0.00Mb (3852 downloads)
GPS accidentally ommitted for the Airbus Upgraded cockpit. Here is fix. Tested with PA Airbus A319 and A320!
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required file
Posted Oct 23, 2012 15:26 by Amar

23.55Mb (9471 downloads)
Upgraded VC for Airbus. -NEW PFD(almost same as in real Airbus)
-Navigation Display is realistic
-New ECAM displays
-Auto Brakes added and working
-Cockpit Textures. Works with the Project Airbus A320 family and the FSX default A321. Not tested with Thomas Ruth A330 and A340 nor PA A380. Go to zip preview for more info. [As always with these things - back up your originals in case you want to go back!]
Posted Oct 17, 2012 16:15 by Amar

7.47Mb (1063 downloads)
I updated the panel config file for the Samdim Tu-124 keeping it 90 percent origional. this is a 2D panel only, No VC. Can be used for either the Tu-104 or Tu-124.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 15, 2012 01:12 by Michael E. Roberts

1.48Mb (1074 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for all versions of Yannick Lavigne-Fred Banting-Rob Young's Robin DR400. Larger sightseeing/landing panel and specific minipanel included. Adapted pop-up GPS and console.
2d panel only (not VC).
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 9, 2012 16:27 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.01Mb (382 downloads)
Ball gauge missing in the first upload. Sorry about that. Here it is.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 6, 2012 03:35 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.42Mb (797 downloads)
Comprehensive FSX widescreen 2D panel for Robert Christopher's wonderful Lancair Legacy + simpler, FSX compatible VC, both based on Bob's original design + Aircraft.cfg tweaks + new sound.
Upgrades in Version 2.0:
Improved background bmp; Integrated whisky compass; Larger switches for better readability; Take-off and Landing panel; Widescreen Minipanel with Legacy instruments; Radio sim-icon.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 5, 2012 01:24 by Jean-Luc Peters

0.19Mb (879 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for Vit Storch's fantastic AERO Vodochody L-159A ALCA.
Including large HUD-only landing view, and large size pop-up GPS + radio stack.
Original VC unchanged.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 4, 2012 06:01 by Jean-Luc Peters

5.12Mb (540 downloads)
I updated Kazunori Ito's Mil MI-12 Homer 2D and VC panels using Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's An-12Bk and An-26 gauges. Includes both 2D and the working but basic VC panel.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2012 23:27 by Michael E. Roberts

9.99Mb (653 downloads)
Updates for Tim Conrad's Mi-24 A & E helicopter panels using metric gauges from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's An-26.
Posted Sep 28, 2012 04:08 by Michael E. Roberts

3.44Mb (309 downloads)
I updated Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's Mi-26 2D panel with gauges from his An-12Bk and An-26.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 27, 2012 21:59 by Michael E. Roberts