2.05Mb (2135 downloads)
v 3 is a little FREEWARE tool made for MS Flight Simulator
98 and MS Flight Simulator 2000. It is the ultimate addon
installer and manager for FS98 and FS2000. FlightZip extracts
ZIP files containing aircraft, panel, sound, adventure and
scenery for FS98/2000, and install the files into the correct
directories. You are able to install ZIP files using the program
it selves or just by right-click at any ZIP file you would
like and choose FlightZip from the popup menu. In addition
FlightZip allows you to easily assign panels and sound to
the aircraft installed. 2MB
2000 Update to Version 3.1 *************** WHAT IS
NEW IN V3.1? · The adventure installation does now work properly
· FlightZip reads the FS path for the register. This caused
a problem for some of you. The problem is fixed. 128K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

1.47Mb (1286 downloads)
Organiser Utility Version 1.1 Much improved second version
of a utility that allows you to move 'Aircraft' folders between
the Flight Simulator Aircraft folder and an archive folder.
Helps the user sort, manage, and group their aircraft. Version
1.1 contains many improvements and new features, including online
help. Works with FS98 and FS2000. Some users have reported that
it works with CFS as well. By Jason Cunningham. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

0.02Mb (584 downloads)
A quick and easy app to view your current time against: 1.....Greenwich
Mean Time 2.....A city of your choice Simple to run, it requires
VB6 runtimes(you probably have them - but here
if required). This program is freeware, and can be used and
modified in any way you see fit. Darren Cannon. 19K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive
5.39Mb (876 downloads)
- Minimum Sound Package for ACSAGSFP version 2.X.X This
package contain the minimum sound files, required to fly an
ACSAGSFP 2.X.X compiled adventure. The included batch file will
build all required sound structure automatically from this set
of sound file. But this configuration will feature only one
controller voice and no distinctive ATC per center type (all
ATC are built from a set of 80 files in all). Installation instructions
included. Author: Alain Capt / ACSoft Productions. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive
0.56Mb (383 downloads)
- Adventure Generator for Super Flight Planner - VERSION 2.0.3.
Full dialogs, including pilot voice. Can handle up to 8 controller
voices and specific ATC messages for each center type (ground,
tower etc...), with 100 ATC messages per frequency. 3 approach
patterns, according to your airport incoming heading and the
heading of the landing runway. Full controlled descent, including
"expedite descent" and "Make three-sixty" if you come out of
descent profile. Support SID/STAR, copilot feature to set instruments
automatically, in flight commands to request upper or lower
flight level. Meteo feature for both FS2000 and FS98 and more.
Require: sound package: ACSAGSND.ZIP Super Flight Planner version
2.5 or over Author: Alain Capt / ACSoft Productions. 573K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

0.28Mb (365 downloads)
Calculator for B737-400. Not related to any Sim. Can
be used for any purpose. Author: Peter J. Faase. 288K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

0.06Mb (360 downloads)
Flight Data Recorder, FLTREC.DLL, is a FREEWARE add-on
module for use with Microsoft(R) Flight Simulator(tm) 95 (FS95)
and 98 (FS98) and 2000 (FS2000). The Flight Data Recorder saves
your aircraft's flight data to a file as you fly. After your
flight, you can analyze the flight data file to see how well
you performed. This new version is compatible with FSUIPC, has
an improoved user interface, has access to all PANEL SDK variables
and can output data in XML. by Ignacio Hernandez-Ros (Originally
by Adam Szofran modified with permission for FS2000). 65K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

5.28Mb (216 downloads)
Airport Facility Directory is a small database application
containing default FS98 airport data. (May be used with FS2K
as well). Browse or search the database for airport and runway
information. Runs in system tray for easy access - especially
when flying. Option to start application when Windows starts.
Complete HTML Help file included (may be opened through application
or alone). By Joseph M. Lovell. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive
0.79Mb (238 downloads)
Runway-Database for EFIS98 Brand new and complete RWY-Database
for EFIS98-User. Over 50000 runways and over 2800 ILS. Based
on standard-scenery of FS2000. For further downloads, look at:
http://members.chello.at/richard.stefan August 2000. By Richard
Stefan. 809K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive

4.08Mb (381 downloads)
Aiports - Default Airports Database. FS98Airports is
a database application that lets you browse, search, list through
the FS98 Default Scenery Airports. The application lets you
search the database by any field. It also lets you list the
database contents, sorting and column dragging by simple clicking
etc. Comes with extensive on-line help. Help document is also
provided in Word and HTML format. Latest VB6 runtime and latest
versions of some Windows components are required. All the required
files are included in the setup program. It does not interfere
with the Windows registry or the FS98 settings in anyway. For
more info visit the FS98Airports web page. It can be found at
http://www.islam.clara.net/fs98.htm. By Aziz Islam. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:20 by archive