FSX > Civil Jets > Page 288

13.34Mb (2552 downloads)
Vers 1.2 FSX native update ( included the first patch )
required the installation of Falcon50fsx.v.1.2native.zip
New in version 1.2 update
Model:new model files that correct the backwing texture and changed some reflectiv effects .
( alternate model file with default reflectiv settings)
Textures:added some needed textures
Aicraft.cfg:correct the contact points and added an new example repaint,
new logolight entry
Sound:new three engine sound
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 20, 2016 07:11 by Bluebear

65.30Mb (1762 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Sky Airlines Package with enhanced VC.
Sky Airlines is Chile's 2nd airline after LATAM and based in Santiago. Currently Sky fly Airbus and do not fly the 737-800 but the future? You never know!
Model by Project Opensky.
With advanced 737-800 VC added.
The wonderful Boeing 737-800 from Project Opensky will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model.
The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism.
I have added the beautiful textures by Evren Yaglikci.
Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. Edited contact points to correct wheels on concrete.
See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Assembled and prepared for FSX and P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 19, 2016 12:37 by chris evans

13.92Mb (875 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Lear 45 from
FS9. The textures are by Jeff Smith and
Tyler Smith. The textures are used so there
is no conflict, in the sim, or in your mind,
which one you are using. I have added the
rest of the wheels, and updated the flight
Posted Nov 18, 2016 12:20 by Bob Chicilo

74.16Mb (5223 downloads)
CRJ-200 by IRIS Simulations given in the Easter 2013 package. Compiled by Cayden Smith. VC included. Liveries include US Airways Express, American Eagle (New), American Eagle (Old), Air Canada Jazz, Delta Connection, United Express, SkyWest, and SkyWest (30th Anniversary). Credits to ALL authors of these liveries.
Posted Nov 18, 2016 09:00 by Cayden Smith

35.18Mb (2156 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Singapore Cargo Package. Sinapore Cargo Airlines is a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines and currently (2016) operates a fleet of 9 Boeing 747-400F cargo aircraft flying worldwide.
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400F assembled and upgraded for FSX/P3D with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility. In P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument panel - Posky Utility), opening nose section and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the great textures by Abdullah Rahman.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled, edited and tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 18, 2016 09:00 by chris evans

58.37Mb (4224 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A340-600 Etihad 'Formula 1' Package.
UAE airline, Etihad, currently operate 7 Airbus A340-600 aircraft.
Model by Thomas Ruth. Added Garret Smiths FMC, enhanced Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Added the great textures by Mario Monfrecola and internal textures by Enrique Cornejo and custom CFM soundpack. Added correct jetway configs. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 17, 2016 09:23 by chris evans

180.22Mb (6216 downloads)
This is a repackage of the TDS Boeing 787-900 aircraft in various textures, including Roll Out Colour, TUI, Norwegian, United, Etihad and Virgin. Includes the Alejandro Rojas Lucenda VC. All credits go to the original authors.
Posted Nov 16, 2016 07:47 by Algenon

15.17Mb (1173 downloads)
This is a repaint for the Airbus A319 of ProjectAirbus with CFM56-engines. Basefile is "Airbus A319 Multi-Livery Mega-Package"
It is my first upload, please send me a email to give me a feedback.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2016 15:57 by Mister Swisstextures

60.16Mb (7745 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A340-300 Lufthansa package.
The A340-300 will typically carry 295 passengers and has a range of 6700miles/12400km. As of 2016, Lufthansa are operating 18 Airbus A340-300.
Model by Thomas Ruth. Added Garret Smiths FMC, enhanced Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. I included the great textures by Janne Justi, internal textures by Enrique Cornejo and custom CFM soundpack. Added correct jetway configs. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled for FSX/P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 15, 2016 05:36 by chris evans

26.09Mb (2557 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-700 Shandong Airlines package.
Shandong is a modern Chinese airline owned by Air China. Currently (2016) Shandong operates a fleet of around 100 aircraft of which 2 are CRJ-700.
Model by Project Opensky with VC. Upgraded VC by Robert Taylor, includes HUD, GPWS, better VC textures. I have and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views) and revised MFD. High quality model with opening doors and stairs.
All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project Opensky team. Thanks to Nick Botamer for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 14, 2016 02:59 by chris evans