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FSX > Panels > Page 15
FSX Panel and cameras for the  RA-5C Vigilante
FSX Panel and cameras for the  RA-5C Vigilante
1.36Mb (903 downloads)
FSX Panel and cameras for the North American RA-5C Vigilante from Massimo Altieri. The 2D-panel is basing on the original panel but is improved in the details and is matching now to the VC. There is a second pilots panel with a better view for landings and a rear seat panel for the navigator with GPS and radio. The panelconfiguration is prepared for carrier launches using COP ( reqiered for full functions). The camera configuration provides 3 wingman views, 4 external and 3 internal extra views. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 1, 2012 12:57 by Erwin Welker
3.50Mb (753 downloads)
For use with turboprop aircraft that have been outfitted with the default Bombardier CRJ virtual cockpit. Contains a mix of default and 3rd party gauges. Enjoy
Posted Jul 28, 2012 01:33 by Skilaeb Dygsbi
FSND FSX Boeing 747 Upgraded Virtual Cockpit
FSND FSX Boeing 747 Upgraded Virtual Cockpit
17.65Mb (52509 downloads)
FSND FSX Boeing 747 Upgraded Virtual Cockpit. An upgrade to replace the old default FSX Boeing 747-400 virtual cockpit. This revolutionizes your 747 VC! FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches, and more! PDF file illustrated information. (BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL!). FMC by Garrett Smith. GPWS by Rob Barendregt. Original VC Created and produced by: Alejandro Rojas Lucena.
Posted Jul 22, 2012 04:48 by Alejandro Rojas Lucena
Tom Ruth A300-600R Panel Redux
11.45Mb (5713 downloads)
A remastered panel for the Tom Ruth A300-600 aircraft. Can also be used in the Tom Ruth A310 aircraft. Includes callouts and FMC.
Posted Jul 18, 2012 19:55 by Skilaeb Dygsbi
737-800 Black Panel Gauge Updated
737-800 Black Panel Gauge Updated
2.85Mb (5522 downloads)
Changes the default blue of the B737-800 gauges to black. Fixes the backup ADf-VOR and changes the Autopilot and speed brake light colours,(reasons for change in colour back to green = the red lights that were created, didn't fit the Panel correctly) same with speed brake
Posted Jun 1, 2012 12:13 by Fabian Irimiea
Boeing 737-800 Gauge - Black Background v 4
Boeing 737-800 Gauge - Black Background v 4
2.62Mb (3356 downloads)
This is the default FSX Boeing 737-800 gauge recolored to give a black background instead of blue on the instrument screens. Backup your original gauge and simply place this gauge inside the panel folder of your 737 using the default B737_800.CAB.
Posted May 30, 2012 14:04 by kraleks
Boeing 737-800 Gauge - Black Background
2.69Mb (2710 downloads)
This is the default FSX Boeing 737-800 gauge recolored to give a black background instead of blue on the instrument screens. Backup your original gauge and simply place this gauge inside the panel folder of your 737 using the default B737_800.CAB.
Posted May 5, 2012 09:37 by kraleks
Embraer 312 Tucano 2D wide-screen panel.
4.50Mb (941 downloads)
A 2D wide-screen panel for J.E. Narcizo's beautiful Embraer 312 Tucano T-27, based on the Simshed Shorts Tucano panel and gauges, and including an adapted minipanel. No VC. Most probably FS2004 compatible. Will fit to any other EMB Tucano (e.g. J.R. Lucariny's Tucano).
Posted Apr 21, 2012 16:29 by Jean-Luc Peters
Shorts Tucano 2D wide-screen panel.
Shorts Tucano 2D wide-screen panel.
4.49Mb (714 downloads)
A 2D wide-screen RAF panel for the excellent Shimshed Shorts Tucano, based on the Simshed 4:3 panel and the Simshed gauges, and including an adapted minipanel. Original VC by Simshed. Most probably FS2004 compatible.
Posted Apr 21, 2012 12:16 by Jean-Luc Peters
SA Bulldog 2D wide-screen panel
SA Bulldog 2D wide-screen panel
3.08Mb (618 downloads)
A realistic Scottish Aviation Bulldog 2D wide-screen panel (RAF version) for Tim "Piglet" Conrad's FS great rendering + a few tweaks and flying tips.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 20, 2012 05:21 by Jean-Luc Peters