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Cerasim Sikorsky HH-60 Pavehawk USAF Pararescue Textures  Pack for FSX/P3D
58.50Mb (142 downloads)
Here is a repaint pack for the Cerasim UH60L with Jagl04 blackhawk mod. You can use it without the Jagl04 mod but you'll need to modify the aircraft entries. You can find the Jagl04 mod on SOH. Works in FSX and P3D. This paint pack contains a fire fighting variant of the 129th Rescue wing, an Air Force Reserve Command, an unknown Pedro callsign, Pedro 66, Jolly 11, Jolly 12, fire fighting variant of Jolly 91, and fire fighting variant of Jolly 92. Original paints done by Delta.
Posted Feb 8, 2024 18:46 by Delta
FSX Nemeth Designs MD500 Honolulu Police Textures
9.51Mb (42 downloads)
This is a paint of the Honolulu police Department Hughes 500D, Registration N5000N, based in Honolulu Hawaii.
Posted Feb 2, 2024 21:09 by Bruce G Miller
Just Flight Flying Club Piper PA28-161 Warrior II - Norwich Aviation Centre Textures
8.30Mb (163 downloads)
Norwich Aviation centre is Norwich, UK, Airport's most popular flying school, mainly focussed around PPL training. NAC also offer Aircraft Storage, Experience Flights, Instrument Ratings, Night Ratings, and Private Hire. NAC also plan to start MEP, MEIR, FI, CPL, and ATPL courses in the near future. NAC currently has a fleet of 3 Piper Warrior II's (G-BSSC, G-EEGU, and G-SEJW). This package includes liveries for these three aircraft, with G-BNNO as an extra. From what I can tell, BNNO operated under NAC for a while, before moving elsewhere. This package also includes a Garmin G5 avionics overhaul for the aircraft, to become more in-sync with modern aircraft standards. The Virtual Cockpits have been re-textured to resemble those of NAC. This addon requires a copy of the Just Flight Flying Club Piper PA28-161 Warrior II to be installed, or else it won't run. Textures by Dbob, with Garmin G5 gauges by Bob Kellogg.
Posted Feb 2, 2024 12:24 by Dbob
FSX  Nemeth Designs MD500O Kanagan Helicopters Textures
9.85Mb (53 downloads)
This is a paint of Okanagan Helicopters C-GRYU as it appeared back in the 70's.In the 70's Okanagan was one of the largest Companies of the time and operated globally. In the 80's it was absorbed by and became part of Canadian Helicopters.
Posted Feb 1, 2024 03:40 by Bruce G Miller
Fsx Nemeth Designs MD500 Evergreen Helicopters Textures
10.55Mb (55 downloads)
This paint is based on the actual Evergreen Helicopters HUGHES 500D,registration N58424. Evergreen is based out of McMinville, Oregon USA.
Posted Jan 29, 2024 02:21 by Bruce G Miller
Carenado Turbo Commander 690 Airspray Air Attack Pack Textures
225.08Mb (128 downloads)
Original paint scheme by Scorch00 of SATO, he gave me permission to complete the fleet and release them. You will need the payware Carenado 690 for these to work. Completes the Airspray Air Attack / Bird dog airframe.
Posted Jan 27, 2024 16:03 by Delta
FSX/P3D Embraer E195 E2 Porter Airlines textures
10.32Mb (290 downloads)
Porter Airlines is the first (and currently only) carrier in North America to operate the E2 series of Embraer's E-Jets, specifically the E195 E2. This repaint is of C-GKQQ, ship number 908. Repaint for the Virtualcol E195 E2 (Embraer E-Jets E2 Regional Pack)
Posted Jan 19, 2024 08:15 by InDeepSchit
FSX  Nemeth Designs AS350 Ecureuil Evergreen Helicopters Textures
9.45Mb (62 downloads)
This paint is based on the Evergreen Helicopters AS350,registration N352EV.Evergreen is based out of McMinnville, Oregon, USA.
Posted Jan 2, 2024 15:01 by Bruce G Miller
87.43Mb (186 downloads)
Reupload of Cerasim MH-60 US Navy SAR pack. Corrected colors and additional liveries. Total of 21 aircraft repaints in this pack. You will need the Cerasim UH60L payware for these to work.
Posted Dec 23, 2023 09:06 by Delta
UK2000 Norwich XTREME 2023 Texture Upgrade
4.13Mb (76 downloads)
UK2000 Norwich XTREME 2023 Texture Upgrade. Norwich XTREME was released by UK2000 in 2017. In the past 6 years, Norwich International has seen a few changes, while UK2000 has stopped creating FSX scenery updates. This texture update reflects Norwich's changes in the same resolution or higher. The changes are as follows: Flybe Aircraft and signs have been swapped for alternatives, The Air France ATR has been swapped for a Blue Islands ATR, The Bond helicopter hangars have been replaced with Bristow and Air Ambulance hangars, the Premier Flight Training portacabin has an updated logo, the Park & Ride building has been converted to Norwich Aviation Centre, The parked 737 at the end of the closed runway has been changed from Jet2 to Tui, and the PA28s in the General Aviation Parking have been replaced with G-BSSC and G-SEJW (Owned by Norwich Aviation Centre). These modifications should make the scenery more accurate. All texture modifications are by dbob . To install, just drag the contents of each texture folder to its corresponding texture folder in the location that your UK2000 Norwich and Common scenery are installed in. This is an Upgrade for the Payware UK2000 Norwich XTREME scenery package for FSX, not a standalone scenery package. This may work in the FS2004 and P3D versions of the product too.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 22, 2023 11:04 by dbob
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