL approaches. Modeled in Gmax
and features 6 textures including red, blue, and camouflaged.
By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations. 6.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
2.73Mb (2451 downloads)
Rilo Aeronautics Small Field Transport (Concept),
for those out of the Way places.All working surfaces,opening
doors and engine bay. Designed by Ric Lopez. 2.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
8.07Mb (5105 downloads)
Seruphum Turboprop multi platform delta wing concept aircraft.
This model features retracting landing gear, steering nose gear,
dynamic/reflective shine, working elevons, spoilerons and airbrakes,
retracting skystair, retracting rear loading ramp, working suspension,
custom panel and a virtual cockpit. The panel features a window
in the lower front nose area for high angle STOL approaches.
This is another of my concept planes and utilizes composite
technologies for beautiful seemless blended lifting body dynamics
with delta wings for low speed approaches. This is the turboprop
version. Modeled in Gmax and features 6 textures. By William
Ortis. 8.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

1.84Mb (2477 downloads)
-- Aeroworks ARX-5 Competition Refit. The ARX-5 (Concept
5) is a single seat aerobatic concept aircraft built around
the 750hp Orenda V-8 aircraft engine. This FSDS2 model contains
animations, reflections, and a full dynamic virutal cockpit.
Although it is not a real aircraft it does have several real-world
components such as the Sierra Flight Systems EFIS display, and
the new Hartzell "scimitar" swept blade propeller. Aircraft,
effects, and panel by Jason L. Terry. 1.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

5.49Mb (5778 downloads)
Aircraft Ampjet Amphibious Jet Beta
By John Fay Beta version of a new style Amphibious jet. This
release is to gain user feedback for improvemants. Look in Readme
for contact info. Features include a fully functional DVC, all
moving control surfaces, Working reverse thrusters, visible
heat exhaust,working gear suspension, opening passenger and
cargo doors,rolling wheels,stearable nose wheel, working water
rudders, plus much more. 2002 John Fay. 5.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
0.70Mb (1576 downloads)
Chris-craft Amphibian.This is my first attempt with GMAX.
If you're looking for a new flying challenge, you'll find it
behind the controls of the Chris-craft Amphibian. The Amphibian
is the fastest double-engine floatplane currently manufactured
and is a versatile aircraft for both passenger and cargo operations.
The floats on the Amphibian contain make it possible to land
anywhere, water or land.Fun amphibian with lot of power and
assorted gauges. Extend outriggers with "shift W" Chris Bowers.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.52Mb (1932 downloads)
RJ100 for FS2000 / FS2002. Fictitious 3 story airliner.
By Che Ridland. 540K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive

0.44Mb (1235 downloads)
Prop in Red + White, Version 1.1 for FS2000 With moving
parts, panel and virtual cockpit. September, 2001 By K.Johnson
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive