FS Navigation > Page 34

22.53Mb (303 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 2, 2011 17:10 by Sean Morrissey

25.93Mb (391 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced
and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them,
whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for
you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim.
These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts,
but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart
also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial
series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 2, 2011 16:10 by Sean Morrissey

29.43Mb (158 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Sean Morrissey

25.32Mb (307 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Sean Morrissey

24.55Mb (253 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Sean Morrissey

25.12Mb (154 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Sean Morrissey

26.76Mb (138 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted May 1, 2011 11:50 by Sean Morrissey

3.10Mb (743 downloads)
For use in any flight simulator. Part 5 of the tutorial for navigation in ANY real-world-based sim, using real aeronautical charts and only ground-based navaids, or none at all. It will work with any sim, because the program is not run on your computer- it's run between your ears!
Those interested in learning to navigate this way will also want to download my complete set of real US sectionals ("realvfrcharts"), converted to pdf form for use in kneeboard viewers or on a separate display.
In this part, we will plan and fly a straight-line flight with no prior wind and cloud information, other than conditions at the departure airport... but ground-based navaids will be used. In part 6, we will plan and fly a long-range flight over water, in the dark.
Posted Apr 30, 2011 21:01 by Sean Morrissey

25.96Mb (190 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted Apr 29, 2011 17:52 by Sean Morrissey

24.38Mb (178 downloads)
Hi-def scans of real VFR aeronautical United States charts, as available for download from the FAA, reduced and formatted in pdf form by me for use with flight sims. Display them in a kneeboard utility,print them, whatever...I like to use fragments of them to make pdfs for different flights, but that is only one way.
If you want to "get real" about navigating in the sim the way it's done in real life, these charts are for you. But you might also just enjoy wandering around, comparing the chart to the world depicted in the sim. These charts will most likely be outdated by the time you use them, or your sim may even pre-date the charts, but they should work well enough.
A basic guide for interpreting them is included, as well as tips on how to measure and mark them. Each chart also includes a handy chart legend, a map showing what region it covers, and airspace and frequency information.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use them for navigation, be sure to check out my multi-part tutorial series "Compass, Clock, and Chart", available here at simviation.com.
Posted Apr 29, 2011 16:52 by Sean Morrissey